Science and scientists in Victorian and Edwardian literary novels: insights into the emergence of a new profession
Abstract: Literary fiction has seldom been seriously considered as a mode of science communication. Here, I review novels from the 19th century canon of English literature in which characters either have, or aspire to have, substantive professional...
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Abstract: Literary fiction has seldom been seriously considered as a mode of science communication. Here, I review novels from the 19th century canon of English literature in which characters either have, or aspire to have, substantive professional scientific roles to see what insights they provide into the practice of science in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. They reflect the historical transition of science from an intellectual hobby to a paid occupation, but also reveal that while a career in science became possible for a wider range of people, it seldom allowed these new entrants to undertake fundamental scientific research
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Der paratextuelle Aufbau der Autobiographie
Abstract: Gegenstand des Beitrags sind die kommunikativen Elemente des äußeren Layouts eines Buches - der paratextuelle Aufbau und dessen performative Ästhetisierungen - am Beispiel von Autobiographien. Die Relevanz autobiographischer Paratexte für...
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Abstract: Gegenstand des Beitrags sind die kommunikativen Elemente des äußeren Layouts eines Buches - der paratextuelle Aufbau und dessen performative Ästhetisierungen - am Beispiel von Autobiographien. Die Relevanz autobiographischer Paratexte für die Autor-Leser-Kommunikation resultiert aus ihrer selbstaffirmativen Funktion autobiographischer Selbstverpflichtung. Autobiographische Paratexte inszenieren ihren Gegenstand. Sie umfassen Titel, Untertitel, Gattungsbezeichnung, 'Waschzettel' und Vorworte. Die paratextuellen Elemente von Autobiographien werden hier exemplarisch anhand der Autobiographien des ostdeutschen Historikers Fritz Klein und des westdeutschen Verlegers Wolf Jobst Siedler untersucht. Durch die autobiographischen Paratexte, so wird deutlich, werden rund um das eigentliche Haupttextgeschehen komplexe Referenzen auf textueller und visueller Ebene aufgebaut, mit denen die Person des Autobiographen in ihrer Authentizität inszeniert werden soll. (ICE2)
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Entre o dizer e o escrito: corpo e linguagem no ensino de Jacques Lacan
Abstract: No presente trabalho, pretendo mostrar o estatuto do dizer e do escrito no ensino do psicanalista Jacques Lacan. Lacan realizou, ao longo de 26 anos ininterruptos, atividades de ensino em regime de seminário; ele mesmo realizou a...
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Abstract: No presente trabalho, pretendo mostrar o estatuto do dizer e do escrito no ensino do psicanalista Jacques Lacan. Lacan realizou, ao longo de 26 anos ininterruptos, atividades de ensino em regime de seminário; ele mesmo realizou a recopilação de seus textos fundamentais, lançados em 1966 sob o título: Escritos. Sabe-se também que um componente fundamental da sua doutrina é sua teoria sobre o estatuto do escrito na transmissão em psicanálise. Ao longo de seu ensino, também se preocupou por definir o estatuto do dizer. O dizer e o escrito aparecem enlaçados no ensino de Lacan em uma relação de temporalidade subjetiva, na qual a função essencial do dizer é a subjetivação do escrito, e isso se produz num tempo de espera no qual o corpo se vê comprometido pela própria inscrição da teoria no corpo (castração)
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"Zugleich diese gute Statt [...] ihre Seel und Leben gleichsamb auß dem Weser=trafiquen habend": die Weser als Gegenstand literarisch-rhetorischer Bemühungen (1550 - 1685 - 1760 - 1796)
Abstract: From ancient times to the present, rivers have been a popular literary theme and motif. The river can be understood as an image of unceasing movement, as a connective or divisive element, as a source of fertility and prosperity through...
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Abstract: From ancient times to the present, rivers have been a popular literary theme and motif. The river can be understood as an image of unceasing movement, as a connective or divisive element, as a source of fertility and prosperity through trade, but also as one of danger. The Weser is one of the many rivers of Germany to have been commemorated in literature, as is illustrated here with the aid of examples from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. The German humanist Felix Fi(e)dler’s 1550 cycle on the rivers of his native country forms the point of departure for this discussion. With his poetic description of the Weser, Fi(e)dler left a striking monument to posterity which reflects his knowledge of the literature of antiquity. It was from this age-old literature that he drew his information about the disputes between the Romans and the Teutons thought to have taken place on and near the Weser. Here the river is ascribed a Germanic, "national" element which would also play a role
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