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  1. Kurbağa Prens Özelinde Dijitalleşen Masallarda Hegemonik Erkekliğin Yıkımı Challenging Hegemonic Masculinity In Digitalized Tales Specific To The Frog Prince
    Autor*in: Agvan, Özlem
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    "Bir varmış, bir yokmuş" tekerlemesiyle başlayıp, okurunu Pertev Naili Boratav'ın deyimiyle "kendi içindeki bir mantığı" üzerinden "peşin olarak kabul edilmiş imkânlar" dünyasına alan masallar, dijitalleşen günümüz dünyasına kadar 200 yıldan fazla... mehr


    "Bir varmış, bir yokmuş" tekerlemesiyle başlayıp, okurunu Pertev Naili Boratav'ın deyimiyle "kendi içindeki bir mantığı" üzerinden "peşin olarak kabul edilmiş imkânlar" dünyasına alan masallar, dijitalleşen günümüz dünyasına kadar 200 yıldan fazla tarihsel arka planıyla barındırdığı imgesel evreni bugün dijitale taşımış yazınsal bir türdür. Mekân-sızlık- ve zaman-sızlık- bağlamında kurmuş olduğu yapı gereği, dijitale dönüşümünde başka bir evren kurma imkanına yer bulan masallar, hegemonyanın kurmuş olduğu düzeni alt üst etme sancısını da doğurmuştur. Bu bağlamda Grimm Kardeşler’in yazmış olduğu geleneksel Kurbağa Prens (1812) masalına eklediği pek çok prenses protagonistiyle, yeni bir dil inşa eden Fadime Uslu tarafından yazılan Kurbağa Prens (2020) masalında hegemonik erkekliğin yıkımı mevcuttur. Geleneksel masallarda dışa vurulan arzu alanını, yapısökümcü irdelemeyle elen alan ve bunu dijital platforma da taşıyan anti-masal Kurbağa Prens; geleneksel masallara karşı bir duruş olarak ortaya çıkan anti-masallardaki büyü bozuculuğunu ortaya koyma amacıyla bu makalenin odak masalı olmuştur. Makalede; Kurbağa Prens özelinde, toplumsal heteronormatif bir yapı inşa etme ve bunun temsillerini üretme mahali olarak masallar, R.W. Connell'in Gramsci'den çıkarak kavramsallaştırdığı "hegemonik erkeklik" söylem üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Dilin bilinçdışı gibi şekillenmesi üzerinden toplumsal cinsiyet nifak tohumlarının ekildiği geleneksel masalların erkeklik söylemine karşı; yeni söylemler üreten anti-masallar, Kurbağa Prens modeli üzerinden incelenmiş ve sadece Disney'in çektiği filmler yoluyla değil bugün dizilerden reklamlara; oyunlardan şarkılara kadar pek çok kültürel alanda inşa etmiş olduğu ve temsilleriyle devamlılığını sağladığı kalıplaşmanın "başka bir dünya mümkün" diliyle yeniden yapılanmasına bakılmıştır. Tales that start with the nursery rhyme "Once upon a time" and take the reader into the world of "pre-agreed possibilities" through a "logic within itself" as Pertev Naili Boratav puts is a literary genre that has transformed its imaginary universe to the digital with its historical background dates back more than 200 hundred years. Due to the structure having been established in the context of space-lessness and timelessness, the tales that have the opportunity to establish another universe in its digital transformation have also caused the pain of overturning the order established by hegemony. In this context, there is the destruction of hegemonic masculinity in the Frog Prince (2020) tale written by Fadime Uslu, who built a new language with many princess protagonists added to the traditional Frog Prince (1812) tale written by the Grimm Brothers. The anti-tale Frog Prince, which deals with the field of desire expressed in traditional fairy tales with deconstructive analysis and carries it to the digital platform; has been the focus of this article in order to reveal the disenchantment of anti-tales, which emerged as a stance against traditional tales. In the article and in the case of the Frog Prince, fairy tales as the site of constructing a social heteronormative structure and producing its representations, is discussed through the discourse of "hegemonic masculinity" that R.W. Connell conceptualized out of Gramsci. Against the masculinity discourse of traditional tales, in which the seeds of gender discord are planted through the unconscious shaping of language; anti-tales that produce new discourses have been examined through the Frog Prince model and not only through the films produced by Disney, but from TV series to commercials; the restructuring of the stereotype, which it has built and maintained in many cultural areas from plays to songs, has been analyzed with the language of "another world is possible".


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Türkisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Männlichkeit; Märchen; Der Froschprinz; Geschlechterrolle



  2. Unzuverlässiges Erzählen als Authentizitätsnachweis in einer unerfassbaren Welt : Beobachtungen zu Shida Bazyars "Drei Kameradinnen" Unreliable Narration as Proof of Authenticity in an Incomprehensible World: Observations on Shida Bazyar's "Drei Kameradinnen"
    Autor*in: Raschke, Eva
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Im vorliegenden Artikel soll nachgewiesen werden, dass die erzählerische Unzuverlässigkeit in Shida Bazyars "Drei Kameradinnen" passförmig ist zu einer im 21. Jahrhundert in Mitteleuropa diskursiv formulierten Unerfassbarkeit und Unfassbarkeit der... mehr


    Im vorliegenden Artikel soll nachgewiesen werden, dass die erzählerische Unzuverlässigkeit in Shida Bazyars "Drei Kameradinnen" passförmig ist zu einer im 21. Jahrhundert in Mitteleuropa diskursiv formulierten Unerfassbarkeit und Unfassbarkeit der Welt und des Selbst sowie zu einem Misstrauen gegenüber Objektivität und der Objektivier- und Vermittelbarkeit des eigenen Standpunkts. Leitende These dabei ist, dass fantastische Exkurse, Selbstkorrekturen, Leerstellen, die Gleichzeitigkeit mehrerer Wahrheiten, Realitätsreferenzen und deren Brechung sowie Fiktionsbrechungen tragfester auf eine Realität referieren, die als unerfassbar gilt, als eine geschlossene Romanhandlung es hätte erreichen können. This article aims to demonstrate that the narrative unreliability in Shida Bazyar's "Drei Kameradinnen". It keeps an eye in the 21st century in Central Europe discursively and formulats incomprehensibility of the world and the self, a mistrust of objectivity, of the ability to objectify and to communicate the own point of view.

    The leading thesis is that fantastic digressions, self-corrections, gaps, the simultaneity of several truths, references to reality and their refraction, as well as breaks in fiction, refer more solidly to a reality that is considered incomprehensible than a closed novel plot could have achieved.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Erzählerische Unzuverlässigkeit; Authentizität; Intertextualität; Realitätsbezug; Postkolonialismus; Bazyar, Shida; Drei Kameradinnen



  3. Jüdisch-europäische Erinnerungskultur im Zeitalter des Kulturwandels Jewish-European Culture of Remembrance in The Age of Cultural Change
    Autor*in: Tekin, Habib
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Im 21. Jahrhundert stehen Medien, insbesondere soziale Medien und deren Einfluss auf Kinder und Jugendliche zunehmend im Zentrum des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Sozialen Medien wird eo ipso eine wichtige Funktion in der individuellen Meinungsbildung... mehr


    Im 21. Jahrhundert stehen Medien, insbesondere soziale Medien und deren Einfluss auf Kinder und Jugendliche zunehmend im Zentrum des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Sozialen Medien wird eo ipso eine wichtige Funktion in der individuellen Meinungsbildung wie auch gesellschaftlichen Rollenvergabe

    zugesprochen. Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Vortrags sollen auf Grundlage des theoretischen Ansatzes der Medialisierung folglich auch die gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen und der soziale Wandel vor dem Hintergrund der medialen Omnipräsenz dargestellt werden. Dabei wird der Versuch unternommen, einen(sozial)medialen Korpus der jüdisch-europäischen Erinnerungskultur zu erstellen. Das angedachte Korpus setzt sich aus der ARD und ZDF-Mediathek zusammen. Exemplarisch wird die Zukunftspodcast der Tagesschau mal angenommen. Keine Zeitzeugen mehr? Was dann? vorgestellt. Die vorgestellten Korpora sind ferner als eine Form der bezeugten Berichterstattung zu verstehen, die ein Gedenken an den Holocaust und die Gräueltaten auch in Zukunft wachhalten sollen. Neben den (deutsch-)jüdischen Studien, der deutsch-jüdischen Literatur und der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit der Thematik, lassen sich medialen Aufzeichnungen in Form von Video- oder Audiomaterial eine große Bedeutung zuweisen. In der Hoffnung, dass sich Geschichte nicht wiederholt, übernehmen mediale Korpora in diesem Sinne eine wichtige Funktion in der Aufrechterhaltung der Erinnerung an die Verbrechen des NS-Regimes und dem Verbleib im kollektiven Gedächtnis. Demnach können mediale Korpora in Form bezeugter Berichterstattung ein aktives Engagement im Akt des Erinnerns anregen und die Sensibilität im Hinblick auf etwaige zukünftige Verbrechen fördern. Das Ziel des Beitrags besteht demzufolge darin, die Entstehung, Erstellung und Funktion eines möglichen (sozial)medialen Korpus‘ der jüdisch-europäischen Erinnerungskultur zu skizzieren. Darüber hinaus werden informative Diskursmöglichkeiten und weitere Anregungen für die Implementierung einer digitalisierten Erinnerungskultur in Schulen und anderen Bildungsinstitutionen gegeben. In the 21st century, the media, especially social media and their influence on children and young people, are increasingly at the center of social life. Social media is (eo ipso) assigned an important function in the formation of individual opinions as well as the allocation of social roles. In the context of the present paper, on the basis of the theoretical approach of medialization, social change should be presented against the background of media omnipresence. The attempt is made to create a (social) media corpus of the Jewish-European culture of remembrance. The envisioned corpus consists of the ARD and ZDF media library. The future podcast of the Tagesschau mal angenommen. Keine Zeitzeugen mehr? Was dann? is presented. The given corpora are also to be understood as a form of witnessed reporting that is intended to keep the memory of the Holocaust and the atrocities alive in the future. In addition to (German-) Jewish studies, German-Jewish literature and the scientific researches of that topic, media recordings in the form of video or audio material can be assigned great importance. In the hope that history does not repeat itself, media corpora take on an important function in maintaining the memory of the atrocities of the Nazi regime and keeping alive the collective memory of the Jewish-European culture. Thus, media corpora in the form of witnessed reporting can stimulate active engagement in the act of remembering and raise social awareness of possible future crimes.

    The aim of the article is therefore to outline the emergence, creation and function of a possible (social) media corpus of the Jewish-European culture of remembrance. In addition, informative discourse opportunities and further suggestions for the implementation of a digitized culture of remembrance in schools and other educational institutions are given.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Bildung und Erziehung (370); Geschichte Europas (940)
    Schlagworte: Judenvernichtung; Kulturwandel; Hologramm; Digitalisierung; Kollektives Gedächtnis



  4. Günter Grass'ın 'Yengeç Yürüyüşü" Romanında 'Konrad' Karakterini Dijital Kuşak Olarak Çözümleme The analysis of the character "Konrad" as a digital generation in Günter Grass's "Crabwalk" novel
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    "Yengeç Yürüyüşü" romanında, 1945 yılında Nasyonal Sosyalist dönemde torpillenen "Wilhelm Gustloff" gemisinin batırılış öyküsüyle birlikte Pokriefke ailesinin üç kuşak üyelerinin de aile öyküsüne yer verilmiştir."Y kuşağı" teknolojiye olan yatkınlığı... mehr


    "Yengeç Yürüyüşü" romanında, 1945 yılında Nasyonal Sosyalist dönemde torpillenen "Wilhelm Gustloff" gemisinin batırılış öyküsüyle birlikte Pokriefke ailesinin üç kuşak üyelerinin de aile öyküsüne yer verilmiştir."Y kuşağı" teknolojiye olan yatkınlığı ile bilinirken, günümüzde "Z kuşağı", iletişim araçları olarak internet ve akıllı telefonları daha etkin bir şekilde kullanmaktadır. Bu durumda her iki dijital kuşak da iletişim teknolojilerini iyi derecede kullanan teknoloji gurusu olarak kabul edilmektedir. Dijital temelli teknolojik gelişmelerin yaşamı değiştirmeye başladığı iki binli yıllar bu bağlamda dönüm noktası olarak ele alınabilir. Romanın olay örgüsünde 1995'lere gelindiğinde genç Konrad'ın dijital iletişim aracı olarak bilgisayar kullanması sonucunda internetten beslenen antisemitizmle yollarının kesişmesinin de öyküsü anlatılır. Romanda, ben-anlatıcı Paul'un başarısız gazetecilik kariyeri, ironik bir şekilde, yetenekli bir bilgisayar kullanıcısı olan oğlu Konrad'ın Neo-Nazilerin sayfasını düzenli olarak ziyaret etmesi gerçeği ile bir paradox oluşturur. Baba Paul'un başarısızlığının aksine Konrad, büyükanne Tulla'nın yardımıyla bir bilgisayar edinerek ihtiyacı olan bilgiyi elde etmekte başarılı olacaktır. Ancak, istediği bilgiye kavuşan Konrad, internet aracılığıyla bir yandan başarılı araştırmalara imza atarken öte yandan da internet üzerinden tanıştığı bir genci öldürme eylemine karışır. Bu olayla Nasyonal Sosyalist döneminin ideolojik propaganda çalışmalarının Neonazizm aracılığıyla yürütülmeye devam edildiğine bir göndermede bulunulduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada üçüncü kuşak aile üyesi olan Konrad'ın dijital ortamı kullanarak kendisinden önceki kuşakların hatalarını yinelediği kesitler, metin odaklı bir yaklaşımla irdelenerek örnek ve alıntılarla çözümlenmeye çalışılacaktır. In the novel "Crab Walk", the story of the sinking of the ship "Wilhelm Gustloff", which was torpedoed in the National Socialist period in 1945, and the family story of three generations of members of the Pokriefke family is mentioned. While "Generation Y" is known for their penchant for technology, "Generation Z" now uses the Internet and smartphones more effectively as a means of communication. Both digital generations are considered technology experts who use communication technologies well. The 2000s, when digital-based technological developments began to change life, can be considered as a turning point in this context. In the plot of the novel, when it comes to 1995, the story of young Konrad's crossing of paths with internet-fed antisemitism as a result of using the computer as a digital communication tool is also told. In the novel, the self-narrator Paul's failed journalistic career is ironically containing paradoxes by the fact that his son Konrad, a gifted computer user, regularly visits the Nazis' Contrary to the failure of Father Paul, Konrad will be successful in obtaining the information he needs by acquiring a computer with the help of Grandma Tulla. However, getting the information he wanted, Konrad is involved in the act of killing a young man he met on the internet, while conducting successful research on the internet. With this incident, it can be said that a reference is made to the fact that the ideological propaganda works of the National Socialist period continued to be carried out through Neo-Nazism. In this study, the sections in which Konrad, a third generation family member, repeated the mistakes of previous generations by using the digital environment, will be analyzed with a text-oriented approach and will be shown with examples and quotations.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Türkisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Nationalsozialismus; Grass, Günter; Im Krebsgang; Digitalisierung



  5. Die heitere Therapie : Persönlichkeitsspaltung und Groteske in E.T.A. Hoffmanns "Prinzessin Brambilla"
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Die "Prinzessin Brambilla" ist die Geschichte eines medizinischen Heilungsprozesses, genauer: einer "Anwendung der psychischen Curmethode auf Geisteszerriittung" — so der Untertitel eines der einflussreichsten psychiatrischen Werke des frühen 19.... mehr


    Die "Prinzessin Brambilla" ist die Geschichte eines medizinischen Heilungsprozesses, genauer: einer "Anwendung der psychischen Curmethode auf Geisteszerriittung" — so der Untertitel eines der einflussreichsten psychiatrischen Werke des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts, das auch Hoffman bekannt war: Johann C. Reils "Rhapsodieen". Wer eine Geschichte als Heilungsgeschichte inszeniert, bedarf eines erfahrenen Psychiaters, der die Therapie leitet: Im Falle der Prinzessin Brambilla ist das Meister Celionati,er, wie sich am Ende der Geschichte herausstellen wird, nicht nur einen Ciarlatano auf dem Römischen Karneval gibt, sondern zugleich ein Kenner der zeitgenössischen "Wissenschaft der Medizin" [...] ist [...]. This essay deals with E.T.A. Hoffmann's capriccio Prinzessin Brambilla by placing it within the context of the psychiatric discourse of the time, as a medical case history. Two illnesses are central, both to the main plot and to the "Märchen aus dem Urdagarten": the "idée fixe" and the split personality. Though Hoffmann is here clearly building on Johann C. Reil's Rhapsodieen, he makes two decisive alterations to these psychiatric concepts: firstly, he does not see the split personality as being on a level with the idée fixe, but sees the former as a critical aggravation of the latter; and, secondly, he sees this aggravation as being simultaneously a therapeutic opportunity: as a redyiamisation of the idée fixe. Hoffmann does this by making use of a motif from folk culture: the way the "serious" world is made whole by its grotesque counterpart, the carnival. This leads to a reevaluation of all bio-political values: not the unified personality, identical with itself, but rather a personality conscious of its two halves is presented — though playfully - as the psychological norm in "Prinzessin Brambilla".


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Das Groteske; Bewusstseinsspaltung; Hoffmann, E. T. A.

