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Displaying results 101 to 125 of 1938.
Der patriotische Volksredner
The experienced christian's magazine
consisting chiefly of original narrations, shewing the incrase of Christ's kingdom in America, contrasted with the sad effects of infidelity -
The Lady and gentleman's pocket magazine of literary and polite amusement
The Massachusetts magazine or monthly museum
containing the literature, history, politics, arts, manners, amusements of the age -
The Monthly military repository
respectfully inscribed to the military of the United States of America -
The musical magazine
containing a variety of favorite pieces -
The New York magazine or literary repository
The New York weekly magazine or miscellaneous repository
forming an interesting collection of original and select literary productions in prose and verse, calculated for instruction and rational entertainment, the promotion of moral and useful knowledge, and to enlarge and correct the undestanding of youth -
The Nightingale or a melange de litterature
a periodical publication -
The Political censor or monthly review of the most interesting political occurences relative to the United States of America
The Philadelphia minerva
containing a variety of fugitive pieces in prose and poetry, original and selected -
The Rural magazine or Vermont repository
devoted to literary, moral, historical and political improvment -
The Theological magazine or synopsis of modern religious sentiment on a new plan
The United States Christian magazine
Neuere Geschichte der evangelischen Missionsanstalten zu Bekehrung der Heiden in Ost-Indien
aus d. eigenhändigen Aufsätzen u. Briefen der Missionarien hrsg -
Die Blaue Bibliothek aller Nationen
Giornali letterario di Napoli
Berlinische Nachrichten von Staats- und gelehrten Sachen
Allgemeines Notizenblatt für Literatur und Kunst
Maandelyksche uittreksels of boekzaal der geleerde waereld
Sammlungen für Liebhaber christlicher Wahrheit und Gottseligkeit
ein literarisches Magazin der teutschen und nordischen Vorzeit -
Sammlungen für Liebhaber christlicher Wahrheit und Gottseligkeit
Asiatic researches or transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia
Literarischer Anzeiger
Annalen d. gesamten Literatur für d. geschwinde Bekanntmachung versch. Nachrichten auf d. Gebiete d. Gelehrsamkeit u. Kunst