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Displaying results 276 to 300 of 2662332.

  1. Eric A. Blackall : 10/19/1914 - 11/16/1989
    Published: 2010

    1/27/1990. Words spoken at the Memorial Service, Anabel Taylor Hall, Cornell University. more


    1/27/1990. Words spoken at the Memorial Service, Anabel Taylor Hall, Cornell University.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: Literaturwissenschaft
    Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  2. Domains of application and 'Skopos' of the German Cato translations in the late middle ages
    Published: 2010

    When we look for evidence of multilingualism in the Middle Ages, we will eventually find the type of source which consists of the translation of Latin classroom texts into various vernaculars. Since the high Middle Ages traditional standard works of... more


    When we look for evidence of multilingualism in the Middle Ages, we will eventually find the type of source which consists of the translation of Latin classroom texts into various vernaculars. Since the high Middle Ages traditional standard works of grammar - dominantly Latin - were translated frequently into vernaculars. A prominent example are the 'Disticha Catonis'. This late antique work contains about 100 hexameter couplets, which convey a multitude of fundamental rules of life and conduct. A linguistically rather simple work, it was precisely for that reason all the more effective.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Disticha Catonis
    Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  3. (Re-)creating the past: national identity and authenticity in Julian Barnes' England, England and Brian Moore's The Great Victorian Collection
    Published: 2011

    Die vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert Auffassungen über Authentizität und Nationale Identität in Julian Barnes’ England, England und Brian Moore’s The Great Victorian Collection. Julian Barnes und Brian Moore bearbeiten postmoderne Themen in ihrer... more


    Die vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert Auffassungen über Authentizität und Nationale Identität in Julian Barnes’ England, England und Brian Moore’s The Great Victorian Collection. Julian Barnes und Brian Moore bearbeiten postmoderne Themen in ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit Realität und Authentizität. Brian Moore diskutiert die Möglichkeit der Ununterscheidbarkeit zwischen Original und Replika, Julian Barnes verdeutlicht die Konsequenzen eines Nationalgefühls, das sich auf die Vorstellung einer verklärten Vergangenheit stützt anstatt sich den Problemen der Gegenwart zu stellen. Die postmoderne Diskussion hinterfragt Theorien der Moderne. In der Moderne entwickelten sich Nationalstaaten zur grundlegenden politischen Struktur, die eine für den aufkommenden Kapitalismus unabdingbare Einheit und Gleichheit ermöglichte. Die postmoderne Kritik unterstreicht, dass diese Ordnung nicht natürlich ist, sondern auf ein tatsächliches Chaos von Fragmenten aufgezwungen wurde. Theorien der Postmoderne betonen die Uneinigkeit und Künstlichkeit von Nationalstaaten. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass ein Nationalstaat aus vielen verschiedenen und sogar untereinander gegensätzlichen Gruppierungen besteht. Die einheitliche Identifikation der Bürger mit einem Nationalstaat basiert auf der Vorstellung einer andauernden, geteilten Geschichte, und einer Betonung von Gemeinsamkeiten und vermeintlichen Unterschieden gegenüber Anderen. Diese Vorstellung von Einigkeit und Gemeinsamkeit wird in der Postmoderne als Konstrukt enthüllt. In ähnlicher Weise betonen postmoderne Theorien die Konstruiertheit der Vorstellung eines einheitlichen, wahren Selbst. Das Selbst wird empfunden als eine Ansammlung von zahlreichen, untereinander teilweise widerstreitenden, Teilen. Die Entwicklung der Industrialisierung im Kapitalismus der Moderne führte zur Auflösung bestehender lokaler Strukturen, und somit zu einer Entwurzelung der Individuen. Am Ende des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts verlangt der Konsumkapitalismus von den Menschen Mobilität und Wandelbarkeit. In dieser Phase der ...


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  4. Writing against the odds : the south’s cultural and literary struggle against progress and modernity
    Published: 2008

    Die Literatur und Kultur der Südstaaten ist entscheidend geprägt von ihrer Orientierung an der eigenen Geschichte und Vergangenheit. Die düstere Vergangenheit, die die Gegenwart überschatten und die Zukunft determiniert ist ein Südstaatenthema par... more


    Die Literatur und Kultur der Südstaaten ist entscheidend geprägt von ihrer Orientierung an der eigenen Geschichte und Vergangenheit. Die düstere Vergangenheit, die die Gegenwart überschatten und die Zukunft determiniert ist ein Südstaatenthema par exellence und allgegenwärtig in ihrer Kultur und Literatur. Nach dem Bürgerkrieg und der Reconstruction Era ist der Süden kulturell und ökonomisch ausgeblutet, am Boden und isoliert. Nach dem Krieg weitet sich die Kluft zwischen Nord- und Südstaaten immer weiter aus, ein Prozess, der jedoch schon so alt ist wie die Vereinigten Staaten selbst und bereits im beginnenden 18. Jahrhundert seinen Anfang nimmt. Die Isolation ist gleichzeitig gewollt und ungewollt, bewusst und unbewusst. Die Scham des verlorenen Krieges und die Marginalisierung sind die Katalysatoren für die Kultivierung und das Bestreben nach Erhalt der Besonderheiten der Südstaaten, mit ihrer vermeintlich überlegenen Kultur und Moral. Es beginnt die kommerzialisierte, hoch ideologisierte Konstruktion der Geschichte und Identität der Südstaaten, die in alle Lebensbereiche strahlt. Der melancholische Blick in die Vergangenheit als wichtigste Referenz und kulturellen Fluchtpunkt ersetzt den Eintritt in die Moderne und Modernität mit ihrer Schnelllebigkeit, Austauschbarkeit und die Aufgabe der Tradition für eine rasante Gegenwart. Das Individuum der Südstaaten sieht sich statt mit einer Flut an Wahlmöglichkeiten und Optionen, mit einer einengenden Gesellschaft konfrontiert, die wenig Spielraum für Abweichungen übriglässt und ein harsches Kontrollsystem hat. Es ist eine einzigartige Mischung aus Stolz, Scham und einem Gefühl der gleichzeitigen Unter- und Überlegenheit, die einen besonders guten literarischen Nährboden hervorbringt. In dieser Arbeit wird den historischen, kulturellen, und literarischen Wurzeln der Südstaatenliteratur seit der Southern Renaissance nachgegegangen, um dann die ständig perpetuierten formalen und inhaltlichen Strukturen darzustellen, die wenig Veränderungen erfahren haben. Diese ...


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  5. Filmische Elemente in der Literatur
    Author: Stork, Merle
    Published: 2024
    Publisher:  Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    Parent title: Stork M. Filmische Elemente in Der Literatur . Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe; 2024.
    DDC Categories: 700; 800


  6. Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia : crossings and encounters
    Published: 2021
    Publisher:  Ergon Verlag Würzburg in Kommission, Baden-Baden ; Orient-Institut Beirut (Max Weber Stiftung), Beirut

    Der vorliegende Band beschäftigt sich mit dem Surrealismus in Literatur und Kunst in Algerien, Ägypten, Libanon, Syrien und der Türkei zwischen den 1930er und 1980er Jahren. In einer transkulturellen Perspektive erscheint die zu Beginn der 1920er... more


    Der vorliegende Band beschäftigt sich mit dem Surrealismus in Literatur und Kunst in Algerien, Ägypten, Libanon, Syrien und der Türkei zwischen den 1930er und 1980er Jahren. In einer transkulturellen Perspektive erscheint die zu Beginn der 1920er Jahre von Frankreich ausgehende Bewegung gleichermaßen als globales wie als lokales Phänomen, das in den hier behandelten Regionen weniger auf kollektive als auf individualistische Weise, vornehmlich auf dem Gebiet von Poesie und Sprache, rezipiert wurde. Die Studien in diesem Band verfolgen das Ziel, ein klareres Bild von den Resonanzen des Surrealismus in diesen Regionen zu zeichnen und damit einen Beitrag zur Geschichte sowohl der Transmoderne als auch des Surrealismus zu leisten. Methodisch geht es darum, Verbindungen, Begegnungen und Austausch auf individuell-künstlerischer, politisch-institutioneller und soziohistorischer Ebene zu untersuchen. Ein neuer Blick auf den globalen Surrealismus muss diese Netzwerke und Verbindungen auf der Mikroebene berücksichtigen, wenn es um die Fragen geht, wann, wo und was Surrealismus war. Die Antwort könnte zeigen, dass der Surrealismus weitaus weiter verbreitet war als bisher angenommen. ; This volume discusses surrealism in literature and art in Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey between the 1930s and 1980s. Surrealism emerged as a movement in art and literature in Europe in the 1920s and quickly spread across the globe. It only led to a few movements or official groups in the regions discussed here and was mainly received in poetry rather than in the arts. However, surrealism played a role, albeit a more discrete and individualistic one. The volume aims at drawing a clearer picture of the sporadic resonances of surrealism in these regions thereby contributing to the history of both transmodernism and surrealism. Methodologically, it seeks to explore connections, encounters, and exchanges on individual, institutional, and spiritual levels. A new look at global surrealism needs to consider these micro-level ...


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 890; 892; 894
    Subjects: Surrealismus; Arabisch; Türkisch; Literatur

  7. Opening Up the Text : Arabic Literary Studies on the Move
    Published: 2018

    The uprisings associated with the “Arab Spring” since 2010 have had amultifaceted impact on the field of Arabic literary studies in general and inGermany in particular. The political protests in the Arab world evolvedalong with a “cultural... more


    The uprisings associated with the “Arab Spring” since 2010 have had amultifaceted impact on the field of Arabic literary studies in general and inGermany in particular. The political protests in the Arab world evolvedalong with a “cultural revolution” that sees literature and art as tools of the“new political”. In consequence, Arabic literary studies have begun revis-iting the relationship between literature and society, thereby “opening up”the concept of the traditional literary text. Scholars of Arabic literature arenow eager to study new text forms such as blogs, graffiti and slogans andexplore the sociopolitical conditions of texts and the socioculturalpractices of writing. However, this opening up is by no means limited toacademic research in Arabic literary studies. Indeed, practices of network-ing, language instruction and societal commitment throughout the disci-pline are opening up. Strengthening collaborative research efforts amongscholars based in the West and the Arab world, teaching Arabic as a mod-ern language of communication and knowledge production, and demon-strating societal commitment in the growing presence of Arab refugeesand migrants in Germany, the field of Arabic literary studies is on themove.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 890; 892

  8. Kebir Ammi: Den Erinnerungslücken auf der Spur
    Published: 2015

    Lesung mit Kebir Ammi/Lecture avec Kebir Ammi Von seiner Verlegerin erhält der Protagonist den Auftrag, ein Porträt des lateinischen Dichters Apuleius von Madaura (heutiges Algerien) anzufertigen, „le portrait d’un Algérien!“. Er hält dagegen... more


    Lesung mit Kebir Ammi/Lecture avec Kebir Ammi Von seiner Verlegerin erhält der Protagonist den Auftrag, ein Porträt des lateinischen Dichters Apuleius von Madaura (heutiges Algerien) anzufertigen, „le portrait d’un Algérien!“. Er hält dagegen „Algerien gab es doch damals noch gar nicht“. Doch seine Muse, wie er sie ironisch nennt, besteht darauf und für die Autorfigur beginnt ein literarisches Abenteuer. Die Reise führt den Erzähler über verschiedene geographische Stationen durch die Weltliteratur und schließlich nicht (nur) zu Apuleius, sondern der eigenen Schriftstellerrolle. Wie der Roman Apuleius, meine Verlegerin und ich (2006) vergegenwärtigen die Bücher von Kebir Ammi die Geschichte Nordafrikas – ihre antiken und kolonialen Bezüge ebenso wie jüdische und christliche – und rücken sie in ein neues Licht. Kebir Ammi hat sieben Romane publiziert (bei Gallimard u.a. sein Triptychon der Schwindler). In Deutschland ist der in Marokko geborene Autor, der in den USA studierte und in Paris lebt, gleichwohl erst noch zu entdecken. Französische Woche Heidelberg-Mannheim 2015 Veranstalter : Universität Mannheim Förderer : Deutsch-Französische-Vereinigung, Absolventum


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined; Multimedia
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 840


  9. Media Encounters and Media Theories
    Published: 2008
    Publisher:  Nodus

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 070; 300; 320; 400; 800; 900
    Subjects: Journalismus; Verlagswesen; Soziologie; Rhetorik; Literaturwissenschaft
  10. Towards a Pragmatics of the Audiovisual, Vol. 1
    Published: 1994
    Publisher:  Nodus Publikationen

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 300; 320; 400; 800
    Subjects: Soziologie; Rhetorik; Literaturwissenschaft
  11. Towards a Pragmatics of the Audiovisual, Vol. 2
    Published: 1995
    Publisher:  Nodus Publikationen

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 070; 320; 400; 800
    Subjects: Journalismus; Verlagswesen; Rhetorik; Literaturwissenschaft
  12. Semiohistory and the Media : Linear and Holistic Structures in Various Sign Systems
    Published: 1994

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 070; 300; 320; 400; 800
    Subjects: Journalismus; Verlagswesen; Soziologie; Rhetorik; Literaturwissenschaft
  13. Orientalism in contemporary Asian American literature : mounting Madame Butterfly on the Asian American needle
    Published: 2009

    Representations of the unknown and the foreign can be found in every culture. Paralleling the method of constructing identity in relation to the Other, all cultures create myths about the ‘foreign’ in order to discern what the ‘native’ is, and thus... more


    Representations of the unknown and the foreign can be found in every culture. Paralleling the method of constructing identity in relation to the Other, all cultures create myths about the ‘foreign’ in order to discern what the ‘native’ is, and thus often essentialize them as either good or bad, ultimately to vindicate one’s own actions and values. The nature of myths has it as such that they lend themselves to images, which are easily transformed into representations. Representations of the foreign in the United States follow the same purpose; they are propagated to define the nation’s identity and set it into political and cultural relation to other nations and civilizations. In this thesis’ context, then, representations of Asian Americans in American culture strengthen the imaginative bonds of American national identity manifesto. However, the interdependency of the Self and the Other clarifies and further entangles the subjects that constitute American national identity and in turn legitimizes the belated claim of Asian Americans to be included into it. Asian American literature is primarily concerned with these myths and (mis)representations that are influenced by Orientalist images in Western culture. Thus, Orientalism – a constructed myth about the Orient, which exists in art, books, and armchair theories of all kinds in the Western world – becomes the main motif for Asian American literature. If we construe this theory a little further then Asian American identity is formed in relation to Orientalist representations that need to be deconstructed first. From the outset, if Orientalism is considered as a produce of imperialism, it seems that time is a defining factor in Orientalism, both as an agent of change and as a factor of perspective. In reality, however, Orientalism seems resilient to time and change; the creation of the Madame Butterfly myth exemplifies what was created in 1887 had been perfected by 1900 and since then enjoys frequent comebacks until today. Thus, for Asian American artists and ...


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: Said; Edward W. / Orientalism; Hwang; David Henry / Monsieur Butterfly
    Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  14. Compendium heroicum : das Online-Lexikon des Sonderforschungsbereichs 948 „Helden – Heroisierungen – Heroismen“ ; Compendium heroicum : the online encyclopedia of the Collaborative Research Center 948 „Heroes – Heroizations –Heroisms“
    Published: 2018

    Das Compendium heroicum wird seit 2016 vom Sonderforschungsbereich 948 „Helden – Heroisierungen – Heroismen“ an der Universität Freiburg erstellt. Beteiligt sind Forscher zahlreicher geisteswissenschaftlicher Disziplinen, die kollaborativ Artikel... more


    Das Compendium heroicum wird seit 2016 vom Sonderforschungsbereich 948 „Helden – Heroisierungen – Heroismen“ an der Universität Freiburg erstellt. Beteiligt sind Forscher zahlreicher geisteswissenschaftlicher Disziplinen, die kollaborativ Artikel verfassen und als digitale Open-Access-Publikation verfügbar machen. Als interdisziplinäres Referenzwerk bildet das Compendium heroicum den aktuellen Forschungsstand über Helden und Heldinnen ab. Es bietet Erläuterungen zu zahlreichen Einzelphänomenen des Heroischen, seiner Figuren, Funktionen, Medialität und Praxis. Dazu wählt es einen weiten historischen Ansatz, der von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart reicht, und eine überkulturelle Perspektive, die sich für die Bedeutung heroischer Figuren innerhalb und außerhalb europäischer Kontexte interessiert. Entwickelt wird das Compendium heroicum in einer Kooperation zwischen dem Sonderforschungsbereich 948 „Helden – Heroisierungen – Heroismen“ der Universität Freiburg und dem „Open Encylopedia System“ der Freien Universität Berlin. Es wird gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German; English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 030; 300; 700; 900
    Subjects: Held; Heroisierung; Heroismus; Held (Motiv); Opfer (Religion); Märtyrer; Geisteswissenschaften; Kulturwissenschaften; Geschichtswissenschaft; Soziologie
  15. Bibliography of texts significant for a study of Otium in Indian fiction

    This bibliography emerged in the course of research undertaken as part of a project on otium in modern South Asian fiction at the University of Freiburg (project G4 of CRC 1015). The project combined the analysis of Anglophone Indian novels with... more


    This bibliography emerged in the course of research undertaken as part of a project on otium in modern South Asian fiction at the University of Freiburg (project G4 of CRC 1015). The project combined the analysis of Anglophone Indian novels with research on modern Bengali and Urdu prose. The publication includes three bibliographical lists in Bengali, English and Urdu respectively as well as a short contextualising introduction.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: Indien (Motiv); Literatur; Roman; Prosa; Urdu; Bengali; Muße; Zeit; Nostalgie


  16. Debunking
    Published: 2022

    Debunking of heroic figures is a form of deliberate de-heroization with the aim of destroying an existing heroic reputation. The means of debunking can be the direct revelation of characteristics or deeds that contradict the heroic reputation of a... more


    Debunking of heroic figures is a form of deliberate de-heroization with the aim of destroying an existing heroic reputation. The means of debunking can be the direct revelation of characteristics or deeds that contradict the heroic reputation of a figure (e.g. in a biography), but debunking can also make use of elements of satire and parody. Debunking aims to expose not only the individual heroic figure’s weaknesses and flaws, but also their ideological environment, i.e. the underlying conception of the heroic as well as, in a broader sense, the system of thought and values from which the heroization emerged.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 900; 800; 300
    Subjects: Verleumdung; Entlarvung; Heroisierung; Prestige; Wertwandel; Scott


  17. Homeric heroes
    Published: 2022

    ‘Homeric heroes’ are primarily the characters of the Iliad and the Odyssey, epic poems attributed to Homer (2nd half of the 8th century BC, authorship and dating are disputed). The best-known examples are the respective protagonists Achilles (the... more


    ‘Homeric heroes’ are primarily the characters of the Iliad and the Odyssey, epic poems attributed to Homer (2nd half of the 8th century BC, authorship and dating are disputed). The best-known examples are the respective protagonists Achilles (the Iliad) and Odysseus (the Odyssey). Secondarily – but not discussed in detail here – any heroes in the tradition and historical reception of the Homeric epics can be called ‘Homeric’, if, for example, Odysseus himself appears in a later work or his characteristics are given to another character. As the earliest known works of European literature and as a canonical cultural reference point in antiquity (and, with some reservations perhaps, to the present day), the Homeric epics decisively defined European notions of heroism. The Homeric heroes are not only called “heroes” (ἥρωες), but their authority as great figures of myth and prehistory, as well as their embedding in the epic genre (later called ‘heroic song’ and ‘heroic epic’), made them models of heroizations and heroisms.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 900; 700
    Subjects: Antike; Griechenland (Altertum); Heldenepos; Heros; Mythologie


  18. Superheroes
    Published: 2022

    The decisive feature of superheroism is its fictionality: superheroes fall outside the worldly realms of heroism by virtue of their fantastic character. The use of their usually miraculous abilities, namely: their superpowers, which distinguish them... more


    The decisive feature of superheroism is its fictionality: superheroes fall outside the worldly realms of heroism by virtue of their fantastic character. The use of their usually miraculous abilities, namely: their superpowers, which distinguish them from other people and remove them from the grids of normalisation schemes, is therefore also staged in most cases as a visual exception – be it in comics, films, TV series or computer and video games.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 700; 900
    Subjects: Comic; Erzähltheorie; Fiktion; Verkleidung; Mythologie; Körper; Superheld; Fantasie; Pop-Kultur; Intermedialität; Übermensch; Held


  19. Enduring
    Published: 2022

    In the following, the ‘will to endure’ is understood to mean a subject’s disposition (i) to resist the pressing physical or mental need in strenuous circumstances to give up or comply and (ii) to carry on in that given situation. That means while the... more


    In the following, the ‘will to endure’ is understood to mean a subject’s disposition (i) to resist the pressing physical or mental need in strenuous circumstances to give up or comply and (ii) to carry on in that given situation. That means while the ‘will to endure’ focuses on willingness and attitude, ‘enduring’ per se describes the act that follows from it. Using Max Weber’s broad notion of action, ‘enduring’ can be thought of as active, lasting action whenever a subjective meaning is associated with it, i.e. the action is intentional and not coincidental. In this sense, ‘enduring’ cannot be regarded as the postponing of a deed to be delivered on at a later time, but as the deed itself.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 300
    Subjects: Disziplin; Fatalismus; Handlung; Held; Heroisierung; Leid; Radsport; Warten; Erster Weltkrieg


  20. Genres
    Published: 2023

    The heroic manifests through media. In arts and popular culture, the affiliation to a genre or the invocation of generic conventions co-determines the form of (re)presentation. The concept of genericity recognises that genre traits and conventions... more


    The heroic manifests through media. In arts and popular culture, the affiliation to a genre or the invocation of generic conventions co-determines the form of (re)presentation. The concept of genericity recognises that genre traits and conventions significantly impact these (re)presentations. For the representation and impact of the heroic (or certain aspects of it), genericity can be of fundamental importance. Some genres are more conducive to the (re)presentation of the heroic, or even require it be (re)presented in a certain way, while other genres limit the options of (re)presenting the heroic. As a result, there is a natural affinity between the heroic and particular genres or subgenres. These genres offer a specific “affordance”, i.e. conditions that enable the heroic to be manifested in a particular way.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 700; 800
    Subjects: Darstellung; Filmwissenschaft; Gattung; Gattungstheorie; Generizität; Held; Heroisierung; Kunstwissenschaft; Literaturwissenschaft


  21. Hero
    Published: 2022

    Attempts to capture the terms ‘hero(ine)’ and ‘heroic’ in supertemporal and essentialist definitions are rooted in a subliminal need and seem obvious due to the persistence and topicality of the subject. However, heroic properties (and their... more


    Attempts to capture the terms ‘hero(ine)’ and ‘heroic’ in supertemporal and essentialist definitions are rooted in a subliminal need and seem obvious due to the persistence and topicality of the subject. However, heroic properties (and their theoretical analyses) are, as a vast number of studies on the subject shows, specific to a culture, group and era. To date, all-encompassing definitions have not been able to reflect this historicity. Against this background, a heuristic working definition and delimitation of the concept appear sensible and necessary. The definition of hero(ine) proposed herein is based on an understanding of ‘heroic’ as a culturally constructed, relational and processual phenomenon: hero(in)es substantially contribute to the establishment of collectively potent models of order, are created subject to certain social and historical conditions and are represented in various media. This understanding directs our attention towards the processes of heroization and heroism, i.e., firstly, towards the question of how a real (living or dead) person or a fictional character becomes a hero(ine) of a collective and, secondly, towards the collective guidance from and adoption of conduct considered heroic. Heroization and heroism occur within the framework of communicative processes that serve not only the social functionalisation of the heroic, but also have their own dynamic and creative power.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 700; 900; 300; 800


  22. Spies
    Published: 2023

    Through fictional portrayals – in literature, film and television, comics and computer games – the secret actions of spies become public and can then (potentially) be heroized. However, fictional spies are usually precarious and ambiguous heroes... more


    Through fictional portrayals – in literature, film and television, comics and computer games – the secret actions of spies become public and can then (potentially) be heroized. However, fictional spies are usually precarious and ambiguous heroes because their deeds, insofar as heroic qualities can be attributed to them at all, are performed in moral grey areas. This makes the spy character suitable for a critical and sceptical negotiation of heroism.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 900; 810; 820
    Subjects: Spion; Held; Heroisierung; Fiktion; Spionagefilm; Geheimdienst; Gesellschaftskritik; Bond; James; Fiktive Gestalt; Spionageroman; Opfer (Sozialpsychologie)


  23. Correction: Leyda and Sulimma (2023). Pop/Poetry: Dickinson as Remix. Arts 12: 62
    Published: 2023

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    Parent title: Arts. - 12, 6 (2023) , 226, ISSN: 2076-0752
    DDC Categories: 820


  24. Travel in Victorian periodicals database : TVPD ; TVPD
    Published: 2024

    Introduction to the Travel in Victorian Periodicals Database (TVPD) This database (TVPD) was compiled in the context of a research project on the representation of travel in Victorian periodicals conducted by Barbara Korte at the University of... more


    Introduction to the Travel in Victorian Periodicals Database (TVPD) This database (TVPD) was compiled in the context of a research project on the representation of travel in Victorian periodicals conducted by Barbara Korte at the University of Freiburg. The results of the project will be published in a monograph: Travel in Victorian Periodicals, 1850-1900: Media Logic and Cultural Work. Over the course of four years, entries for the database were written and edited by Sophie Bantle, Sofia Guimarães, Janna Kaiser, Klara Machata, Özlem Sarica, Lara Trunz and Mona Zeuner (in alphabetical order). Victorian travel writing has been extensively studied for books, but the representation of travel in periodicals – in the form of travelogues, topographical descriptions and travel advice, in lengthy articles as well as short notes – has received little attention. It can be claimed, though, that periodicals had a greater impact on the Victorian culture of travel than books because they were a medium of daily life, addressed different sections of society, and engaged with travel in media-specific forms. With their own media logic, Victorian periodicals played a major role in accommodating their readers to the discourses and practices of contemporary travel. The database focuses on four widely read periodicals: o The Leisure Hour (1852–1905) was a long-lived and influential family magazine with a great number of travel-related articles. During its first two decades, the Leisure Hour’s address encompassed readers of the middle as well as the working classes. o Good Words (1860–1910) was a family magazine addressed to middle-class readers. Like the Leisure Hour it cultivated a Protestant tone. o The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine (1852–1882) was addressed to middle-class female readers and situated travel in the middle-class female lifeworld, also reflecting the cultural constraints to which women’s travel was exposed. o The Boy’s Own Paper (1879–1967) was targeted at young male readers. Its engagement with travel was ...


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: Englisch; Reiseliteratur; Magazin (Zeitschrift); Zeitschrift; Bibliografie
  25. Mediality
    Published: 2024

    The heroic becomes manifest in representations. In order to be socially effective, the heroic has to be articulated and communicated, and medialisation is therefore important for transmitting ideas of the heroic. Media and cultural studies assume... more


    The heroic becomes manifest in representations. In order to be socially effective, the heroic has to be articulated and communicated, and medialisation is therefore important for transmitting ideas of the heroic. Media and cultural studies assume that media contribute actively to the creation of meaning and that media have a dynamic of their own in the constitution of the heroic. The contribution of mediality to meanings and effects of the heroic is particularly strong in imaginative and artistic portrayals. Such representations not only serve social self-observation and self-interpretation, they also have the potential to remodel or even redefine notions of the heroic. The mediality of a particular representation can even disrupt traditions and thus contribute to the transformation of heroizations and heroisms. Each media product (a narrative, an image, a comic, a play, a video game, etc.) co-constructs and filters the particular figuration of the heroic through its inherent technical and historical specifics. The medium in which the portrayal occurs affects the form in which the heroic is aesthetically configured. Social and personal figurations, aesthetic form and media are interdependent in the creation of meanings of the heroic.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 700
    Subjects: Medialität; Medientheorie; Held; Heroisierung; Ästhetik; Gattung; Sprachlicher Code; Kommunikation
