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  1. Komparatistik online 2018: Adaptation as cultural translation
    Erschienen: 10.01.2019

    The discipline of adaptation studies has come a long way from its academic inception in novel-to-film studies. Since George Bluestone's seminal 1957 study Novels into Film, often regarded as the starting point of modern day Anglo-American adaptation... mehr


    The discipline of adaptation studies has come a long way from its academic inception in novel-to-film studies. Since George Bluestone's seminal 1957 study Novels into Film, often regarded as the starting point of modern day Anglo-American adaptation studies, the discipline has seen a continual widening of its methodology as well as of the material scholars are willing to regard as adaptations. Particularly since the turn of the 21st century and the increasing institutionalization of the discipline as distinct from literary or film studies, adaptation scholars have widened the scope to include a broad range of media, encompassing not only the traditional adaptations from novels and drama into film, but also novelizations of various other media, video game and comic adaptations, TV series, opera, theme parks and tie in vacations, and many more. Others have included the study of media franchises as dependent on adaptation. As part of this redefinition of the discipline, scholars have also widened their discussion to bring to the centre aspects that were not originally the main focus of adaptation researchers' comparative textual analyses, including industrial structures, legal frameworks, and, most frequently and emphatically, questions of intertextuality and the cultural and ideological embeddedness of adapted texts.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teile des Periodikums; Teile des Periodikums
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Schlagworte: Adaption <Literatur>; Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft



  2. Utopia? Some thoughts on Europe in the performing arts : conference report
    Autor*in: Leon, Anna
    Erschienen: 26.02.2020

    The title of the conference that took place in the Dance Studies department of the University of Salzburg on January 23rd and 24th - Post-utopia and Europe in the performing arts - was an invitation to grapple not only with the subject matter... mehr


    The title of the conference that took place in the Dance Studies department of the University of Salzburg on January 23rd and 24th - Post-utopia and Europe in the performing arts - was an invitation to grapple not only with the subject matter announced, but also with the very conception of its terms. The interdisciplinary contributions to the conference - from dance studies, musicology, literature, cultural policy and film studies - presented a multifaceted range of ideas both about Europe and European-ness and about (post-)utopia, pushing and pulling the notions in a tense field of reflection.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teile des Periodikums; Teile des Periodikums
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Freizeitgestaltung, darstellende Künste, Sport (790); Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: Figurationen des Übergangs
    Schlagworte: Darstellende Kunst; Europa; Utopie; Anti-Utopie; Tanz; Tanzwissenschaft



  3. The idea of "modern art" in Renaissance Italy : essay
    Autor*in: Brennan, Robert
    Erschienen: 16.03.2021

    The Italian Renaissance has long been studied as a point of origin for "modern" ideas about art. This approach, which can be traced back to figures like Giorgio Vasari and Jacob Burckhardt, remains central in scholarship on Renaissance art to this... mehr


    The Italian Renaissance has long been studied as a point of origin for "modern" ideas about art. This approach, which can be traced back to figures like Giorgio Vasari and Jacob Burckhardt, remains central in scholarship on Renaissance art to this day. For example, on the first page of a recent textbook on Italian Renaissance art, Stephen Campbell and Michael Cole begin by laying out two contrary views of the period. To Renaissance writers like Lorenzo Ghiberti, they explain, the Renaissance meant the rebirth of classical antiquity; "to others, however, it has seemed that the importance of Italian art after about 1400 lay not in its return to origins but in the emergence of something entirely new and characteristically modern - the idea of art itself." [...] While this outlook has certainly made a lasting contribution to Renaissance art history, it has also given rise to certain blind spots and misconceptions in the field. For example, it is often assumed that the word "art" underwent a radical change of meaning in the Renaissance, anticipating the later, post-Enlightenment notion of the "fine arts" as an autonomous field of creative activity. However, close readings of period texts often suggest the opposite.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teile des Periodikums; Teile des Periodikums
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Künste; Bildende und angewandte Kunst (700); Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: Figurationen des Übergangs
    Schlagworte: Kunst; Renaissance; Italien



  4. "Art and defects" in the eye of a beholder : conference report
    Autor*in: Muilwijk, Bob
    Erschienen: 13.01.2021

    The conference "Kunst und Gebrechen" ("Art and Defects"), which was scheduled from March 19th to March 21st and then postponed due to Covid-19, finally took place from November 5th through to November 7th. [...] The conference had a clear... mehr


    The conference "Kunst und Gebrechen" ("Art and Defects"), which was scheduled from March 19th to March 21st and then postponed due to Covid-19, finally took place from November 5th through to November 7th. [...] The conference had a clear biographical focus: Most of the fourteen presentations sought to disentangle the influence any clear "defects" artists might have had on their work or their reception. Of course, this already poses a problem that many of the speakers addressed: the idea of "defects" presupposes a teleological norm, be it physical, mental or concerning age or gender, from which it is possible to deviate. A defect is a defect first and foremost in the eye of the beholder and, as Manfred Kern mentioned in his introduction, it can be seen not just as an impediment, but as a catalyst for artistic expression, too.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teile des Periodikums; Teile des Periodikums
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Künste; Bildende und angewandte Kunst (700); Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: Figurationen des Übergangs
    Schlagworte: Kunst; Kreativität; Disability Studies; Krankheit; Darstellende Kunst; Musik



  5. Apocalypse and politics : their interaction in transitional communities
    Autor*in: Taubes, Jacob
    Erschienen: 22.11.2017

    Das undatierte englischsprachige Manuskript von "Apocalypse and Politics" von Jacob Taubes (1923-1987) stammt vermutlich aus den späten 1960er Jahren. In diesem in seiner Originalfassung im ZfL Blog erstmals veröffentlichten Text stellt der Berliner... mehr


    Das undatierte englischsprachige Manuskript von "Apocalypse and Politics" von Jacob Taubes (1923-1987) stammt vermutlich aus den späten 1960er Jahren. In diesem in seiner Originalfassung im ZfL Blog erstmals veröffentlichten Text stellt der Berliner Religionsphilosoph Überlegungen zur Vergleichbarkeit messianischer Kulte und der Entwicklung nationalistischer Befreiungsbewegungen in Afrika und Asien an und plädiert dabei für einen religionssoziologischen Ansatz.


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