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Displaying results 151 to 175 of 80760.
Modus operandi
an excursion into detective fiction -
Vorlass Walter Kohl
Between flops
a biography of Preston Sturges -
<<The>> Private Eye story
the first 21 years -
Nachlass Kurt Becsi
<<Il>> caso Pratolini
ideologia e romanzo nella letteratura degli anni Cinquanta -
Portraits aus Nachkriegsdeutschland
Hilmar Pabel, René Burri, Stefan Moses, Leonard Freed, Timm Rautert, Gabriele und Helmut Nothhelfer, André Gelpke, Andreas Horlitz ; Fotos aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1947-1980 = Portraits de l'allemagne d'aprés-guerre : Photos de Republique Fédérale d'Allemagne 1947-1980 -
Vorlesungen 1
Vorlesungen 2
Vorlesungen 6
Vorlesungen 7
Renaissance curiosa
John Dee's conversations with angels, Girolamo Cardano's horoscope of Christ ... -
<<The>> prince who became a cuckoo
a tale of liberation -
<<A>> book of songs
a novel -
Mystik und höfische Dichtung
Die Schublade
Autorenedition wider besseres Wissen -
Censorship and social conflict in the Spanish theatre. The case of Alfonso Sastre
Tijdschrift voor taalbeheersing
The syntax of Sophocles
The classical priamel from Homer to Boethius
Formular language and poetic design in the Aeneid
Die Lieder des Bakchylides
Where the wild things are
Deutsche Rezitation und Psalmodie
Versuch e. Standortbestimmung -
The man from St. Petersburg