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Displaying results 176 to 200 of 4173.
At fortælle historien
studier i den gamle nordiske litteratur = Telling history -
The New Testament in its hellenistic context
proceedings of a Nordic Conference of New Testament Scholars, held in Skálholt -
Um fóstbræðrasögu
The two versions of Sturlaugs saga Starfsama
a decipherment, edition, and translation of a fourteenth century Icelandic mythical-heroic saga -
Tristán en el norte
Byskupa Sogur
M S Perg. fol. No. 5 in the Royal Library of Stockholm -
Hrólfs saga kraka
the writings of Magnús Ólafsson of Laufás -
Hallfreðar saga
Íslenskar barnabækur 1780 - 1979
The book of the Icelanders
(Íslendingabók) -
Die Bósa-Rímur
Hamlet in Iceland
being the Icelandic romantic Ambales saga -
The book of the Icelanders
(Íslendingabók) -
Die nordische und die englische Version der Tristan-Sage
Tvær ritgerðir um kveðskap Stephans G. Stephanssonar
Bevers saga
with the text of the Anglo-Norman Boeve de Haumtone -
Islandsk Læsebog
med ordregister og en oversigt over den islandske formlære -
Popular romance in Iceland
the women, worldviews, and manuscript witnesses of Nítíða saga -
Verschriftlichung und Politisierung -
The poetic Edda
2, Mythological poems -
Det norrøne og det nationale
studier i brugen af Islands gamle litteratur i nationale sammenhænge i Norge, Sverige, Island, Storbritannien, Tyskland og Danmark -
Wittgensteinian exercises
aesthetic and ethical transformations -
Þáttasyrpa - Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa
Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper