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Epistula ad Timotheum de morte apostolorum Petri et Pauli
Studies in Aramaic poetry
(c. 100 B.C.E.-c. 600 C.E.) : selected Jewish, Christian, and Samaritan poems -
Bābā Tāhir Hamadānī uryān
= Bābā Ṭāhir ʿUryān : fārsī wa ingilīsī -
... und sehnen uns nach einem neuen Gott ...
Poesie und Religion im Werk von Adonis : mit einem Essay über Adonis' Rezeption deutscher Philosophie sowie mit einem Gespräch zwischen Adonis und Stefan Weidner -
Aristotelian rhetoric in Syriac
Barhebraeus, Butyrum sapientiae, Book of rhetoric -
La preghiera vespertina feriale nella tradizione siro-antiochena
testo critico, storia e studi con traduzione italiana dei testi -
Il libro di Rut la moabita
analisi del testo siriaco -
Homiliae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis
= Mīmrē magabbjē de-Mār Ja'qub de-Sarug -
Religious poetry in vernacular Syriac from Northern Iraq (17th - 20th centuries)
an anthology -
Ephrem the Syrian transmitted and transmuted in Greek and Slavonic
aspects of the reception of Sermo Asceticus in the Slavonic world ; an academic essay in theology -
Inedita syriaca
eine Sammlung syrischer Übersetzungen von Schriften griechischer Profanliteratur ; mit einem Anhang -
Corpus Ignatianum: a complete collection of the Ignatian epistles
genuine, interpolated and spurious ; together with numerous extracts from them, as quoted by ecclesiastical writers down to the tenth century ; in Syriac, Greek, and Latin: an English transl. of the Syriac text, copious notes, and introduction -
The odes and psalms of solomon
al- Ādāb as-suryānīya
aʿlām as-siryān -
Syriac gospel translations
a comparison of the language and translation method used in the old Syriac, the Diatessaron and the Peshitto -
Die geschichtstheologische Reaktion auf die einfallenden Muslime in der edessenischen Apokalyptik des 7. Jahrhunderts
Die Oden Salomos
syrisch-hebräisch-deutsch ; ein kritischer Versuch -
The histories of Rabban Hôrmîzd the Persian and Rabban Bar-ʿIdtâ
The odes and psalms of Solomon
now first published from the Syriac version -
A letter of Philoxenus of Mabbug sent to a novice
The History of Abba Marcus of Mount Tharmaka
Une Version syriaque des fables d'Ésope, conservée dans huit manuscrits
Bibliothecae Syriacae a Paulo de Lagarde collectae quae ad philologiam sacram pertinent
Classical Syriac
a basic grammar with a chrestomathy -
Remnants of the later Syriac versions of the Bible
in two parts ; Part I: New Testament, the four minor catholic epistles in the original Philoxenian version, of the sixth century, and the history of the woman taken in adultery (st. John VII. 53-VIII. 12); Part II: Old Testament: Extracts (hitherto inedited) from the Syro-Hexaplar version, of the seventh century, after the Greek of the LXX. Genesis: Leviticus: 1 and 2 chronicles: Nehemiah