During the last century, writers as diverse as William Golding, Henry Miller, Lawrence Durrell, Evelyn Waugh, Virginia Woolf, and Laurie Lee, were captivated by Greece. They were joined in their production of travel accounts by hundreds of...
During the last century, writers as diverse as William Golding, Henry Miller, Lawrence Durrell, Evelyn Waugh, Virginia Woolf, and Laurie Lee, were captivated by Greece. They were joined in their production of travel accounts by hundreds of lesser-known au TABLE OF CONTENTS; LIST OF TABLES; FOREWORD; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; INTRODUCTION; CHAPTER ONE; CHAPTER TWO; CHAPTER THREE; CHAPTER FOUR; CHAPTER FIVE; CONCLUSION; APPENDIX A; APPENDIX B; APPENDIX C; NOTES; BIBLIOGRAPHY; INDEX.
Based on the author's thesis (Ph. D.--University of Surrey Roehampton, 2003) presented under the title: Twentieth century travel writing and the classical experience
Includes bibliographical references (p. [143]-158) and index