Электрическая часть КЭС с 5 блоками мощностью 800 МВт ; выпускная квалификационная работа бакалавра
Abstract ; В данной работе В работе выполнено проектирование электрической части конденсационной электростанции. Выбрана оптимальная структурная схема и основное электрооборудование. Рассчитаны токи короткого замыкания. Выбраны электрические аппараты...
Abstract ; В данной работе В работе выполнено проектирование электрической части конденсационной электростанции. Выбрана оптимальная структурная схема и основное электрооборудование. Рассчитаны токи короткого замыкания. Выбраны электрические аппараты и проводники. Разработана главная схема электрических соединений и схема собственных нужд.
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Проблема стихотворного переложения и современного издания "Слова о полку Игореве"
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the existing approaches to modern poetic rendering of the epic poem “The Tale of Igor's Campaign” (Slovo o polku Igoreve), misinterpretations of the original text in poetic translations, and requirements to be...
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Abstract: The article is dedicated to the existing approaches to modern poetic rendering of the epic poem “The Tale of Igor's Campaign” (Slovo o polku Igoreve), misinterpretations of the original text in poetic translations, and requirements to be met in modern rendering of the epic poem intended for the rising generation in view of modern socio-political realities. The author presents his poem named “The Kayala” as a version of such modern rendering
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The dependence of the propositional representation on the specificity of the situation (the case of the mental sphere)
Abstract: Object: study of the ways of reflection the situations of the mental sphere on the level of propositions by native German speakers Methods: descriptive, comparative, the method of linguistic observation, modeling and interpretation of the...
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Abstract: Object: study of the ways of reflection the situations of the mental sphere on the level of propositions by native German speakers Methods: descriptive, comparative, the method of linguistic observation, modeling and interpretation of the substantive structure of a sentence. Results: Established the dependence of the propositional representations character on the specificity of the ontology of situations, the specificity of the sphere of life where the event takes place: the ontological characteristics of the object that is considered in terms of semantics. Practical implications: The results may be used for university courses of the German theoretical grammar and stylistics, the general linguistics, theory and practice of translation, the cognitive linguistics and grammar
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The typology of intertextual interaction M. Maeterlinck's play "Blue Bird" and i.d. Surguchev's tale "Governor"
Abstract: Purpose: To consider, how specificity intertextual communications to lead I.D.Surguchev's tale and M.Meterlink's play-fairy tale are determined by a genre originality of a literary work. Methodology: The basic methods is the intertextual...
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Abstract: Purpose: To consider, how specificity intertextual communications to lead I.D.Surguchev's tale and M.Meterlink's play-fairy tale are determined by a genre originality of a literary work. Methodology: The basic methods is the intertextual analysis and the historicaltypological method, allowing to reveal interrelation of I.D. Surguchev's creativity with previous literary traditions. Results: It was suggested an analyzed of intertextual layer I.D.Surguchev's tale «The Governor» as generation of text and genre conditioning factors that bring up to date the genre form of hagiography. It was discovered the mechanism of generation and functioning of intertextuality, that made a conditional of genre originality of the work as the «Easter tale», outlined its intertextual relation to a wider range of texts. Practical implications: The concepts staticized in article and the formulated conclusions can be used at theory of intertextuality to a problem of genre generating. Theoretical conclusion
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