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  1. Hugo von Hofmannsthals "Der Schwierige" und "eine brechtsche Maxime: Nicht an das gute Alte anknüpfen, sondern an das schlechte Neue" Hugo von Hofmannsthal's "Der Schwierige" and "a Brechtian Maxim: Don't Start From the Good Old Things But the Bad New Ones"
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Der Schwierige von Hugo von Hofmannsthal reflektiert die Lage, die dem Niedergang der Habsburger Monarchie parallel verläuft. Gleichzeitig ironisiert das Lustspiel eine Gesellschaft, die von den Krisen der Moderne geprägt ist und infolge dieser deren... mehr


    Der Schwierige von Hugo von Hofmannsthal reflektiert die Lage, die dem Niedergang der Habsburger Monarchie parallel verläuft. Gleichzeitig ironisiert das Lustspiel eine Gesellschaft, die von den Krisen der Moderne geprägt ist und infolge dieser deren bisher bestehende Form sich auflöst. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird das Argument stark gemacht, dass Der Schwierige in einer krisenhaften Phase auf alte gesellschaftliche Normen und Werte zu verweisen sucht und dass dieser Verweis eine nostalgische Haltung repräsentiert. "Der Schwierige" stellt im Sinne einer kulturellen Restaurierung eine Beschönigung althergebrachter Lebensformen dar, die der Ungewissheit des Jetzt gegenübergestellt wird. Hugo von Hofmannsthal's Der Schwierige reflects the situation that runs parallel to the decline of the Habsburg Monarchy. At the same time, the comedy ironizes a society which is shaped by the crises of the modernity and of which the previously existing form is more and more dissolving. The present study aims to show that Hofmannsthal's play Der Schwierige refers to old social norms and values during a social crisis period and that this reference represents a nostalgic attitude. In the sense of a cultural restoration, "Der Schwierige" represents a glossing over of traditional ways of life, which stands in contrast to the uncertainty of the now.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Hofmannsthal, Hugo von; Der Schwierige; Moderne; Österreichische Literatur; Weltkrieg <1914-1918>



  2. Alman Gençlik Romanlarında "Siber Zorbalık" Konusunun Kurgulanışı Üzerine An Outlook on the Fiction of "Cyberbullying" in German Youth Novels
    Autor*in: Atik, Oktay
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Günümüz genç nesli bilgisayar, akıllı telefon ve internetle çocukluk çağında tanışan bireylerden oluşur. Bir yandan, yeni nesle dair yapılan çalışmalar gençlerin medya yetilerinden övgüyle bahseder, diğer yandan bu medya yetileri bazı sorunları... mehr


    Günümüz genç nesli bilgisayar, akıllı telefon ve internetle çocukluk çağında tanışan bireylerden oluşur. Bir yandan, yeni nesle dair yapılan çalışmalar gençlerin medya yetilerinden övgüyle bahseder, diğer yandan bu medya yetileri bazı sorunları beraberinde getirir. Teknolojik olanakların bilgiye erişimi kolaylaştırması ve art niyetli kullanıcılara fırsat yaratması dijitalleşmenin sorunlarından biridir. Ne var ki, sanal ortamdaki bilgilerin ele geçirilmesi, kötüye kullanımı, telefon ve bilgisayarın ele geçirilmesi, hatta kısa mesaj yoluyla tehdit "siber zorbalık" sorununu ortaya çıkarır. "Siber zorbalığı" ele alan gençlik romanları incelenmesi gereken bir konudur ve çalışmada bunu konu edinen Alman gençlik romanlarının kurgusu irdelenerek ülkemizde örneklerine pek rastlanmayan bu yeni olgunun kurgusal özelliklerinin tanıtılması amaçlanmıştır. Today's young generation consists of individuals who were introduced to computers, smart phones and the internet in childhood. On the one hand, studies on new generation praise media abilities of young people, on the other hand, these media abilities cause some problems. One of the problems of digitalization is that technology facilitates access to information and creates opportunities for malicious users. However, the fact that personal content shared on social media is in the hands of malicious users, it presents the problem of "cyberbullying". Youth novel about "cyberbullying" is a subject that needs to be examined and it is aimed in the study to introduce fictional features of this new phenomenon, which has not been common in our country, by examining the fiction of German youth novels.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Türkisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Jugendliteratur; Jugendroman; Neue Technologie; Digitalisierung; Cyber-Mobbing



  3. Der "Ekel" in der Erzählung "Mit Messer und Gabel" von Doris Dörrie The Motif of Disgust in the Short Story "Mit Messer und Gabel" by the Author Doris Dörrie
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Ekel wird im breiten Sinne als eine Abwehrreaktion, eine Ablehnung definiert. Das Ekelgefühl ist jedem Menschen angeboren und Disziplinen, wie die Psychologie und die Anthropologie, einigen sich darüber, dass Ekel ein menschliches Gefühl ist. Obwohl... mehr


    Ekel wird im breiten Sinne als eine Abwehrreaktion, eine Ablehnung definiert. Das Ekelgefühl ist jedem Menschen angeboren und Disziplinen, wie die Psychologie und die Anthropologie, einigen sich darüber, dass Ekel ein menschliches Gefühl ist. Obwohl Ekel eine bedeutende Komponente des Gefühlslebens darstellt, ist die Forschung in diesem Bereich äußerst gering. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Gründen sowie den Folgen des Ekels auf Grundlage der Erzählung "Mit Messer und Gabel" von Doris Dörrie. In komprimierter Form thematisiert der Text die vier Sinne – Geräusch, Geruch, Tastsinn und Sehsinn –, die mit Ekel verbunden sind, und stellt deren Auswirkung dar. Im Hintergrund dieser Überlegungen beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit folgenden Fragen: Wie wird Ekel von Doris Dörrie dargestellt? Wie versucht die Protagonistin der Erzählung das Ekelempfinden zu bewältigen? Was sind weitere Gefühlszustande, die der Ekel bei der Protagonistin evoziert? Methodisch lehnt sich die Arbeit an die Phänomenologie an. In seinem Werk "Ekel. Hochmut, Haß. Zur Phänomenologie feindlicher Gefühle" beschäftigt sich Aurel Kolnai ausschließlich mit Ekel und vergleicht diesen mit anderen feindlichen Gefühlen. Für eine ausführliche Analyse der Erzählung sollen Kolnais Überlegungen und Differenzierungen zu Ekel und anderen antagonistischen Gefühle herangezogen werden. Disgust is classified as one of the basic emotions, along with joy, happiness, jealousy and dread. There are many definitions of disgust. However, it is basically considered to be a strong response, towards something that is felt to be unpleasant. Although it is considered to be one of the basic emotions, not many literary works or movies choose to put this dark emotion at the center of their plot. In that regard, is the story Mit Messer und Gabel one of the very few literary works that basically deals with disgust on many different levels.

    This paper specifically concentrates on the causes and the consequences of disgust in the story "Mit Messer und Gabel". Furthermore, it aims to answer the following questions: How is disgust being depicted by the Author Doris Dörrie? How does the Protagonist try to fight this emotion and what other emotions are being evoked due to disgust? The method applied in this paper is based upon the thoughts of the phenomenologist Aurel Kolnai. In his work "Ekel, Hochmut, Haß. Zur Phänomenologie feindlicher Gefühle", deals Kolnai exclusively with disgust as a basic emotion and compares it with other hostile feelings.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Philosophie und Psychologie (100); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Dörrie, Doris; Kolnai, Aurel; Ekel <Motiv>; Gefühl; Affekt; Phänomenologie



  4. Kontrastive Analyse zu somatischen Kollokationen im Deutschen und Türkischen Contrastive Analysis of Somatic Collocations in German and Turkish
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Als einer der wesentlichen und natürlichen Bestandteile der sprachlichen Kompetenz weisen Kollokationen sowohl in alltäglichen als auch in formellen Kommunikationssituationen einen elementaren Stellenwert auf. Für die Fremdsprachenlerner machen diese... mehr


    Als einer der wesentlichen und natürlichen Bestandteile der sprachlichen Kompetenz weisen Kollokationen sowohl in alltäglichen als auch in formellen Kommunikationssituationen einen elementaren Stellenwert auf. Für die Fremdsprachenlerner machen diese vorgeformten Mehrworteinheiten Produktionsschwierigkeiten aus, da sie in den meisten Fällen zahlreiche strukturelle und semantische Unterschiede zwischen Mutter- und zu lernender Fremdsprache aufweisen. Bei der Sprachproduktion neigen die Lerner häufig dazu, die Kollokationen in ihrer Muttersprache wörtlich in die Zielsprache zu übertragen, was vor allem im Falle von Divergenzen zu eventuellen Interferenzfehlern führen kann. Aus diesem Grund verdient die kontrastive Erfassung von Kollokationen in fremdsprachendidaktischer Diskussion ein besonderes Interesse. Ausgehend von diesen Diskussionen bezweckt die vorliegende Untersuchung primär, die somatischen Kollokationen im Deutschen und Türkischen im Rahmen der kontrastiven Phraseologie unter die Lupe zu nehmen und im Lichte dieser interlingualen Betrachtung die Äquivalenzbeziehungen zwischen beiden Sprachen in diesem lexikalischen Bereich darzulegen. Von den bei der Analyse beschriebenen Erkenntnissen sollen einige didaktische Folgerungen für türkische Deutschlerner abgeleitet werden. As one of the essential and natural components of linguistic competence, collocations are of elementary importance in both every day and formal communication situations. For foreign language learners, these pre-formed multi-word units represent production difficulties, since in most cases they have numerous structural and semantic differences between the mother tongue and the foreign language to be learned. In language production, learners often tend to translate the collocations in their mother tongue literally into the target language, which can lead to possible interference errors, especially in the case of divergences. Thus, the confrontational approaches to collocations in foreign language didactic discussions deserve special interest. Based on these discussions, the primary aim of the present study is to examine the somatic collocations in German and Turkish in the context of contrastive phraseology and, in the light of this interlingual consideration, to present the equivalence relations between the two languages in this lexical area. From the findings described in the analysis, some didactic conclusions for Turkish German learners are to be derived.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Andere Sprachen (490)
    Schlagworte: Kollokation; Kontrastive Phraseologie; Fremdsprache; Türkisch; Deutsch; Interferenz <Linguistik>; Äquivalenz



  5. Türkçe ve Almanca Dijital Ortamlarda Kadınların Kullandıkları Hitap İfadeleri Adress Terms Used By Women In Turkish And German Digital Environments
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Hitaplar gerek formal konuşmada gerekse informal dilde belirleyici bir özelliğe sahiptir. Hitaplar konuşmaya, yazmaya veya herhangi bir yazılı belgeye başlarken kullanılan ve göndericinin alıcıya yönelik bakış açısını belirten dilsel ifadelerdir.... mehr


    Hitaplar gerek formal konuşmada gerekse informal dilde belirleyici bir özelliğe sahiptir. Hitaplar konuşmaya, yazmaya veya herhangi bir yazılı belgeye başlarken kullanılan ve göndericinin alıcıya yönelik bakış açısını belirten dilsel ifadelerdir. Hitap edilen kişi veya gruplar muhatap olarak adlandırılır. Selamlama ve hitap araştırmalarında, bir muhataba hitap ederken kullanılan dilsel araçlara hitap biçimleri denir. Dilsel hitap biçimleri, ad ve zamir kategorisine ayrılabilir. Ad kategorisindeki hitap türleri isimlerin, mesleki ve diğer unvanların kullanımını içerir. Hitapların zamir biçimleri kendilerini şahıs zamirlerinde gösterir. Zamirlerin bir alt sınıfı olarak, şahıs zamirleri gönderene veya kişilere atıfta bulunur. Dilsel iletişim hitaplar ile başlar. Herhangi bir konu hakkında birisiyle birdenbire konuşmaya başlamamak toplumsal uzlaşımın bir parçasıdır. Bu bağlamda hitaplar yaşamın her anında yer bulmaktadır. Bu makalede, Türk ve Alman dijital ortamlarda kadınların hitap ifadelerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. İnternet günümüzde toplumun h er alanındaki insanların zorunlu bir alışkanlığı haline gelmiştir. Toplumdaki bireyler etkileşimlerini büyük oranda internet aracılığı ile gerçekleştirmekte, sosyal medyayı takip ederek merak ettikleri konular hakkında fikir sahibi olabilmektedirler. Toplumda, arasında kadınların da önemli bir yere sahip olduğu büyük bir kesim günün her anında sosyal medya üzerinden iletişim kurmakta, kurdukları her tür iletişimde farklı hitap türleri sergilemektedir. Bu çalışma, kullandıkları hitaplar açısından kadınların dilsel davranışlarını içermektedir. Bilindiği gibi kadınlar ve erkekler birçok açıdan ayrıdırlar. Kadın ve erkekler arasındaki bu farklılıklar kendine dijital ortamda da yer bulmaktadır. Makalenin birinci bölümünü oluşturan kuramsal kısımda, hitapların tanımından yola çıkılarak konunun ayrıntıları ortaya konacaktır. Çalışmanın uygulama bölümünde, Türkçe ve Almancadaki sosyal medya metinleri her iki dilde hitaplar açısından karşılaştırılarak incelenecektir. Elde edilen veriler kadınların iki dildeki hitap kullanımı bağlamında değerlendirilecektir. Bu değerlendirme sonucunda Türkçe ve Almancada kadın dilinin hitaplar açısından nasıl bir kullanım alanının olduğu görülecek, her iki dilde ne tür farklılıklar ve benzerliklerin gözlemlenebildiği sonucuna ulaşılacaktır. Çalışmada Türkçe ve Almanca hitaplar karşılaştırılacağından inceleme genel olarak kontrastif söylem analizi ve deskriptif-analitik yöntemler doğrultusunda karma bir yöntem ile yürütülecektir. Salutations act as a defining feature in both daily speech and official language. Salutations are linguistic expressions used when beginning to speak, write or as an opening line in any written document. They indicate the sender's point of view towards the receiver. The people or groups addressed are called the addressee. In salutations and addresses research, the linguistic tools used when addressing an interlocutor are called forms of address. Linguistic forms of address can be divided into the categories of nouns and pronouns. The types of addresses in the name category include names, professional and other titles. The pronoun forms of the addresses are expressed as the pronouns of an individual. As a subclass of pronouns, personal pronouns refer to the sender or the addressed persons. Linguistic communication begins with addresses. It is part of social convention not to suddenly start talking to someone about any subject. In this context, addresses find a place in every moment of life. This article aims to examine the addressing expressions of women in Turkish and German digital environments. Internet has become a compulsory habit of people in all walks of life for today's society. Individuals carry out their social interactions mostly through the internet, deriving their ideas about the topics of interest by following social media. A large part of the society, in which women have an important place, communicates through social media at every moment of time and display different types of address in every communication they establish. This study includes the linguistic behavior of women in terms of the addresses they use. As is known, men and women are different in many respects. These differences between men and women also find their place in the digital environment. In the theoretical part, which constitutes the first part of the article, the details of the subject will be examined based on the definition of addresses. In the application part of the study, social media texts in Turkish and German will be compared in terms of addresses in both languages. The data obtained will be evaluated in the context of women's bilingual use of addresses. As a result of this evaluation, the area of use of the female language in terms of addresses in Turkish and German will be shown, conclusion will be reached regarding the kind of differences and similarities that can be observed in both languages. Since Turkish and German addresses will be compared in the study, the examination will be carried out with a mixed method approach in line with contrastive discourse analysis and general descriptive-analytical methods.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Türkisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Andere Sprachen (490)
    Schlagworte: Adressierung; Frauensprache; Soziolinguistik; Social Media; Deutsch; Türkisch

