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Displaying results 1 to 15 of 15.
studia Graeca et Latina -
Gatsby/»Wir sind allesamt Würmer. Aber ich glaube, dass ich ein Glühwürmchen bin.«
Sprüche; Anekdoten -
Fragmentary Republican Latin
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde
BzA -
NIDA economic review
Sipuro shel ketav-yad
tofes shel perush Sifra di-tseniʿuta le-ha-Ari : ḳorotaṿ ṿe-toldotaṿ min haʿtaḳato bi-Tsefat ṿe-ʿod le-hagahoto bi-yede ha-Ramaʿ me-Fano be-Italyah ; meʾosef Benayahu = The life of a manuscript : a copy of R. Isaac Luriaʾs Peirush Sifra Deṣniʿuta : the story of its production in Safed and its annotation in Italy by R. Menaḥem Azariah da Fano ; from the Benayahu Collection -
In New York
a selection -
studia Graeca et Latina -
A tale of two cities
The Kannada Mahabharata
Fighting Sargas in Bhāravi's Kirātārjunīya
a translation of Sargas XV-XVII under the guidance of Mallinātha's Ghaṇṭāpatha -
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde
BzA -
A New Vocabulary for Global Modernism
NIDA economic review
Books 8 - 10.420E