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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 42.
Arii Thorgilsis Filii, cognomentô Froda, id est Multiscii vel Polyhistoris, in Islandia qvondam Presbyteri, Primi in Septentrione Historici, Schedae, seu Libellus de Is-landia, Islendinga-Bok dictus
E veteri Islandica, vel, si mavis, Danica antiquâ, Septentrionalibus olim communi Lingvâ, in Latinam versus ac præter necessarios Indices, qvorum unus est Lexici instar, brevibus notîs & Chronologiâ præmissa qvoqve Auctoris vitâ illustratus -
The proverbs of Alfred
an emended text -
König Alfreds Übersetzung von Bedas Kirchengeschichte
King Alfred's version of the Consolationes of Boethius
done into modern English -
Die altenglischen Metra des Boetius
Lieder aus König Alfreds Trostbuch
die Stabreimverse der altenglischen Boethius-Übertragung -
König Alfreds Übersetzung von Bedas Kirchengeschichte
King Alfred's Orosius
King Alfred's Old English Version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies
King Alfred's version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies
The Old English version of Bede's Ecclesiastical history of the English people
King Alfred's Old English prose translation of the first fifty psalms
Alfred's metres of Boethius
Arii Thorgilsis Filii, cognomentô Froda, id est Multiscii vel Polyhistoris, in Islandia qvondam Presbyteri, Primi in Septentrione Historici, Schedae, seu Libellus de Is-landia, Islendinga-Bok dictus
E veteri Islandica, vel, si mavis, Danica antiquâ, Septentrionalibus olim communi Lingvâ, in Latinam versus ac præter necessarios Indices, qvorum unus est Lexici instar, brevibus notîs & Chronologiâ præmissa qvoqve Auctoris vitâ illustratus -
The Old English pastoral care
<<The>> pastoral care
<<The>> pastoral care
1, (ff. 1 - 25va/4) -
<<The>> pastoral care
2, (ff. 25va/4 - end) / completed by Lars-G. Hallander together with Matthias Löfvenberg and Alarik Rynell -
<<Die>> altenglischen Metra des Boetius
Alfred's metres of Boethius
Die altenglischen Metra des Boetius
The pastoral care
The pastoral care
2, (ff. 25va/4 - end) -
The pastoral care
1, (ff. 1 - 25va/4) -
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