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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 63.
Researches in Altaic languages
papers read at the 14th meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference held in Szeged, August 22 - 28, 1971 -
Orientalia Suecana
an international journal of indological, Iranian, Semitic and Turkic studies -
Terminologicen recnik po informatika
Proceedings of the International Congress of Aesthetics
Slavica Pragensia
Catalogus translationum et commentariorum
mediaeval and Renaissance Latin translations and commentaries ; annotated lists and guides -
Proceedings of the International Congress of Aesthetics
Plaidoyers civils
3, Discours XLIX - LVI -
Proceedings of the International Congress of Aesthetics
Romanistica Pragensia
Proceedings of the International Congress of Aesthetics
Romanistica Pragensia
Slavica Pragensia
Orientalia Pragensia
Slavica Pragensia
Bereiche der Slavistik
Festschrift zu Ehren von Josip Hamm -
Parole de l'Orient
revue des etudes syriaques et arabes chrétiennes = Meltā de-Madnehā = Meltō d-madnhō -
Proceedings of the International Congress of Aesthetics
Proceedings of the International Congress of Aesthetics
<<Les>> États multilingues
problèmes et solutions = Multilingual political systems : problems and solutions -
Byzantine books and bookmen
Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium 1971 [on Byzantine Books and Bookmen] -
Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvikovský octogenario oblata
Geprägte Form
Festschrift für Robert Rie -
Bălgaro-češkata družba v literaturata na XIX vek
= Česko-bulharské přátelství v literatuře XIX. století -
Grundprobleme der deutsch-französischen Übersetzung