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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 270136.
Idling in restoration drama: the semantics of idleness in British plays from 1660 to 1710
Growing trees : visualizing text genetics as sentence history during writing
Digital provisions for undergraduate proposal writing : securing conceptual alignment between writer and supervisor when using Thesis Writer
Writing and thinking : what changes with digitalization?
Exploring logging data for indicators of writing strategies and profiles
Neue Ansätze zur Auswertung von Schreibprozessdaten : Textgeschichten und Satzgeschichten
Schreiben, reden und schweigen : Entwicklungsszenarien
Neue Richtlinien zur Gestaltung von Manuskripten
Pragmatics of writing : from the development and teaching to automated assessment of pragmatic competence
Text, Technik, Technikkommunikation – ein Zusammenspiel mit Zukunft
Using the concept of transforming sequences to automatically extract and classify bursts
Supporting the acquisition of digital literacy with the Swiss Process-Product Corpus of Student Writing Development
On, for, and with practitioners : a transdisciplinary approach to writing research
Herausforderungen bei der Fehlerannotation in L1- und L2-Texten : Erfahrungsbericht und Lösungsansätze
What writers do with language : inscription and formulation as core elements of the science of writing
Entwicklung eines Produkt-Prozess-Korpus zur Unterstützung des Erwerbs von Kompetenzen im Bereich Digital Literacy (SPPC Swiss Process-Product Corpus of Student Writing Development)
Satz- und Textgeschichten in Schreibprozessdaten
Forty years of digital writing : what has changed, where do we stand, what comes next?
American Crime
“Early” “American” “Novels”
The New, The Now, The Novel
The New, The Now, The Novel