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Displaying results 101 to 125 of 89171.
Literatura o Komi ASSR
Zeitschrift für Germanistik
Hungarika irodalmi szemle
külföldön, idegen nyelven megjelent magyar vonatkozású könyvek és folyóiratcikkek válogatott bibliográfiája -
Canadian literature
an index to theses accepted by Canadian universities 1925-1980 -
Selected bibliography of museological literature
for ... -
Filolohični nauky na Ukraïni
pokažčyk literatury za ... rik -
Carceri del pneuma
Saggio su Hofmannsthal -
Potere ed etica in Seneca
Clementia e voluntas amica -
Dinamiche testuali in The great Gatsby
Paola Cabibbo, Donatella Izzo -
L'identità perduta
Romanzo e idillio -
The magic labyrinth of Philip José Farmer
Gedichte [engl. u. deutsch]
Aus d. Amerikan. von Michael Mundhenk -
Der Abbau der Fabel <"Desfabulación"> im zeitgenössischen spanischen Roman am Beispiel von Camilo José Cela
L'esistenza ubbidiente
Letterati italiani sotto il fascismo -
Two early Renaissance bird poems
The Harmony of birds. The Parliament of birds. Ed., with introd. and notes by Malcolm Andrew -
La femme à la fenêtre
L'univers symbolique d'Anne Hébert dans Les chambres de bois, Kamouraska et Les enfants du sabbat -
Essays u. anderes zu Hans Magnus Enzensberger -
Autour des "Hymnes" de [Pierre de] Ronsard
Études rassemblées par Madeleine Lazard -
The poet and his audience
Ian Jack -
Les cahiers du CEPOA
Aristophanes and Athenian society of the early fourth century B. C.
Greek poetry and philosophy
studies in honour of Leonard Woodbury -
Poesia per gioco
Prontuario di figure artificiose -
The dramatic value of Lear's verbal expressions
a linguist. literary analysis