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  1. „Und natürlich darf geschossen werden!“ : politische Lyrik und Linksterrorismus in Deutschland

    In the late 1960s, West Germany was swept over by a wave of student protest. The movement of 1968 hit the country especially hard because the young generation aimed to overcome the Nazi past of their parents once and for all. As their peaceful... mehr


    In the late 1960s, West Germany was swept over by a wave of student protest. The movement of 1968 hit the country especially hard because the young generation aimed to overcome the Nazi past of their parents once and for all. As their peaceful demonstrations did not have any success, some of the leftist activists decided to take violent measures. Among other terrorist groups, the Red Army Fraction was born. This article tries to bring to light, if and how far the political poetry of the German postwar period predicted and legitimized this process.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Politische Literatur; Terrorismus; Achtundsechziger; Rote-Armee-Fraktion



  2. „Tell me something nice“ : der Übersetzerin Flora Fröhlich – eine sentimentale Huldigung

    Omagiul sentimental adus traducătoarei Flora Fröhlich, în casa căreia se întruneau în anii dictaturii comuniste scriitori, traducători, intelectuali din diferite sfere profesionale, studenţi şi elevi, creionează portretul unei personalităţi de... mehr


    Omagiul sentimental adus traducătoarei Flora Fröhlich, în casa căreia se întruneau în anii dictaturii comuniste scriitori, traducători, intelectuali din diferite sfere profesionale, studenţi şi elevi, creionează portretul unei personalităţi de excepţie. Flora Fröhlich a desfăşurat o prodigioasă activitate ca traducătoare din română în limba germană a unor prozatori români contemporani, traducerile ei permiţând cunoaşterea literaturii române de publicul din spaţiul de limbă germană.

    Flora Fröhlich a reuşit să coaguleze în jurul ei intelectuali marcanţi din Sibiu, casa în care locuia devenind un loc de întâlnire şi dezbateri pe teme culturale şi literare. Datorită personalităţii ei, a nivelului intelectual şi a caracterului ei a reuşit să devină formator de opinie, şi să contribuie efectiv la schimbul de idei în perioada regimului

    totalitar. The sentimental homage brought to the translator Flora Fröhlich, in whose house writers, translators, intellectuals from different professional spheres, students and pupils all met during the communist regime, pencils the portrait of an exceptional personality. Flora Fröhlich has carried on a prodigious activity as translator from Romanian into German of some contemporary Romanian prose writers, her translations enabling the German public to find out about Romanian literature.

    Flora Fröhlich managed to gather around her many remarkable intellectuals from Sibiu, the house where she was living becoming thus a meeting place for cultural and literary debates. Thanks to her personality, her intellectual level and her character, she managed to become an opinion maker, and to effectively contribute to the changing of ideas during the period of the totalitarian regime.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  3. „Schilf wächst darüber, Schilf wächst immer darüber“ : heimatliche Donaulandschaften in den deutschsprachigen Literaturen Südosteuropas nach 1945
    Erschienen: 05.08.2020

    Danubeland scapes have been a recurrent topic in the German-language literature of Southeastern Europe, especially in German literature from Romania, which was the only one to survive the end of the Second World War in the Eastern Bloc. They... mehr


    Danubeland scapes have been a recurrent topic in the German-language literature of Southeastern Europe, especially in German literature from Romania, which was the only one to survive the end of the Second World War in the Eastern Bloc. They developed different forms on both-sides of the Iron Curtain. In the West, the Danubeservedas a frame work for the consolidation of a common identity of many disparate groups of former German minorities from Southeastern Europe under the collective name “Danube Swabians”. Additionally, writers from Romania who emi-grated to the West recalled in their works bothwonderful and frightening images of the lower Danube. In Romania, Danube landscapes are to be seen as attempts to negotiate the concept of homeland from a contemporary perspective after its appropriation by the patriotic literature of the court literati. They emergedas a stage for projecting new sensi-tivities: the suffering of isolation, economic misery and environmental pollution. Subversively narrated landscapes also set hidden signs of the memory of the isolated deten-tion camps on the periphery of the country. The transfor-mation of Danube landscapes is analysed by using literary examples after 1945.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  4. „Nichts ist erfunden, alles ist erlebt...“ : Erwin Neustädters "Mensch in der Zelle" als Erlebnisbericht
    Autor*in: Galter, Sunhild

    Erwin Neustädter was a novellist and poet of the German minority in Romania, who published two novels and some poems in the period between the two World Wars. After WW II he has been inprisoned several times. I want to present in my text his report... mehr


    Erwin Neustädter was a novellist and poet of the German minority in Romania, who published two novels and some poems in the period between the two World Wars. After WW II he has been inprisoned several times. I want to present in my text his report about the time in prison between 1961 and 1963. The typoscript of about 200 pages has been found after his and his wife’s death in 1995 and has been published by the family in 2015. I want to present this book to a larger audience, because it is an authentic report on the situation during the 1950s and 1960s in communist Romania, which doesn’t focus on the political aspects of detention but on the psychological ones.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  5. „Musen in Mülltonnen, Schutzengel auf dem Flohmarkt“ : Franz Hodjaks neue Gedichte zwischen Desillusionierung und Melancholie

    The poetic oeuvre of Franz Hodjak takes an intermediate position between modernism and postmodernism. While his early works show the influence of German modernist poetry (Georg Trakl, Bertolt Brecht), the poems of his last volume, entitled Die... mehr


    The poetic oeuvre of Franz Hodjak takes an intermediate position between modernism and postmodernism. While his early works show the influence of German modernist poetry (Georg Trakl, Bertolt Brecht), the poems of his last volume, entitled Die Faszination eines Tages, den es nicht gibt (2008), show most clearly the approach to postmodernism. The ironic, sarcastic tone, the robust and acrobatic language as well as the rebellion against all conventional poetical structures are amplified in these poems. Besides ontological questions regarding identity, the borderline status between two worlds – neither of them a home –, also the banalities of everyday life are treated sometimes in an elated tone, sometimes almost parodied.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)

