This is a novel, set in Somalia's civil war, about a boy named Liibaan. The story deals with how the clashes between the Somali government and the rebel groups caused deaths, refugees, division among the people and a collapsed state. [ASC Leiden...
This is a novel, set in Somalia's civil war, about a boy named Liibaan. The story deals with how the clashes between the Somali government and the rebel groups caused deaths, refugees, division among the people and a collapsed state. [ASC Leiden abstract]
"Dhigaal waa buug suugaaneed ka kooban maansooyin kala jaad ah oo ka hadlaya waayaha nolosha iyo adduunka. Waa maansooyin ka hadlaya sida curiyuhu u arko dhibaatooyin badan oo adduunka ka jira iyo sida wax looga qaban karo."--Page [4] of cover
"Dhigaal waa buug suugaaneed ka kooban maansooyin kala jaad ah oo ka hadlaya waayaha nolosha iyo adduunka. Waa maansooyin ka hadlaya sida curiyuhu u arko dhibaatooyin badan oo adduunka ka jira iyo sida wax looga qaban karo."--Page [4] of cover