Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Boston
Essential to Auchincloss's loyal followers and a rare treat for fans of literary history, The Man Behind the Book offers a wealth of delights from the pen of one of the most distinguished, prolific, and entertaining standard-bearers of American...
Essential to Auchincloss's loyal followers and a rare treat for fans of literary history, The Man Behind the Book offers a wealth of delights from the pen of one of the most distinguished, prolific, and entertaining standard-bearers of American letters. Front Matter -- ALSO BY LOUIS AUCHINCLOSS -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Introductory Note -- CYRIL TOURNEUR -- PROSPER MERIMEE -- ANNE BRONTE -- DUMAS fils -- LORD BRYCE -- WALTER PATER -- JOHN WALTER CROSS -- The Two Literary Lives of HENRY JAMES: American and English -- SARAH ORNE JEWETT -- ROBERT GRANT -- THE ABBE MUGNIER -- F. MARION CRAWFORD -- HAROLD FREDERIC -- PAUL HERVIEU -- ROBERT HERRICK -- AMY LOWELL -- I. COMPTON-BURNETT -- ELINOR WYLIE -- HAROLD NICOLSON -- MAXWELL ANDERSON -- S. N. BEHRMAN -- ROBERT E. SHERWOOD -- IRIS ORIGO.