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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 37.
Bibliothecae historicae libri XV hoc est quotquot graece extant de quadraginta ... Praeterea interjecta est Dictys Cretensis et Daretis Phrygii de bello Trojano historia
Diodori Sicvli Bibliothecæ Historicæ Libri XV.
Hoc Est, quotquot Græcè extant de quadraginta, quorum quinque nunc iterum Latinè diligenter recogniti, & chronologia illustrati eduntur. Sebastiano Castalioni Totivs operis correctore, partim interprete. Interiecta Vero Est, Dictys Cretensis & Daretis Phrygii de bello Troiano historia, & Tryphiodori Aegyptij, Ilij excidium, Gulielmo Xylandro interprete -
Diodore of Tarsus
commentary on Psalms 1 - 51 -
Commentary on Psalms 1 - 51
Histoire Universelle De Diodore De Sicile
<<The>> library of history
<<The>> library of history
1, Books I-II.34 -
<<The>> library of history
2, Books II.35-IV.58 -
<<The>> library of history
3, Books IV.59-VIII -
<<The>> library of history
4, Books IX-XII.40 -
<<The>> library of history
5, Books XII.41-XIII -
<<The>> library of history
7, Books XV.20-XVI.65 -
<<The>> library of history
8, Books 16.66-17 -
<<The>> library of history
9, Books 18-19.65 -
<<The>> library of history
10, Books XIX.66-XX -
<<The>> library of history
11, Books XXI-XXXII -
<<The>> library of history
12, Books XXXIII-XL : general index -
The library of history
The library of history
1, Books I-II.34 -
The library of history
2, Books II.35-IV.58 -
The library of history
3, Books IV.59-VIII -
The library of history
4, Books IX-XII.40 -
The library of history
5, Books XII.41-XIII -
The library of history
7, Books XV.20-XVI.65 -
The library of history
8, Books 16.66-17