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  1. The phonetic gender score of German first names and pet names : gendered first names versus de-gendered pet names
    Erschienen: 04.09.2018

    In German, female and male first names are strictly segregated: there are two big inventories with the only purpose to separate women and men. Unisex names are extremely seldom. If they are chosen, they have to be followed by a sex-specific middle... mehr


    In German, female and male first names are strictly segregated: there are two big inventories with the only purpose to separate women and men. Unisex names are extremely seldom. If they are chosen, they have to be followed by a sex-specific middle name (e.g. Kim Uwe, Kim Annette). If we look at the phonological components of first names, i.e. at their sounds, we can state that male and female names became more similar over the last decades. Whereas in the 1950's, typical first names such as Katharina and Rolf diverged considering their phonic inventory considerably, today, many girls are named Leah and Lara and many boys Noah and Luca. These names share nearly the same sounds, they consist of two syllables and are stressed on the first one. If we look behind the scenes, it becomes clear that the officially required onomastic separation of the two sexes is undermined. In this paper, I will present a socalled phonetic gender score for German first names for the first time (see also Schmidt-Jüngst in this volume). It allows for measuring a degree of femaleness and maleness of names. In a second step, it will be asked whether unofficial names such as pet names, which are not obliged to mark sex also tend to be gendered or if they disobey the gender barrier. It will be shown that the most intimate names are not interested in stressing the denoted person's sex. In contrast to first names, pet names tend to be maximally de-gendered.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); Teil eines Buches (Kapitel)
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Linguistik (410); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Rufname; Geschlechterforschung; Soziolinguistik; Namenkunde; Vorname; Phonologie



  2. From Christel to Christina, from Klaus to Nico : a diachronic study of German first names (1945-2010) and their shift towards the syllable language type
    Erschienen: 04.09.2018

    German underwent a typological change from a syllable language in Old High German towards a word language today (Szczepaniak 2007). Proper names followed this development until the last century (cf. Christel, Gertrud, Klaus, Wolfgang). Some of the... mehr


    German underwent a typological change from a syllable language in Old High German towards a word language today (Szczepaniak 2007). Proper names followed this development until the last century (cf. Christel, Gertrud, Klaus, Wolfgang). Some of the most popular German first names from 2010, however, such as Mia, Lea, Leon, Noah, show completely different structures compared to common nouns. In sharp contrast to common nouns, first names dispose of CV-structures, full vowels in unstressed syllables and different accent positions. Thus, there must have been a deep-rooted onomastic change. The most frequent baby names of 1945 were still in harmony with the usual word structures. This article shows that the decrease of transgenerational transmission of first names led to a departure fom native phonological structures. The following factors are analyzed: the number of syllables; accent position; and the number of consonant clusters, hiatuses, schwa and unstressed full vowels. It will be demonstrated that the phonological distance between first names (particularly female names) and common nouns has increased over time and that there is an increasing tendency for names to contain syllable language structures. Thus, a typological difference developed between these two nominal classes. The reason behind this change can be found in the individualizing function of proper names and social individualization over time.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); Teil eines Buches (Kapitel)
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Linguistik (410); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Vorname; Namengebung; Sprachwandel; Silbe; Phonologie



  3. Assessing intercultural competence in language teacher education

    This paper investigates the concept(s) of intercultural competence held by undergraduate students from teacher education courses in English and German languages. To this end, first and fourth year undergraduates of English and German from a federal... mehr


    This paper investigates the concept(s) of intercultural competence held by undergraduate students from teacher education courses in English and German languages. To this end, first and fourth year undergraduates of English and German from a federal university in Rio de Janeiro answered two versions of a questionnaire designed to lead students to inductively formulate what they understood as intercultural competence and how they would help their future students develop this competence. Responses were submitted to content analysis and the four groups were compared. Results show that students of English and German who participated in this study hold different perspectives on intercultural competence and one of the reasons for that may be attributed to their educational background O presente artigo investiga o(s) conceito(s) de competência intercultural de alunos de graduação de cursos de formação de professores em inglês e alemão. Nesse sentido, graduandos do primeiro e quarto ano de inglês e alemão de uma universidade federal do Rio de Janeiro responderam a duas versões de um questionário construído de tal forma que permitisse aos alunos formular indutivamente o que eles entendiam como competência intercultural e como eles poderiam auxiliar seus futuros alunos a desenvolver esta competência. As respostas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo e os quatro grupos foram comparados. Os resultados mostram que os graduandos de inglês e alemão que participaram desta pesquisa apresentam perspectivas diversas sobre competência intercultural. Uma das razões pode ser atribuída à sua formação educacional.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bildung und Erziehung (370); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Interkulturelles Lernen; Lehrerbildung; Brasilien; Student; Spracherwerb; Fremdsprachenlernen; Sprachkompetenz



  4. The transfer of cultural values : from Walter Scott to Waugh and Jünger
    Erschienen: 17.01.2018

    The point of my explanation is simply that in its "deep-structure" even 'A Handful of Dust' (and 'a fortiori', as we shall see, other novels by Waugh) attaches itself to the mode of the historical novel, which is only in a very qualified way the... mehr


    The point of my explanation is simply that in its "deep-structure" even 'A Handful of Dust' (and 'a fortiori', as we shall see, other novels by Waugh) attaches itself to the mode of the historical novel, which is only in a very qualified way the descendant of the epic, as Lukacs would have us believe.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: Synchron. Wissenschaftsverlag der Autoren
    Schlagworte: Scott, Walter; Jünger, Ernst; Waugh, Evelyn; Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft



  5. Found in (Mis)translation, or the Magic of Foreign Words
    Erschienen: 04.09.2018

    Cet article examine le rôle souvent occulté et pourtant essentiel de la traduction comme source d'innovation et de créativité dans l'histoire littéraire et la théorie. Il s'appuie sur plusieurs exemples allant du fameux épisode de la création d'Ève à... mehr


    Cet article examine le rôle souvent occulté et pourtant essentiel de la traduction comme source d'innovation et de créativité dans l'histoire littéraire et la théorie. Il s'appuie sur plusieurs exemples allant du fameux épisode de la création d'Ève à partir de la "côte d'Adam" dans la Bible de Jérôme, basée sur la traduction fautive du mot hébreu "qaran" en latin et reflétant le biais patriarcal de Jérôme, à la traduction, tronquée du Deuxième Sexe de Simone de Beauvoir (1946) par le zoologiste retraité Howard M. Parshley qui allait néanmoins inspirer des études marquantes de la seconde vague féministe américaine telles que "The Feminine Mystique" (1963) de Betty Friedan et "Sexual Politics" (1970) de Kate Millett. L'exemple le plus développé retrace l'interaction productive de la traduction et de la réécriture dans la fiction d'Angela Carter, de "The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault" (1977) jusqu'à ses célèbres "stories about fairy stories" recueillies dans "The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories" (1979) et "American Ghosts and Old World Wonders" (1992). Je propose de lire les variations de Carter sur "Aschenputtel" dans "Ashputtle or The Mother's Ghost" comme un correctif à sa traduction de la morale de "Cendrillon ou la Petite Pantoufle de Verre" de Perrault. La poétique traductive (translational poetics) de Carter démontre ainsi l'impact crucial de la traduction – y compris des erreurs – sur la démarche de l'écrivain, qui associe la (re)lecture créative inhérente à l'activité de traduction au travail de (ré)écriture jusqu'à en faire la matrice à partir de laquelle elle a élaboré son oeuvre singulière.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); Teil eines Buches (Kapitel)
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1249-2
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft; Übersetzung; Literarische Übersetzung; Fehler; Carter, Angela

