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  1. Populationen - Zeit-Räume - Protokollieren
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Aisthesis Verlag, Bielefeld

    Wie konstituieren sich Gedichtbände – nach dem freien Vers – zu einem ästhetischen Ganzen? Anhand dreier Analysen von Gedichtbänden seit 2000 lote ich unter dem Paradigma formaler Wiederholung unabhängig von traditionellen Parametern wie Reim und... more


    Wie konstituieren sich Gedichtbände – nach dem freien Vers – zu einem ästhetischen Ganzen? Anhand dreier Analysen von Gedichtbänden seit 2000 lote ich unter dem Paradigma formaler Wiederholung unabhängig von traditionellen Parametern wie Reim und Metrum Varianten der Konstituierung und Darstellung ästhetischer Ganzheit aus. So unterschiedlich die drei untersuchten AutorInnen – Ulf Stolterfoht, Oswald Egger und Monika Rinck – auch arbeiten, ihre Bücher (fachsprachen, nihilum album, Honigprotokolle) sind geprägt von formalen Gesamtkonzepten, die ich entsprechend unter den Bezeichnungen Populationen und branding, Zeit-Räume und Verortung sowie Protokollieren und Fest-schreiben zu erschliessen versuche. Trotz ihrer Unterschiedlichkeit spielt, so der methodische Leitgedanke, in allen drei Fällen das Denkmodell einer gegensätzlichen Gleichzeitigkeit von Kontinuität und Diskontinuität, das ich in Anlehnung an den evolutionstheoretischen Begriff des punctuated equilibrium herausarbeite, eine prägende Rolle. Dieses Denkmodell verbinde ich in der Folge mit den Begriffen einer kontinuierlichen Praxis des Denkens bzw. Schreibens und eines diskontinuierlichen Artefakts, deren Gegensätzlichkeit sich in der Gesamtdarstellung der jeweiligen Gedichtbände widerspiegelt. Unter dieser Voraussetzung trete ich an die Gedichtbände mit einer synchronen Methodik heran, sodass ich mich unter Ausschluss der diachronen, d.h. werkhistorischen, Perspektive auf die immanente Systematik der Bände konzentrieren kann. In der Wiederholung als Bedingung einer solchen Systematik finde ich die zeitweilige Stabilisierung einer Praxis, die ebenso Bedingung der poetischen Produktion wie Bedingung ihrer differenziellen Modifikation ist. Im Rückbezug auf das punctuated equilibrium taucht der Rhythmus des Wechselspiels zwischen der Kontinuität einer stabilen Praxis und der Diskontinuität einer Modifikation dieser Praxis als Grundmotiv auf.


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  2. Ambivalenzen und Provokationen in Robert Walsers "Die Rose"
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Schwabe Verlag, Basel

    Dieses Buch setzt sich mit Robert Walsers letzter Publikation, bestehend aus 38 Prosastücken, auseinander und fragt nach dem Stellenwert, der diesen Texten innerhalb der Berner Prosa zukommt. In dieser ersten umfassenden Untersuchung zu Die Rose... more


    Dieses Buch setzt sich mit Robert Walsers letzter Publikation, bestehend aus 38 Prosastücken, auseinander und fragt nach dem Stellenwert, der diesen Texten innerhalb der Berner Prosa zukommt. In dieser ersten umfassenden Untersuchung zu Die Rose konzentriert sich die Autorin auf eine immanente Erschliessung der Texte – zumal das Manuskript und die Korrespondenz mit dem Rowohlt-Verlag verloren gegangen sind und das Werk in der Walser-Forschung bislang wenig beachtet worden ist. So nimmt sie Komposition, Anlage und Intention der Sammlung in den Blick, geht aber auch Fragen zu Entstehungsgeschichte und Titel nach. In einer vertieften Lektüre arbeitet sie wesentliche Aspekte einzelner Prosastücke heraus, fragt aber auch nach der Bedeutung der Texte in Walsers Œuvre. Ein Fokus liegt auf der weiblichen Figur «Edith», zeichenhaft und textranszendierend als Leserin dargestellt. Anhand dieser Figur zeigt die Autorin die Vielschichtigkeit von Walsers Schaffe


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-7965-4208-4; 9783796541681
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Literature: history & criticism
    Other subjects: Robert Walser; Literatur
  3. Die Vermessung der Kunstwelt : Quantifizierende Beobachtungen und plurale Ordnungen der Kunst
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Velbrück, Weilerswist

    Wie sind quantifizierende Ordnungen zeitgenössischer Kunst möglich, wenn Grundsemantiken autonomer Kunst in einem Widerspruch zu quantifizierenden Messungen und Vergleichen stehen? Obwohl sich Kunst, abgesehen von Marktanalysen, der vermeintlich... more


    Wie sind quantifizierende Ordnungen zeitgenössischer Kunst möglich, wenn Grundsemantiken autonomer Kunst in einem Widerspruch zu quantifizierenden Messungen und Vergleichen stehen? Obwohl sich Kunst, abgesehen von Marktanalysen, der vermeintlich umfassenden Quantifizierung der Gesellschaft zu entziehen scheint, sind zahlenbasierte Verfahren entstanden, die gerade kunstspezifische Kriterien ernst nehmen wollen. Die vorliegende Studie fragt nach der inneren Logik von solchen Rankings und institutionellen Evaluationen und ihrer Rolle für Stabilität und Wandel der Kunst. Damit werden Fälle behandelt, die aus der Kunstwelt heraus als symbolischer Grenzübertritt kritisiert werden. Hinter diese Auseinandersetzungen um adäquate oder absurde Beobachtungsweisen tritt der Autor aber zurück, um für eine systematische Annäherung an plurale Vorstellungen über Kunst in der Kunst zu argumentieren. Einerseits rekonstruiert er so empirisch an einer Künstler/innenrangliste und an Erfolgsmessungen in Kunstmuseen das paradigmatische Wissen und die konkreten Beobachtungsarchitekturen als konsistente Ordnungsweisen. Andererseits entwickelt er kunstsoziologische Theorien (Becker, Bourdieu, Luhmann) weiter durch die bewertungs- und vergleichssoziologische Einsicht, nach der jede kommunizierte Ordnung eine Welt nicht einfach darstellt, sondern eine eigene Realität selektiv herstellt und potenziell in Gesellschaft zurückwirkt. Auch wenn somit jeder Ordnungsversuch unabhängig von Zahlengebrauch analytisch gleich absurd ist, kommt den Innensichten der Kunst eine zentrale Rolle in der sozialen Selbstorganisation der Künste zu. Ausgehend von umstrittenen Ordnungsversuchen zeigt die Studie, wie Kunst sich heute vermehrt selbst als soziales Phänomen beobachtet, um Navigation durch das vermeintliche Chaos zeitgenössischer Kunst zu ermöglichen.


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  4. Beltraneja
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Academia Peruana de la Lengua, Lima

    This is a critical edition of an anonymous satire produced in Perú under the viceroyalty of the Count of Lemos. The text, a mock-epic, narrates the defeat of the English corsair Richard Hawkins by the Peruvian fleet, while poking fun at all members... more


    This is a critical edition of an anonymous satire produced in Perú under the viceroyalty of the Count of Lemos. The text, a mock-epic, narrates the defeat of the English corsair Richard Hawkins by the Peruvian fleet, while poking fun at all members of the court. This is the first critical edition of the work following neolachmannian methodology.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: Spanish
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9786124159718
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Literature & literary studies
    Other subjects: Pirate literature; Peruvian literature; Epic literature
  5. Film Farbe Fläche. : Ästhetik des kolorierten Bildes im Kino 1895-1930
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Schüren Verlag

    Die nachträgliche Kolorierung des schwarzweißen Materials war in der Stummfilmepoche eine verbreitete Praxis. Die Filme wurden hand- oder schablonenkoloriert, viragiert und getont. Die häufig ostentativ ausgestellte Materialität der aufgetragenen... more


    Die nachträgliche Kolorierung des schwarzweißen Materials war in der Stummfilmepoche eine verbreitete Praxis. Die Filme wurden hand- oder schablonenkoloriert, viragiert und getont. Die häufig ostentativ ausgestellte Materialität der aufgetragenen Farbe stand in einem Spannungsverhältnis zum fotografischen Bild und bewirkte eine spezifische Dynamik zwischen dem Eindruck von Flächigkeit und Plastizität. Kolorierungen kamen in Serpentinentanzfilmen, den ornamentalen Motiven der Féerien, in Trickfilmen oder Moderevuen besonders zur Geltung. In dieser Hinsicht weisen die applikativen Farbtechniken des Films viele Parallelen zu anderen farbigen Bildmedien der Epoche auf (wie Gebrauchsgrafik oder Modeillustration). Zudem zeigt der kolorierte Film seine Nähe zur industrialisierten Ästhetik, vornehmlich zur visuellen Form kommerzieller Farbpaletten. In dieser Studie wird die farbige Fläche des kolorierten Films im Kontext einer intermedialen Geschichte des Ästhetischen untersucht. Farbe als Attraktion, ostentative Materialität und Element medialer Selbstreflexion der Kunst tritt aus dieser Perspektive als eine Sinnfigur der chromatischen Moderne und der populären visuellen Kultur des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts hervor.


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  6. Marie Luise Gotheins "Geschichte der Gartenkunst" : Das Bild des Gartens als Text
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP), Heidelberg

    Marie Luise Gothein’s „A History of Garden Art“, first published in 1914 and still in print, was immediately recognized as a classic, but has so far never been brought into focus as a seminal work of the discipline. This thesis examines the cultural... more


    Marie Luise Gothein’s „A History of Garden Art“, first published in 1914 and still in print, was immediately recognized as a classic, but has so far never been brought into focus as a seminal work of the discipline. This thesis examines the cultural scientist's intellectual and aesthetic concepts that guided her in her description of garden art. What defining concepts did she have when presenting the ever-changing art work of the garden in text and image? What role does the reform garden movement play, which was in full swing at the time of publication? The analysis of Gothein's descriptions of gardens, such as Villa d'Este, shows how fundamentally historical writing is influenced by the challenges of the time. The volumes reflect an ecocritical human approach to the environment.;Marie Luise Gothein verfasste 1914 mit ihrer „Geschichte der Gartenkunst“ einen Klassiker, der bis heute zwar übersetzt und neuaufgelegt, nie jedoch als Grundlagenwerk in den Fokus gerückt wurde. Diese Arbeit untersucht die intellektuellen und ästhetischen Konzepte der Autorin im Hinblick auf ihre Darstellung der Gartenkunst. Welchen Prämissen folgt die Kulturwissenschaftlerin bei der Fixierung des stets im Wandel begriffenen Raumkunstwerks Garten in Text und Bild? Welche Rolle spielt die Reformgartenbewegung, die zur Zeit der Veröffentlichung in vollem Gange war? Die Analyse von Gotheins Gartenbeschreibungen, etwa der Villa d’Este, zeigt, wie grundlegend die Geschichtsschreibung von den Herausforderungen der Zeit beeinflusst ist: Im Sinne des Ecocriticism spiegeln die Bände die Auseinandersetzung des Menschen mit seiner Umwelt.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Landscape art & architecture
    Other subjects: Garden Art; Garden history; Perspective; landscape garden; formal garden; ecocriticism; cartography; Gartenkunst; Gartengeschichte; Perspektive; Landschaftsgarten; architektonischer Garten; Ecocriticism; Kartographie
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (340 p.)
  7. Antigypsyism and Film / Antiziganismus und Film
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP), Heidelberg

    Antiziganism is a common phenomenon on the big screen. To examine this issue from various perspectives, acclaimed scholars and junior researchers, filmmakers and human rights activists, both Roma and non-Roma, gathered in Berlin in 2018 and presented... more


    Antiziganism is a common phenomenon on the big screen. To examine this issue from various perspectives, acclaimed scholars and junior researchers, filmmakers and human rights activists, both Roma and non-Roma, gathered in Berlin in 2018 and presented their research output, shared personal testimonies and discussed films at the international conference “Antigypsyism and Film“. The present bilingual volume is a documentation of the conference proceedings. It contains academic articles and essays as well as interviews with filmmakers grouped in four thematic sections: antigypsyism in film, the question of ethics, strategies of subversion and antigypsyism in comparison to other forms of racism.; Antiziganismus ist Normalität auf der großen Leinwand. Um dieses Problem aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu untersuchen, versammelten sich Wissenschaftler und Nachwuchsforscher, Filmemacher und Menschenrechtsaktivisten – Roma wie Nicht-Roma – 2018 in Berlin zu einer internationalen Tagung: “Antiziganismus und Film“. Sie präsentierten ihre Forschungsergebnisse, teilten persönliche Zeugnisse und diskutierten Filme. Der vorliegende zweisprachige Band dokumentiert diese in ihrer Form bisher einzigartige Tagung. Der Tagungsband umfasst wissenschaftliche Artikel und Essays sowie Interviews mit Filmemachern, unterteilt in vier thematische Abschnitte: Antiziganismus im Film, Fragen der Ethik, Strategien der Subversion und Antiziganismus im Verhältnis zu anderen Ressentiments.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Film theory & criticism
    Other subjects: Antigypsyism; Racism; Film; Sinti; Roma; Antiziganismus; Rassismus
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (304 p.)
  8. Capability Brown, Royal Gardener : The Business of Place-Making in Northern Europe
    Contributor: Finch, Jonathan (Publisher); Woudstra, Jan (Publisher)
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  White Rose University Press, York, UK

    Lancelot “Capability” Brown was one of the most influential landscape designers of the eighteenth-century at a time when Britain was changing radically from an agrarian to an industrial and colonial nation, whilst Europe was periodically convulsed by... more


    Lancelot “Capability” Brown was one of the most influential landscape designers of the eighteenth-century at a time when Britain was changing radically from an agrarian to an industrial and colonial nation, whilst Europe was periodically convulsed by war and revolution. The extent and nature of his influence are, however, fiercely debated. Brown worked at hundreds of important sites across England and his name became synonymous with the “English Garden” style which was copied across Northern Europe and entranced Catherine the Great, who remodelled her landscapes in St Petersburg to reflect the new style. He was fêted in his time, and recognised by the Crown, but Brown’s style was readily copied over his later life and particularly after his death. Arguably, this ubiquity led to the denigration of his achievements and even his character, particularly by the agents of the Picturesque. The lack of any personal primary material from Brown - forcing scholars to rely on his landscapes, contracts and bank accounts - has hindered attempts to provide a rounded and credible account of the man and his works. However, by exploring his team of associates and his role as Royal Gardener, new light can be thrown on the man, his landscapes and his landscape legacy. Bringing together a number of perspectives from across Northern Europe, Capability Brown, Royal Gardener explores the lasting international impact of Brown. With Brown’s position as Royal Gardener at its heart, this book explores for the first time his business methods, working methods and European influence. It assesses how, crucially, Brown’s work practices placed him within the world of nurserymen and landscape designers, and how his business practices and long term relationships with draughtsmen and designers allowed him to manage a huge number of projects and a substantial financial turnover. This, in turn, allowed him to work in a way that promoted and advanced his style of landscape. Edited by Professor Jonathan Finch (University of York) and Dr Jan Woudstra (University of Sheffield), and with a varied range of engaging contributors drawn internationally from archaeology, art history, history and landscape architecture, Capability Brown, Royal Gardener weaves together strands from across a broad range of disciplinary interests. It makes an important contribution to the scholarly discussion of Brown’s work, the work of his collaborators, and legacy in the UK and across Northern Europe. Relevant to students and academics at all levels, this volume throws new light on Capability Brown and his impact on the business of place-making in Northern Europe.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Contributor: Finch, Jonathan (Publisher); Woudstra, Jan (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Landscape archaeology; Landscape art & architecture; Landscape gardening; c 1700 to c 1800; United Kingdom, Great Britain; Northern Europe, Scandinavia
    Other subjects: Lancelot Capability Brown; Landscape gardening; Landscape design; Landscape Archaeology; Place-making; Northern Europe
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (240 p.)
  9. Literary Culture in Early Modern England, 1630-1700 : Angles of Contingency
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

    This book explores literary culture in England between 1630 and 1700, focusing on connections between material, epistemic, and political conditions of literary writing and reading. In a number of case studies and close readings, it presents the... more


    This book explores literary culture in England between 1630 and 1700, focusing on connections between material, epistemic, and political conditions of literary writing and reading. In a number of case studies and close readings, it presents the seventeenth century as a period of change that saw a fundamental shift towards a new cultural configuration: neoclassicism. This shift affected a wide array of social practices and institutions, from poetry to politics and from epistemology to civility.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783110691375
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Literature: history & criticism
    Other subjects: English literature; contingency; neoclassicism; politics
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (282 p.)
  10. From Scrolls to Scrolling : Sacred Texts, Materiality, and Dynamic Media Cultures
    Contributor: Anderson, Bradford A. (Publisher)
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

    Using the digital turn as a starting point, the essays in this volume explore the materiality of sacred texts in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, along with transitions between various media cultures and material forms. The essays explore how... more


    Using the digital turn as a starting point, the essays in this volume explore the materiality of sacred texts in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, along with transitions between various media cultures and material forms. The essays explore how material factors have shaped the production and transmission of sacred texts, as well as impacting the way in which people engage with, use, and perform these texts, within and between religious traditions.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Contributor: Anderson, Bradford A. (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783110634440
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Comparative religion; Media studies; Jewish studies; Islamic studies
    Other subjects: Digital turn; materiality of sacred texts; digitization
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (307 p.)
  11. André Lhote and His International Students
    Contributor: Kuban, Zeynep (Publisher); Wille, Simone (Publisher)
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  innsbruck university press, Innsbruck

    Amongst the numerous art academies that existed in Paris between the 1920s and the 1950s, both the liberal as well as the more conservative, the academy of André Lhote (1885-1962), run between 1925 and 1962, was much sought after and attracted an... more


    Amongst the numerous art academies that existed in Paris between the 1920s and the 1950s, both the liberal as well as the more conservative, the academy of André Lhote (1885-1962), run between 1925 and 1962, was much sought after and attracted an unprecedented number of international students. Due to the excellent state of its archive, it is possible today to acknowledge that almost 1,600 students studied with André Lhote at 18, rue d’ Odessa in Montparnasse over the period of four decades, as well as at the field academies that he set up in Mirmande (1926), Gordes (1938) and in Cadiére d’Azur (1948). André Lhote and His International Students is a collection of 13 essays that illuminate the significant way in which André Lhote, through his teaching, his art practice and writing, was responsible for distributing a specific set of formal and theoretical modernist trends. This book thus not only pays tribute to an unjustly neglected artist, theoretician and teacher, but also examines how artists from around the world contributed to and reinterpreted modernist movements that took place in Paris during this period. André Lhote and His International Students is an account of a microcosmic version of the cosmopolitan Paris that was shaped by the flow and circulation of thousands of single artists from around the world.; Zwischen den 1920er und 1950er Jahren existierten in Paris sowohl liberale als auch konservative Kunstakademien. Besonders begehrt war die ­Académie André Lhote (1885-1962), die von 1925 bis 1962 operierte. Diese zog eine bemerkenswerte Zahl von internationalen Künstlern und Studenten an. ­Aufgrund des sehr guten Zustands seines Archivs können wir heute davon ausgehen, dass während vier Jahrzehnten an die 1600 Studenten bei ­André Lhote in Montparnasse, 18 rue d‘Odessa und an seinen Landakademien (L’Académie aux champs) in Mirmande (seit 1926), Gordes (seit 1938) und in Cadière d'Azur (seit 1948) studierten. André Lhote and His International Students ist eine Sammlung von 13 Aufsätzen. Diese verweisen auf den bedeutenden Beitrag von André Lhote an der Verbreitung von spezifischen ­Regeln im Umgang mit formalen und theoretischen modernistischen Trends. Diese Regeln vermochte er sowohl durch seinen Unterricht, aber auch durch seine Kunstpraxis und seine Schriften zu vermitteln. Dabei leistet dieses Buch nicht nur eine Hommage an einen zu ­Unrecht vernachlässigten Künstler, Theoretiker und Lehrer, sondern untersucht zugleich, wie Künstler aus allen Regionen der Welt durch ihre Aufenthalte in Paris zum Projekt zur künstlerischen Moderne beitrugen und diese re-interpretierten. André Lhote and His International Students ist ein Bericht über eine mikrokosmische Version des kosmopolitischen Paris, welches durch den Fluss und die Zirkulation tausender einzelner Künstler aus der ganzen Welt geprägt wurde.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Contributor: Kuban, Zeynep (Publisher); Wille, Simone (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: History of art / art & design styles
    Other subjects: History of Art; André Lhote; Paris; Kunstgeschichte
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (262 p.)
  12. Liberty and the News
    Published: 2020

    Liberty and the News was published a century ago, the young Walter Lippmann’s fifth book. The slim volume merits a fresh read in our post-truth moment. “In an exact, sense,” Lippmann writes, “the present crisis of western democracy is a crisis in... more


    Liberty and the News was published a century ago, the young Walter Lippmann’s fifth book. The slim volume merits a fresh read in our post-truth moment. “In an exact, sense,” Lippmann writes, “the present crisis of western democracy is a crisis in journalism.” For Lippmann, liberty constitutes a method, not a series of prohibitions and permissions. The book’s aim is to identify and examine potential reforms to boost the reliability of news—a project as relevant today as it is unfinished. Liberty and the News is republished in this edition with a new introduction by Sue Curry Jansen.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Press & journalism; Political structures: democracy; Media studies; Communication studies
    Other subjects: press and journalism; political structures; democracy; media studies; communication studies
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (47 p.)
  13. Chapter 19 Daring to transform : cultures of knowledge and their performances
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Taylor & Francis

    "The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy is a volume of especially commissioned critical essays, conversations, and collaborative, creative and performative writing mapping the key contexts, debates, methods, discourses and practices in... more


    "The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy is a volume of especially commissioned critical essays, conversations, and collaborative, creative and performative writing mapping the key contexts, debates, methods, discourses and practices in this developing field.

    Firstly, the collection offers new insights on the fundamental question of how thinking happens: where, when, how and by whom philosophy is performed. Secondly, it provides a plurality of new accounts of performance and performativity – as the production of ideas, bodies and knowledges in the arts and beyond. Comprising texts written by international artists, philosophers and scholars from multiple disciplines, the essays engage with questions of how performance thinks and how thought is performed in a wide range of philosophies and performances, from the ancient to the contemporary. Concepts and practices from diverse geographical regions and cultural traditions are analysed to draw conclusions about how performance operates across art, philosophy and everyday life.

    The collection both contributes to and critiques the philosophy of music, dance, theatre and performance, exploring the idea of a philosophy from the arts. It is crucial reading material for those interested in the hierarchy of the relationship between philosophy and the arts, advancing debates on philosophical method, and the relation between Performance and Philosophy more broadly."


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    Parent title: The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy
    Subjects: Theatre studies; Philosophy; History of Western philosophy
    Other subjects: Anna Seitz; Jörg Holkenbrink; dramaturgy; performance; performance studies; actors; audience; theory; practice; stage; atmosphere; academia in performance
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (10 p.)
  14. The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy
    Contributor: Cull Ó Maoilearca, Laura (Publisher); Lagaay, Alice (Publisher)
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Taylor & Francis

    "The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy is a volume of especially commissioned critical essays, conversations, and collaborative, creative and performative writing mapping the key contexts, debates, methods, discourses and practices in... more


    "The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy is a volume of especially commissioned critical essays, conversations, and collaborative, creative and performative writing mapping the key contexts, debates, methods, discourses and practices in this developing field.

    Firstly, the collection offers new insights on the fundamental question of how thinking happens: where, when, how and by whom philosophy is performed. Secondly, it provides a plurality of new accounts of performance and performativity – as the production of ideas, bodies and knowledges in the arts and beyond. Comprising texts written by international artists, philosophers and scholars from multiple disciplines, the essays engage with questions of how performance thinks and how thought is performed in a wide range of philosophies and performances, from the ancient to the contemporary. Concepts and practices from diverse geographical regions and cultural traditions are analysed to draw conclusions about how performance operates across art, philosophy and everyday life.

    The collection both contributes to and critiques the philosophy of music, dance, theatre and performance, exploring the idea of a philosophy from the arts. It is crucial reading material for those interested in the hierarchy of the relationship between philosophy and the arts, advancing debates on philosophical method, and the relation between Performance and Philosophy more broadly."


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  15. Tadeusz Baird. The Composer, His Work, and Its Reception
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Bern

    This book is the first monographic study of Tadeusz Baird – one of the greatest Polish composers of the second half of the 20th century, a connoisseur of music tradition and a prophet of the future of music (postmodernity), a composer of worldwide... more


    This book is the first monographic study of Tadeusz Baird – one of the greatest Polish composers of the second half of the 20th century, a connoisseur of music tradition and a prophet of the future of music (postmodernity), a composer of worldwide renown, an erudite. Baird was deeply engaged in art, aware of the threats and problems of contemporary world, and endowed with a sense of a mission. His personality was shaped by traumatic experiences during World War II and during the late 1940s and early 1950s. He was very demanding of himself and others. As signaled in the title, the book is an extensive, monographic representation of the composer's work and concepts in their stylistic, cultural, and esthetic contexts.


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  16. Literature and Politics in the Later Foucault
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

    While it has been argued that Foucault’s interest in literature was limited to the 1960s and of a mostly depoliticized nature, the philosopher's previously unpublished later works suggest a different reality, showing a sustained interest in... more


    While it has been argued that Foucault’s interest in literature was limited to the 1960s and of a mostly depoliticized nature, the philosopher's previously unpublished later works suggest a different reality, showing a sustained interest in literature and its politics. In the light of this new material, this study repositions Foucault's ideas within recent debates on the politics of literature.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783110668902
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Literature: history & criticism; Literary studies: general; Social & political philosophy
    Other subjects: Politics of Literature; Literary Theory; Foucault, Michel
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (145 p.)
  17. Land, Dorf, Kehilla : „Landjudentum“ in der deutschen und deutsch-jüdischen Erzählliteratur bis 1918
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

    For secular, well-educated society, the “countryside” has always been a projection screen for desires and aversions. Almut Laufer examines the narrative traces left by rural Jewish communities by considering the texts of non-Jewish authors of the... more


    For secular, well-educated society, the “countryside” has always been a projection screen for desires and aversions. Almut Laufer examines the narrative traces left by rural Jewish communities by considering the texts of non-Jewish authors of the late Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment and the stories of Jewish authors of the 19th and early 20th centuries that reflect inner Jewish discourse.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783110674255
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Literature: history & criticism; Literary studies: from c 1900 -; Jewish studies
    Other subjects: Jews; village life; literature
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (470 p.)
  18. Topografien des 20. Jahrhunderts : Die memoriale Poetik des Stolperns in Haroldo de Campos' «Galáxias»
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

    The polyphonic world poem Galáxias (1984) by Brazilian poet Haroldo de Campos has, to date, mainly been discussed in the broader context of concrete poetry and the Latin American neo-baroque. This book offers a completely new reading of the work as a... more


    The polyphonic world poem Galáxias (1984) by Brazilian poet Haroldo de Campos has, to date, mainly been discussed in the broader context of concrete poetry and the Latin American neo-baroque. This book offers a completely new reading of the work as a poetic testimony to a century of catastrophes: references to traumatic historical events are embedded as ‘stumbling blocks’ in the text, guiding the reader towards a ‘Poetics of Stumbling’.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783110639445
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Poetry; Literature: history & criticism; Literary studies: from c 1900 -
    Other subjects: Pound, Ezra; memorial poetry; concrete poetry; Campos, Haroldo de
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (409 p.)
  19. Body and Spirit in the Middle Ages : Literature, Philosophy, Medicine
    Contributor: Gubbini, Gaia (Publisher)
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

    A crucial question throughout the Middle Ages, the relationship between body and spirit cannot be understood without an interdisciplinary approach – combining literature, philosophy and medicine. Gathering contributions by leading international... more


    A crucial question throughout the Middle Ages, the relationship between body and spirit cannot be understood without an interdisciplinary approach – combining literature, philosophy and medicine. Gathering contributions by leading international scholars from these disciplines, the collected volume explores themes such as lovesickness, the five senses, memory and passions, in order to shed new light on the complex nature of the medieval Self.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Contributor: Gubbini, Gaia (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783110615937
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Literature: history & criticism; Literary studies: classical, early & medieval; Society & social sciences
    Other subjects: Body; Spirit; Five Senses; Passions; Lovesickness
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (284 p.)
  20. Chronicles from Kashmir : An Annotated, Multimedia Script
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Open Book Publishers

    "‘What is happening in Kashmir?’ Chronicles from Kashmir explores this question through a site-adaptive 24-hour theatrical performance. Developed between 2013 and 2018 by the Ensemble Kashmir Theatre Akademi and Nandita Dinesh, the play uses a... more


    "‘What is happening in Kashmir?’


    Chronicles from Kashmir explores this question through a site-adaptive 24-hour theatrical performance. Developed between 2013 and 2018 by the Ensemble Kashmir Theatre Akademi and Nandita Dinesh, the play uses a durational, promenade format to immerse its audience within a multitude of perspectives on life in Kashmir. From a wedding celebration that is interrupted by curfew, to schoolboys divided by policing strategies, and soldiers struggling with a toxic mixture of boredom and trauma, Chronicles from Kashmir uses performance, installation and collaborative creation to grapple with Kashmir’s conflicts through the lenses of outsiders, insiders, and everyone in between.


    Due to varying degrees of censorship and suppression, the play has not been performed live since 2017. This book is, therefore, an attempt to keep Chronicles from Kashmir alive by including filmed scenes, a script, contextual questions, a glossary, and illuminating introductions by Nandita Dinesh and EKTA founder Bhawani Bashir Yasir. A valuable Open Access resource for practitioners, educators and students of performance and conflict, this book is also stimulating reading for anybody who has asked, ‘What is happening in Kashmir?’


    This playscript includes:

    Twenty filmed scenes of the play in performance

    A range of contextual questions to stimulate discussion on staging site-adaptive theatre in places of conflict

    A helpful glossary"


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  21. Ort und Zeit : Filmische Heterotopien von Hochbaum bis Tykwer
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

    Like any story, the story of film doesn’t just unfold in time it is also linked to the locations in which it is inscribed. The filmic poetics that governed this process at different points in the history of cinema are the subject of this book. Using... more


    Like any story, the story of film doesn’t just unfold in time it is also linked to the locations in which it is inscribed. The filmic poetics that governed this process at different points in the history of cinema are the subject of this book. Using examples ranging from the 1930s to the 1990s, it explores the social and political horizons of heterotopic conceptions of space in German film.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783110616743
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Film, TV & radio; Films, cinema
    Other subjects: Conception of space in film; filmic locations; history of German cinema
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (138 p.)
  22. Adrodd ar Dlodi : Naratif y Cyfryngau Newyddion a Chyfathrebiadau’r Trydydd Sector yng Nghymru
    Author: Moore, Kerry
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Cardiff University Press, Cardiff

    This book presents an in-depth, systematic investigation of the reporting of poverty in Wales, discussing findings from a two-year research project funded by the ‘Exploring the Narrative Coalition’ (a group of 10 Wales-based third sector... more


    This book presents an in-depth, systematic investigation of the reporting of poverty in Wales, discussing findings from a two-year research project funded by the ‘Exploring the Narrative Coalition’ (a group of 10 Wales-based third sector organisations), the ESRC, and Cardiff University. Examining how poverty news is covered in the English and Welsh languages across broadcast, print and online news, it provides a detailed insight into current journalistic and communications practices on a crucial issue facing Wales. In the wake of a decade of austerity policies, with official measures confirming experiences of poverty and destitution are increasing, the book offers a timely intervention, critically investigating mainstream media narratives on poverty and how these are shaped. The book is based on original research conducted in 2016-7, in a highly eventful period that included the Tata Steel crisis in Port Talbot, South Wales, the Welsh Government elections and the referendum campaign on the UK’s membership of the European Union. It addresses how poverty was framed in such nationally significant news about politics, business and economics, as well as more local, personal or community-focused stories about livelihoods and social issues. A quantitative analysis of the key characteristics of coverage across different media types provides a detailed evidence base for understanding how poverty news was represented. This includes examining the major contextualizing themes, social groups and geographical locations most frequently covered, the causes and consequences of poverty, and sourcing. It demonstrates how Wales-based media coverage differs from more negative reporting typical of some sections of the UK national press, especially in terms of stigmatizing discourses surrounding unemployment and welfare. However, important questions are identified about how news narratives convey meaning and, especially, disconnections between the coverage of macro-economic trends or events and their consequences in the lives of ordinary people. Additionally, the book explores why poverty news coverage is constructed in the way that it is, using findings from detailed interviews with journalists and editors about their practice. Through the lens of professional values and experiences, the book examines the challenges thought to affect poverty reporting. Key issues include the contraction of resources and specialist expertise allocated to social affairs journalism, the difficulties of identifying and reaching potentially vulnerable groups across Wales and representing case studies fairly and ethically. A parallel set of interviews conducted with third sector professionals about their engagement with news media and communications practices provides a further insight into the production of poverty news. Here, the pressures in reporting poverty are seen from a different perspective, where seeking to influence the coverage of poverty and respond to news demands can elicit professional tensions between journalists and the third sector and/or productive cooperative relationships positively impacting news narratives. In providing a detailed picture of how and why poverty news narratives are shaped as they are, the book aims to provide an evidence base informing more meaningful, representative and accurate poverty reporting in Wales.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: Welsh
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Cultural studies; Media studies; Sociology; Press & journalism
    Other subjects: Cyfathrebu’r trydydd sector; Newyddiaduraeth; Anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol; Tlodi
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (163 p.)
  23. Reporting on Poverty : News Media Narratives and Third Sector Communications in Wales
    Author: Moore, Kerry
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Cardiff University Press, Cardiff

    This book presents an in-depth, systematic investigation of the reporting of poverty in Wales, discussing findings from a two-year research project funded by the ‘Exploring the Narrative Coalition’ (a group of 10 Wales-based third sector... more


    This book presents an in-depth, systematic investigation of the reporting of poverty in Wales, discussing findings from a two-year research project funded by the ‘Exploring the Narrative Coalition’ (a group of 10 Wales-based third sector organisations), the ESRC, and Cardiff University. Examining how poverty news is covered in the English and Welsh languages across broadcast, print and online news, it provides a detailed insight into current journalistic and communications practices on a crucial issue facing Wales. In the wake of a decade of austerity policies, with official measures confirming experiences of poverty and destitution are increasing, the book offers a timely intervention, critically investigating mainstream media narratives on poverty and how these are shaped. The book is based on original research conducted in 2016-7, in a highly eventful period that included the Tata Steel crisis in Port Talbot, South Wales, the Welsh Government elections and the referendum campaign on the UK’s membership of the European Union. It addresses how poverty was framed in such nationally significant news about politics, business and economics, as well as more local, personal or community-focused stories about livelihoods and social issues. A quantitative analysis of the key characteristics of coverage across different media types provides a detailed evidence base for understanding how poverty news was represented. This includes examining the major contextualizing themes, social groups and geographical locations most frequently covered, the causes and consequences of poverty, and sourcing. It demonstrates how Wales-based media coverage differs from more negative reporting typical of some sections of the UK national press, especially in terms of stigmatizing discourses surrounding unemployment and welfare. However, important questions are identified about how news narratives convey meaning and, especially, disconnections between the coverage of macro-economic trends or events and their consequences in the lives of ordinary people. Additionally, the book explores why poverty news coverage is constructed in the way that it is, using findings from detailed interviews with journalists and editors about their practice. Through the lens of professional values and experiences, the book examines the challenges thought to affect poverty reporting. Key issues include the contraction of resources and specialist expertise allocated to social affairs journalism, the difficulties of identifying and reaching potentially vulnerable groups across Wales and representing case studies fairly and ethically. A parallel set of interviews conducted with third sector professionals about their engagement with news media and communications practices provides a further insight into the production of poverty news. Here, the pressures in reporting poverty are seen from a different perspective, where seeking to influence the coverage of poverty and respond to news demands can elicit professional tensions between journalists and the third sector and/or productive cooperative relationships positively impacting news narratives. In providing a detailed picture of how and why poverty news narratives are shaped as they are, the book aims to provide an evidence base informing more meaningful, representative and accurate poverty reporting in Wales.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Cultural studies; Press & journalism; Media studies; Sociology
    Other subjects: Third sector communications; Journalism; Social inequality; Poverty
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (151 p.)
  24. The Cultural Life of James Bond : Specters of 007
    Contributor: Verheul, Jaap (Publisher)
    Published: 2020
    Publisher:  Amsterdam University Press

    The release of No Time To Die in 2020 heralds the arrival of the twenty-fifth installment in the James Bond film series. Since the release of Dr. No in 1962, the cinematic James Bond has expedited the transformation of Ian Fleming's literary creation... more


    The release of No Time To Die in 2020 heralds the arrival of the twenty-fifth installment in the James Bond film series. Since the release of Dr. No in 1962, the cinematic James Bond has expedited the transformation of Ian Fleming's literary creation into an icon of western popular culture that has captivated audiences across the globe by transcending barriers of ideology, nation, empire, gender, race, ethnicity, and generation. The Cultural Life of James Bond: Specters of 007 untangles the seemingly perpetual allure of the Bond phenomenon by looking at the non-canonical texts and contexts that encompass the cultural life of James Bond. Chronicling the evolution of the British secret agent over half a century of political, social, and cultural permutations, the fifteen chapters examine the Bond-brand beyond the film series and across media platforms while understanding these ancillary texts and contexts as sites of negotiation with the Eon franchise.


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    Source: OAPEN
    Contributor: Verheul, Jaap (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9789462982185
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Cultural studies; Film theory & criticism; Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
    Other subjects: James Bond, cultural politics, globalization, popular culture, multimediality
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (337 p.)
  25. The Vienna Genesis: Material analysis and conservation of a Late Antique illuminated manuscript on purple parchment

    Parchment, inks, dyes and pigments of the Vienna Genesis were investigated. The results formed the basis for conservation and storage of the illuminated manuscript Pergament, Tinten, Farbstoffe und Pigmente der Wiener Genesis wurden erforscht. Auf... more


    Parchment, inks, dyes and pigments of the Vienna Genesis were investigated. The results formed the basis for conservation and storage of the illuminated manuscript Pergament, Tinten, Farbstoffe und Pigmente der Wiener Genesis wurden erforscht. Auf Basis dieser Ergebnisse erfolgte die Konservierung und Aufbewahrung der illuminierten Handschrift.


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