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  1. Kulturen des Reparierens : Dinge – Wissen – Praktiken
    Contributor: Krebs, Stefan (Publisher); Schabacher, Gabriele (Publisher); Weber, Heike (Publisher)
    Published: 2018
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    In the 'life' of technical objects and infrastructures repair and maintenance are central practices, both economically and culturally. This book foregrounds these activities, rarely examined until now, and looks into the forms of knowledge of... more


    In the 'life' of technical objects and infrastructures repair and maintenance are central practices, both economically and culturally. This book foregrounds these activities, rarely examined until now, and looks into the forms of knowledge of different cultures of repair. In the process, the expertise and political ambitions of human actors receive as much consideration as the internal dynamics of the objects themselves. The articles focus on practices such as watch or computer repair, as well as on spaces such as the home, the hospital, the Repair Cafe, and the city of the 'Global South'. In addition, the book also investigates the extent to which repair and repair-friendly design can contribute to more sustainability. Reparieren und Instandhalten sind ökonomisch wie kulturell zentrale Praktiken im »Leben« technischer Dinge und Infrastrukturen. Der Band rückt diese bislang wenig untersuchten Tätigkeiten in den Vordergrund und fragt nach den Wissensformen der unterschiedlichen Kulturen des Reparierens. Die Expertisen und politischen Ambitionen menschlicher Akteure finden dabei ebenso Berücksichtigung wie die Eigendynamik der Dinge. Die Beiträge untersuchen Praktiken wie die Uhr- oder Computerreparatur sowie Räume wie die Wohnung und das Krankenhaus, das Repair Café und die Stadt des Globalen Südens. Nicht zuletzt geht es um die Frage, inwiefern Reparieren und reparaturfreundliches Design zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit beitragen können.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Krebs, Stefan (Publisher); Schabacher, Gabriele (Publisher); Weber, Heike (Publisher)
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839438602; 9783837638608
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Cultural studies
    Other subjects: Culture; Media; Sustainability; Repair; Product Durability; Technology; Economy; Cultural Theory; Sociology of Technology; Consumption; Civil Society; Cultural Studies; Kultur; Medien; Nachhaltigkeit; Reparatur; Produktlebensdauer; Technik; Wirtschaft; Kulturtheorie; Techniksoziologie; Konsum; Zivilgesellschaft; Kulturwissenschaft
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (410 p.)
  2. Digitale Datenbanken : Eine Medientheorie im Zeitalter von Big Data
    Published: 2015
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    We have long moved on from a mere information age to the era of big data. Here, databases represent both the enormous potential for gaining knowledge of data collection and the alarming information excesses of digital culture. Furthermore, the term... more


    We have long moved on from a mere information age to the era of big data. Here, databases represent both the enormous potential for gaining knowledge of data collection and the alarming information excesses of digital culture. Furthermore, the term refers to concrete technologies and processes of gathering and accessing digital information. Media theory has to locate databases in between these very different conceptions. Marcus Burkhardt retraces the history of databases and asks how technical procedures of processing digital information determine what can be found how in databases and what knowledge can be gained through them. Wir leben längst nicht mehr nur im Informationszeitalter, sondern in der Ära von Big Data. In dieser steht die Datenbank gleichzeitig für die riesigen Erkenntnispotenziale von Informationssammlungen wie für die bedrohlichen Informationsexzesse der digitalen Medienkultur. Zudem bezeichnet der Begriff konkrete Technologien und Verfahren der Sammlung und Bereitstellung von digitalen Informationen. Zwischen diesen sehr unterschiedlichen Auffassungen gilt es, Datenbanken medientheoretisch zu verorten. Marcus Burkhardt zeichnet die Geschichte der Datenbanken nach und fragt, wie technische Verfahren der Verwaltung digitaler Informationen bedingen, was auf welche Weise in Datenbanken gefunden und durch sie gewusst werden kann.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839430286; 9783837630282
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Media studies
    Other subjects: Media; Computer; Database; Search Engine; Big Data; Internet; Digital Media; Media Theory; Media History; Media Studies; Medien; Computer; Datenbank; Suchmaschine; Big Data; Internet; Digitale Medien; Medientheorie; Mediengeschichte; Medienwissenschaft; Information; Niklas Luhmann
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (390 p.)
  3. Filmische Zeugenschaft im Abseits : Kulturelle Dekolonisierungsprozesse und Dokumentarfilme zwischen Mosambik und Portugal
    Published: 2018
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    The first fundamental analysis of a cinematic testimony of the cultural decolonization processes between Mozambique and Portugal. Wie wird koloniale Gewalt historisch thematisiert? Wie gehen dokumentarische Filme und geschichtspolitische Diskurse... more


    The first fundamental analysis of a cinematic testimony of the cultural decolonization processes between Mozambique and Portugal. Wie wird koloniale Gewalt historisch thematisiert? Wie gehen dokumentarische Filme und geschichtspolitische Diskurse mit ihr um? Robert Stock nähert sich diesen Fragen mit kritischem Blick auf den Kolonialkrieg Portugals in Afrika und den nationalen Befreiungskampf Mosambiks. Dabei fokussiert er seine Untersuchung auf die Gestaltung, Funktion und Reflexion historischer Zeugenschaft. Am Material von bislang wenig beachteten Filmproduktionen über die Dekolonisierungsprozesse zwischen Mosambik und Portugal seit den 1970er Jahren analysiert er die sich verändernden Deutungsweisen der kolonialen Vergangenheit.


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  4. Kurz & Knapp : Zur Mediengeschichte kleiner Formen vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart
    Contributor: Gamper, Michael (Publisher); Mayer, Ruth (Publisher)
    Published: 2018
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Tweets, text messages, Facebook status updates, or microblog entries: the process of announcing news and sharing knowledge seems to be getting shorter and shorter. This volume relates the current trend of abbreviation to its antecedents, showing that... more


    Tweets, text messages, Facebook status updates, or microblog entries: the process of announcing news and sharing knowledge seems to be getting shorter and shorter. This volume relates the current trend of abbreviation to its antecedents, showing that the use of brevity existed long before the digital age. The career of the short form is closely connected to the cultural achievements of the 17th century, and skyrocketed in the run up to the formation of professional media networks in the 19th century. Since then, anecdotes, case studies, brief messages, the miscellaneous, headlines, and tidbits from around the world have formed essential elements of the organization and communication of modern forms of knowledge. Tweets, SMS, Facebook-Statusmeldungen oder Microblog-Einträge: Die Verfahren, Neuigkeiten zu verkünden und Wissen zu teilen, werden scheinbar immer kürzer. Dieser Band setzt den aktuellen Trend der Verknappung in Bezug zu seiner Vorgeschichte und zeigt: Die Konjunktur des Kurzen und Knappen setzte lange vor dem digitalen Zeitalter ein. Die Karriere der kleinen Formen hängt eng mit kulturellen Errungenschaften des 17. Jahrhunderts zusammen, die bis zum 19. Jahrhundert in der Herausbildung professioneller Mediennetzwerke rasant an Bedeutung gewannen. Seitdem bilden Anekdoten, Fallbeispiele, Kurzmeldungen, »Vermischtes«, Schlagzeilen und Miszellen »aus aller Welt« wesentliche Elemente der Organisation und Kommunikation moderner Wissensbestände.


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  5. Wir sind die Medien : Internet und politischer Wandel in Iran
    Published: 20130415
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Ob "Twitter-Revolution" oder "Cyberdemokratie" - häufig prägen Schlagworte die Debatte zum politischen Potenzial des Internets. Jenseits von Mythisierungen untersucht Marcus Michaelsen die Nutzung neuer Medien durch Opposition und Zivilgesellschaft... more


    Ob "Twitter-Revolution" oder "Cyberdemokratie" - häufig prägen Schlagworte die Debatte zum politischen Potenzial des Internets. Jenseits von Mythisierungen untersucht Marcus Michaelsen die Nutzung neuer Medien durch Opposition und Zivilgesellschaft im Iran - angefangen von den ersten Reformwebseiten über die Blogs von Journalisten und Frauenrechtlerinnen bis hin zu den sozialen Medien der Grünen Bewegung. Durch die Verknüpfung präziser Landeskenntnis mit Theorien der Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft entsteht eine ebenso fundierte wie anschauliche Analyse der Leistungen und Grenzen von Internetanwendungen in Prozessen des politischen Wandels.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839423110
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Media studies
    Other subjects: Political Science; Internet; Civil Society; Politics; Social Media; Sociology of Media; Political Science; Autoritarismus; Blog; Zivilgesellschaft
  6. Affekt Macht Netz : Auf dem Weg zu einer Sozialtheorie der Digitalen Gesellschaft
    Contributor: Mühlhoff, Rainer (Publisher); Breljak, Anja (Publisher); Slaby, Jan (Publisher)
    Published: 2019
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Shit storms, hate speech or viral videos that promote clicking, linking, sharing: The linked society is driven by affects. The contributions included in this book examine the media-technological developments of our times and explore them from the... more


    Shit storms, hate speech or viral videos that promote clicking, linking, sharing: The linked society is driven by affects. The contributions included in this book examine the media-technological developments of our times and explore them from the perspective of a critical affect and social philosophy. They indicate that social media and digital platforms are not only spaces of exchange but also create affect economies – and therein lies their power. By creating new modalities of social interaction and therefore by determining the forms of articulation, they also change the political topography. Including a contribution by Antonio Negri. Shitstorms, Hate Speech oder virale Videos, die zum Klicken, Liken, Teilen bewegen: Die vernetzte Gesellschaft ist von Affekten getrieben und bringt selbst ganz neue Affekte hervor. Die Beiträge des Bandes nehmen die medientechnologischen Entwicklungen unserer Zeit in den Blick und untersuchen sie aus der Perspektive einer kritischen Affekt- und Sozialphilosophie. Sie zeigen: Soziale Medien und digitale Plattformen sind nicht nur Räume des Austauschs, sie erschaffen Affektökonomien – und darin liegt auch ihre Macht. Indem sie neue Formen des sozialen Umgangs stiften und bestimmen, wie wir kommunizieren, verschieben sie auch die politische Topographie. Mit einem Beitrag von Antonio Negri.


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  7. Digitalität und Privatheit : Kulturelle, politisch-rechtliche und soziale Perspektiven
    Contributor: Aldenhoff, Christian (Publisher); Edeler, Lukas (Publisher); Hennig, Martin (Publisher); Kelsch, Jakob (Publisher); Raabe, Lea (Publisher); Sobala, Felix (Publisher)
    Published: 2019
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Privacy in the digital society – its forms, opportunities, and risks. Datenschutz bleibt ein umkämpftes Thema im Kontext der voranschreitenden Digitalisierung. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen der Frage nach, welche Formen Privatheit in einer... more


    Privacy in the digital society – its forms, opportunities, and risks. Datenschutz bleibt ein umkämpftes Thema im Kontext der voranschreitenden Digitalisierung. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen der Frage nach, welche Formen Privatheit in einer digitalen Gesellschaft annehmen kann und welche Chancen und Risiken dabei entstehen. Dabei ergeben sich medienkulturelle Fragestellungen nach den Normierungsmustern hinter digitalen Anwendungen sowie die Notwendigkeit, digitale Nutzungsszenarien zu analysieren, einzuordnen und zu bewerten. Der interdisziplinäre Band versammelt kultur-, sozial-, medien-, rechts- und politikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Aldenhoff, Christian (Publisher); Edeler, Lukas (Publisher); Hennig, Martin (Publisher); Kelsch, Jakob (Publisher); Raabe, Lea (Publisher); Sobala, Felix (Publisher)
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839446614; 9783837646610
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Media studies
    Other subjects: Digitalization; Privacy; Culture; Media; Law; Data Protection; Internet; Digital Media; Cultural Studies; Media Aesthetics; Sociology of Media; Media Studies; Digitalisierung; Privatheit; Kultur; Medien; Recht; Datenschutz; Digitale Medien; Cultural Studies; Medienästhetik; Mediensoziologie; Medienwissenschaft
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (406 p.)
  8. »Fremde, ferne Welt« : Mazedonienimaginationen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur seit dem 19. Jahrhundert
    Published: 2019
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    At present, Macedonia is again increasingly present in the German-speaking media discourse, in particular due to the so-called "name dispute" with Greece. But what is it when we talk about Macedonia? The media representation of the region often... more


    At present, Macedonia is again increasingly present in the German-speaking media discourse, in particular due to the so-called "name dispute" with Greece. But what is it when we talk about Macedonia? The media representation of the region often remains diffuse and is strongly influenced by stereotypes. In his comprehensive analysis, Benjamin Langer shows for the first time how this south-eastern European region was shaped in German-language texts from a terra incognita on the periphery of Europe and provided with attributions. In ten thematic chapters, he shows how powerful these images are despite their contradictions and changing instrumentalization to this day. Gegenwärtig ist Mazedonien – insbesondere aufgrund des sogenannten »Namensstreits« mit Griechenland – wieder verstärkt im deutschsprachigen Mediendiskurs präsent. Worum aber handelt es sich, wenn von Mazedonien die Rede ist? Die mediale Repräsentation der Region bleibt oft diffus und ist stark von Stereotypen geprägt. Benjamin Langer zeigt in seiner umfassenden Analyse erstmals auf, wie diese südosteuropäische Region in deutschsprachigen Texten aus einer terra incognita an der Peripherie Europas geformt und mit Zuschreibungen versehen wurde. In zehn thematischen Kapiteln weist er nach, wie wirkmächtig diese Bilder trotz ihrer Widersprüchlichkeit und wechselnden Instrumentalisierung bis heute sind.


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  9. Stanislaw Brzozowski and the Migration of Ideas : Transnational Perspectives on the Intellectual Field in Twentieth-Century Poland and Beyond
    Contributor: Herlth, Jens (Publisher); Swiderski, Edward M. (Publisher)
    Published: 2019
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    As a writer, critic, and philosopher, StanisÊaw Brzozowski (1878–1911) left a lasting imprint on Polish culture. He absorbed virtually all topical intellectual trends of his time, adapting them for the needs of what he saw as his primary mission: the... more


    As a writer, critic, and philosopher, StanisÊaw Brzozowski (1878–1911) left a lasting imprint on Polish culture. He absorbed virtually all topical intellectual trends of his time, adapting them for the needs of what he saw as his primary mission: the modernization of Polish culture. The essays of the volume reassess and contextualize Brzozowski's writings from a distinctly transnational vantage point. They shed light on often surprising and hitherto underrated affinities between Brzozowski and intellectual figures and movements in Eastern and Western Europe. Furthermore, they explore the presence of his ideas in twentieth-century century literary criticism and theory.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Herlth, Jens (Publisher); Swiderski, Edward M. (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839446416; 9783837646412
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Literary studies: general
    Other subjects: StanisÊaw Brzozowski; Polish Intellectual History; Literary Criticism In 20th Century Poland; Literary Theory; Literature; Cultural History; Slavic Studies; Eastern European History; Cultural Studies; Literary Studies
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (362 p.)
  10. Popular Music and Public Diplomacy : Transnational and Transdisciplinary Perspectives
    Contributor: Dunkel, Mario (Publisher); Nitzsche, Sina A. (Publisher)
    Published: 20190315
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    In the early years of the Cold War, Western nations increasingly adopted strategies of public diplomacy involving popular music. While the diplomatic use of popular music was initially limited to such genres as jazz, the second half of the 20th... more


    In the early years of the Cold War, Western nations increasingly adopted strategies of public diplomacy involving popular music. While the diplomatic use of popular music was initially limited to such genres as jazz, the second half of the 20th century saw a growing presence of various popular genres in diplomatic contexts, including rock, punk, reggae, and hip-hop. This volume illuminates the interrelation of popular music and public diplomacy from a transnational and transdisciplinary angle. The contributions argue that, as popular music has been a crucial factor in international relations, its diplomatic use has substantially impacted the global musical landscape of the 20th and 21st centuries.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Dunkel, Mario (Publisher); Nitzsche, Sina A. (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839443583
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Theory of music & musicology
    Other subjects: Arts; Music; Politics; Popular Culture; Pop Music; International Relations; History of the 20th Century; Cultural History; Musicology
  11. Totalitarian Communication : Hierarchies, Codes and Messages
    Contributor: Postoutenko, Kirill (Publisher)
    Published: 20100515
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    By using history and theory of communication as an integrative methodological device, this book reaches out to those properties of totalitarian society which appear to be beyond the grasp of specific disciplines. Furthermore, this functional approach... more


    By using history and theory of communication as an integrative methodological device, this book reaches out to those properties of totalitarian society which appear to be beyond the grasp of specific disciplines. Furthermore, this functional approach allows to extend the analysis of communicative practices commonly associated with fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, to other locations (France, United States of America and Great Britain in the 1930s) or historical contexts (post-Soviet developments in Russia or Kyrgyzstan). This, in turn, leads to the revaluation of the very term »totalitarian«: no longer an ideological label or a stock attribute of historical narration, it gets a life of its own, defining a specific constellation of hierarchies, codes and networks within a given society.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Postoutenko, Kirill (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839413937
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Media studies
    Other subjects: Sociology; Totalitarianism; Communication; Discourse; Media; Europe 1900-1945; Society; Sociology of Media; History of the 20th Century; Media Aesthetics; European History; Sociology
  12. Games and Rules : Game Mechanics for the »Magic Circle«
    Contributor: Suter, Beat (Publisher); Kocher, Mela (Publisher); Bauer, René (Publisher)
    Published: 20190315
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Why do we play games and why do we play them on computers? The contributors of »Games and Rules« take a closer look at the core of each game and the motivational system that is the game mechanics. Games are control circuits that organize the game... more


    Why do we play games and why do we play them on computers? The contributors of »Games and Rules« take a closer look at the core of each game and the motivational system that is the game mechanics. Games are control circuits that organize the game world with their (joint) players and establish motivations in a dedicated space, a »Magic Circle«, whereas game mechanics are constructs of rules designed for interactions that provide gameplay. Those rules form the base for all the excitement and frustration we experience in games. This anthology contains individual essays by authors with backgrounds in Game Design and Game Studies, who lead the discourse to get to the bottom of game mechanics in video games and the real world.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Suter, Beat (Publisher); Kocher, Mela (Publisher); Bauer, René (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839443040
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Media studies
    Other subjects: Media & Communications; Games; Video Games; Media; Media Studies; Game Studies; Game Design; Ludology; Narratology; Motivation; Game Mechanics; Ergodic Systems; Aporia and Epiphany; Computer Games; Media Aesthetics; Media Art
  13. Imagining Earth : Concepts of Wholeness in Cultural Constructions of Our Home Planet
    Contributor: Nitzke, Solvejg (Publisher); Pethes, Nicolas (Publisher)
    Published: 20170715
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    While concepts of Earth have a rich tradition, more recent examples show a distinct quality: Though ideas of wholeness might still be related to mythical, religious, or utopian visions of the past, ''Earth'' itself has become available as a whole.... more


    While concepts of Earth have a rich tradition, more recent examples show a distinct quality: Though ideas of wholeness might still be related to mythical, religious, or utopian visions of the past, ''Earth'' itself has become available as a whole. This raises several questions: How are the notions of one Earth or our Planet imagined and distributed? What is the role of cultural imagination and practices of signification in the imagination of ''the Earth''? Which theoretical models can be used or need to be developed to describe processes of imagining Planet Earth? This collection invites a wide range of perspectives from different fields of the Humanities to explore the means of imagining Earth.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Nitzke, Solvejg (Publisher); Pethes, Nicolas (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839439562
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Cultural studies
    Other subjects: Sociology; Ecocriticism; Media; Literature; Earth; Culture; Home Planet; Religion; Mythology; Utopia; Nature; Cultural Theory; Cultural Studies; General Literature Studies; Ecology
  14. Populärkulturforschung : Eine Einführung
    Published: 2019
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Popular entertainment and entertainment are considered essentially aesthetic phenomena. But is there a specific "aesthetics of the popular"? And how can mass arts affect the development of worldviews and identity orientations in a problematic way?... more


    Popular entertainment and entertainment are considered essentially aesthetic phenomena. But is there a specific "aesthetics of the popular"? And how can mass arts affect the development of worldviews and identity orientations in a problematic way? Kaspar Maase focuses on the "mainstream" of mass arts and their everyday usage practices. In his study, he develops an understanding of popular culture as a network of practical interactions between people, texts, things, contexts, and situations, thus providing basic orientations for empirical research in a variety of disciplines. Populäre Unterhaltung und Vergnügung gelten als wesentlich ästhetische Phänomene. Doch gibt es eine spezifische »Ästhetik des Populären«? Und inwiefern können Massenkünste die Ausbildung von Weltsichten und Identitätsorientierungen auf problematische Weise beeinflussen? Kaspar Maase nimmt den »Mainstream« der Massenkünste und dessen alltägliche Nutzungspraktiken in den Fokus. In seiner Studie entwickelt er ein Verständnis von Populärkultur als Netz praktischer Interaktionen zwischen Menschen, Texten, Dingen, Kontexten und Situationen und bietet damit grundlegende Orientierungen für empirische Forschung in einer Vielzahl von Disziplinen.


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  15. Schreiben im Zwiegespräch / Writing as Dialogue : Praktiken des Mentorats und Lektorats in der zeitgenössischen Literatur / Practices of editors and mentors in contemporary literature
    Contributor: Mohs , Johanne (Publisher); Zimmermann, Katrin (Publisher); Caffari, Marie (Publisher)
    Published: 2019
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    ''Although practices of editing and mentoring are part of an author's daily activities, they have previously been largely neglected by the literary studies. The bilingual volume therefore assembles players from the fields of literary production and... more


    ''Although practices of editing and mentoring are part of an author's daily activities, they have previously been largely neglected by the literary studies. The bilingual volume therefore assembles players from the fields of literary production and theories of authorship and the writing process, who discuss the development towards an opening up of the creative writing process. Their contributions encompass not only reports of experiences made by authors, editors, and mentors and insights into teaching methods applied in creative writing classes at higher education institutions in different European countries. They also explore theoretical approaches to an intersubjective literary practice as well as suggestions for the definition of a dialogic notion of literature in the age of online publishing. Obwohl Praktiken des Lektorats und des Mentorats zum alltäglichen Bestandteil schriftstellerischer Tätigkeiten gehören, wurden sie von den Literaturwissenschaften bislang kaum untersucht. Der bilinguale Band versammelt Akteure aus dem literarischen Feld sowie der Autorschafts- und Schreibprozesstheorie, welche die Öffnung des Schreibprozesses grundlegend reflektieren. Ihre Beiträge umfassen nicht nur Erfahrungsberichte von Autor_innen, Lektor_innen und Mentor_innen sowie Einblicke in Lehrmethoden des literarischen Schreibens an Hochschulen in verschiedenen Ländern Europas, sondern auch theoretische Ansätze zu einer intersubjektiven literarischen Praxis sowie Entwürfe für dialogische Literaturbegriffe im Zeitalter des Publizierens im Internet.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Mohs , Johanne (Publisher); Zimmermann, Katrin (Publisher); Caffari, Marie (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839440766; 9783837640762
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Literary studies: general
    Other subjects: Literature; General Literature Studies; Theory of Literature; Media Aesthetics; Literary Studies; Lektorat; Mentorat; Literatur; Schreibprozess; Autorschaft; Dialog,
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (242 p.)
  16. Protest twittern -- Eine medienlinguistische Untersuchung von Straßenprotesten
    Published: 2019
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld

    Wenn Menschen heute auf der Straße protestieren, sind immer auch digitale Medien im Spiel. Ob zur Mobilisierung oder Koordination, zur Vor- oder Nachbereitung: Proteste sind durch die sprachlichen Interaktionen und medialen Praktiken der... more


    Wenn Menschen heute auf der Straße protestieren, sind immer auch digitale Medien im Spiel. Ob zur Mobilisierung oder Koordination, zur Vor- oder Nachbereitung: Proteste sind durch die sprachlichen Interaktionen und medialen Praktiken der Teilnehmenden bestimmt. Mark Dang-Anh widmet sich der situativen Protestkommunikation in digitalen Medien mit einem Fokus auf Interaktionen im Mikrobloggingdienst Twitter. Anhand zweier Falluntersuchungen von Protesten gegen rechte Aufmärsche analysiert er die vielschichtigen Relationen zwischen Sprache, Medien und der sozialen Praxis des Protestierens. Die dem Buch zugrunde liegende Arbeit wurde 2019 mit dem »Preis der Universität Siegen für die Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, vergeben von der Dirlmeier-Stiftung«, ausgezeichnet.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839448366; 9783837648362
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Media studies
    Other subjects: Media; Protest; Twitter; Discourse; Practice; Civil Society; Media Aesthetics; Social Movements; Urban Studies; Media Studies; Medien; Protest; Twitter; Diskurs; Praxis; Medienlinguistik; Zivilgesellschaft; Medienästhetik; Soziale Bewegungen; Urban Studies; Medienwissenschaft
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (450 p.)
  17. Games and Bereavement : How Video Games Represent Attachment, Loss and Grief
    Published: 20181015
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    How can videogames portray love and loss? »Games and Bereavement« answers this question by analysing five videogames and conducting a participatory design study with grievers. Sabine Harrer offers both theoretical and practical perspectives on... more


    How can videogames portray love and loss? »Games and Bereavement« answers this question by analysing five videogames and conducting a participatory design study with grievers. Sabine Harrer offers both theoretical and practical perspectives on videogames and grief and suggests a design model for videogames to include grievers into game development. Overall, she explores how videogames can be used as contemporary medium for personal storytelling.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839444153
    Subjects: Media studies
    Other subjects: Media & Communications; Media; Computer Games; Media Aesthetics; Media Studies
  18. Die Ordnung des Theaters. Eine Soziologie der Regie
    Published: 2013
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Theater direction is today more unfettered, the sphere of artistic possibilities more open, than ever before. Creative chaos on all sides? Not really. Denis Hänzi investigates how old ideals and new realities in the German-language theatrical... more


    Theater direction is today more unfettered, the sphere of artistic possibilities more open, than ever before. Creative chaos on all sides? Not really. Denis Hänzi investigates how old ideals and new realities in the German-language theatrical landscape are deriving from the interplay between individual working methods and institutional configurations. Extrapolating on Bourdieu's concept of habitus/field, he develops a theory of charisma which provides an innovative approach to the analysis of contemporary artistic worlds. That the »order of the theater« bears visible traits of a culture of success which appears to consolidate the male dominance in directing is just one of the illuminating findings that makes this book fascinating for theater-makers and theater-goers alike. Die Theaterregie ist heute so entfesselt, der künstlerische Möglichkeitsraum so offen wie nie. Kreatives Chaos allenthalben? Nicht wirklich. Denis Hänzi untersucht, wie aus dem Wechselspiel von individuellen Arbeitsweisen und institutionellen Arrangements, alten Idealen und neuen Realitäten das Gefüge der deutschsprachigen Theaterlandschaft hervorgeht. Mit einer charismatheoretischen Erweiterung des Bourdieu'schen Habitus/Feld-Konzepts wird ein innovativer Ansatz zur Analyse gegenwärtiger Kunstwelten formuliert.

    Dass die »Ordnung des Theaters« zusehends Züge einer Erfolgskultur trägt, welche die männliche Dominanz im Regieberuf zu verfestigen scheint, ist einer von vielen erhellenden Befunden, die das Buch auch für Theaterschaffende und -interessierte spannend machen.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839423424
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Theatre studies
    Other subjects: theater; habitus; theatre studies; charisma; sociology of culture; kunst; theatre; bourdieu; geschlecht; theaterregie; gender; feld; theaterwissenschaft; beruf; arts; kultursoziologie; gender studies; Regisseur
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (454 p.)
  19. Wounds and Words : Childhood and Family Trauma in Romantic and Postmodern Fiction
    Published: 20130515
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Trauma has become a hotly contested topic in literary studies. But interest in trauma is not new; its roots extend to the Romantic period, when novelists and the first psychiatrists influenced each others' investigations of the 'wounded mind'. This... more


    Trauma has become a hotly contested topic in literary studies. But interest in trauma is not new; its roots extend to the Romantic period, when novelists and the first psychiatrists influenced each others' investigations of the 'wounded mind'. This book looks back to these early attempts to understand trauma, reading a selection of Romantic novels in dialogue with Romantic and contemporary psychiatry. It then carries that dialogue forward to postmodern fiction, examining further how empirical approaches can deepen our theorizations of trauma. Within an interdisciplinary framework, this study reveals fresh insights into the poetics, politics, and ethics of trauma fiction.


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  20. Japanizität aus dem Geist der europäischen Romantik : Der interkulturelle Vermittler Mori Ogai und die Reorganisierung des japanischen ‚Selbstbildes‘ in der Weltgesellschaft um 1900
    Published: 2013
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    After the opening of the country in the middle of the 19th century, Japan quickly moved towards becoming an industrialized world power. But the romanticist syndrome, imported from Europe by Mori Ogai since the 1890s, especially enchanted young... more


    After the opening of the country in the middle of the 19th century, Japan quickly moved towards becoming an industrialized world power. But the romanticist syndrome, imported from Europe by Mori Ogai since the 1890s, especially enchanted young intellectuals and drove their search of a Japanese cultural identity. The goal was, internally, to integrate the entire population, and externally, to make the country distinguishable from the »West« ─ paradoxically, in a spirit of European Romanticism. Takemitsu Morikawa investigates these remarkable developments and retraces the rise and canonization of the alleged self-image of modern Japan. Seit der Öffnung des Landes in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bewegte sich Japan rasant auf dem Weg zur industrialisierten Weltmacht. Das dort seit den 1890er Jahren durch Mori Ogai aus Europa ‘eingeführte’ romantische Syndrom jedoch verzauberte insbesondere die jungen Intellektuellen und trieb sie zur Suche nach der japanischen kulturellen Identität an. Ziel war es, nach innen die gesamte Bevölkerung zu integrieren und nach außen das Land vom »Westen« unterscheidbar zu machen ─ und zwar paradoxerweise im Geist der europäischen Romantik. Takemitsu Morikawa geht diesen bemerkenswerten Entwicklungen auf den Grund und zeichnet die Entstehung und die Kanonisierung des vermeintlichen Selbstbildes des modernen Japan nach.


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  21. Independent Theatre in Contemporary Europe : Structures – Aesthetics – Cultural Policy
    Contributor: Brauneck, Manfred (Publisher)
    Published: 20170221
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Over the past 20 years European theatre underwent fundamental changes in terms of aesthetic focus, institutional structure and in its position in society. The impetus for these changes was provided by a new generation in the independent theatre... more


    Over the past 20 years European theatre underwent fundamental changes in terms of aesthetic focus, institutional structure and in its position in society. The impetus for these changes was provided by a new generation in the independent theatre scene. This book brings together studies on the state of independent theatre in different European countries, focusing on the fields of dance and performance, children and youth theatre, theatre and migration and post-migrant theatre. Additionally, it includes essays on experimental musical theatre, and different cultural policies for independent theatre scenes in a range of European countries.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Brauneck, Manfred (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839432433
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Theatre studies
    Other subjects: Media and Communications; Theatre; Independent Theatre; Dance; Performance; Post-migrant Theatre; Art; Cultural Policy; Society; History of Theatre; Theatre Studies; Cultural History; Europe; Theatre Pedagogy; Musical theatre
  22. Historische Kulturwissenschaften. Positionen, Praktiken und Perspektiven
    Contributor: Dreyer, Mechthild (Publisher); Kusber, Jan (Publisher); Rogge, Jörg (Publisher); Hütig, Andreas (Publisher)
    Published: 2010
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    Culture, Cultural History, Cultural Studies, Cultural Theory, Theory of History, History Der Begriff »Kulturwissenschaften« wird gegenwärtig in Kontexten genutzt, in denen gegen die fortschreitende Spezialisierung insbesondere in den... more


    Culture, Cultural History, Cultural Studies, Cultural Theory, Theory of History, History Der Begriff »Kulturwissenschaften« wird gegenwärtig in Kontexten genutzt, in denen gegen die fortschreitende Spezialisierung insbesondere in den Geisteswissenschaften und gegen die damit einhergehende Fragmentierung des Wissens plädiert wird. Neben einer Perspektivierung der einzelnen Disziplinen als Kulturwissenschaften im Plural wird aber auch eine Art Dachdisziplin »Kulturwissenschaft« als wesentlich für die Modernisierung der Geisteswissenschaften diskutiert. Aus disziplinärer Perspektive loten die Beiträge dieses Bandes Möglichkeiten und Grenzen kulturwissenschaftlichen Arbeitens aus. Sie finden zu einer interdisziplinären Verständigung aus einer dezidiert historischen Sicht, die scheinbar disparate Geisteswissenschaften integriert.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Dreyer, Mechthild (Publisher); Kusber, Jan (Publisher); Rogge, Jörg (Publisher); Hütig, Andreas (Publisher)
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839414415
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Social & cultural history; Cultural studies
    Other subjects: cultural studies; culture; history; kulturtheorie; cultural history; kulturwissenschaften; geschichtswissenschaft; cultural theory; kulturwissenschaft; theory of history; geschichtstheorie; kultur; interdisziplinarität; geschichte; kulturgeschichte; Kulturwissenschaft
    Scope: 1 electronic resource (386 p.)
  23. American Mobilities : Geographies of Class, Race, and Gender in US Culture
    Author: Leyda, Julia
    Published: 20160215
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    American Mobilities investigates representations of mobility – social, economic, geographic – in American film and literature during the Depression, WWII, and the early Cold War. With an emphasis on the dual meaning of »domestic«, referring to both... more


    American Mobilities investigates representations of mobility – social, economic, geographic – in American film and literature during the Depression, WWII, and the early Cold War. With an emphasis on the dual meaning of »domestic«, referring to both the family home and the nation, this study traces the important trope of mobility that runs through the »American« century. Juxtaposing canonical fiction with popular, and low-budget independent films with Classical Hollywood, Leyda brings the analytic tools of American cultural and literary studies to bear on an eclectic array of primary texts as she builds a case for the significance of mobility in the study of the United States.


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  24. Writing Emotions : Theoretical Concepts and Selected Case Studies in Literature
    Contributor: Jandl, Ingeborg (Publisher); Knaller, Susanne (Publisher); Schönfellner, Sabine (Publisher)
    Published: 20171101
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    After a long period of neglect, emotions have become an important topic within literary studies. This collection of essays stresses the complex link between aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotional components. Against this background, emotional patterns... more


    After a long period of neglect, emotions have become an important topic within literary studies. This collection of essays stresses the complex link between aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotional components. Against this background, emotional patterns are discussed by focusing on the practice of writing as well as on the impact of emotional patterns on receptive processes. Readers will be confronted with a concept of aesthetic emotions as formative both within the writing and the reading process. Essays, ranging in matter from the beginning of modern drama to digital formats and theoretical questions, discuss examples from English, German, French, Russian and American literature.


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    Source: OAPEN; transcript Open Access
    Contributor: Jandl, Ingeborg (Publisher); Knaller, Susanne (Publisher); Schönfellner, Sabine (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783839437933
    Subjects: Literary studies: general
    Other subjects: Literature; Emotion; Literature; Writing; Practice; Aesthetic; General Literature Studies; British Studies; German Literature; Romance Studies; Literary Studies; Empathy
  25. Houses, Secrets, and the Closet : Locating Masculinities from the Gothic Novel to Henry James
    Author: Bauer, Gero
    Published: 20160415
    Publisher:  transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany

    »Houses, Secrets, and the Closet« investigates the literary production of masculinities and their relation to secrets and sexualities in 18th and 19th century fiction. It focusses on close readings of Gothic fiction, Sensation Novels, and tales by... more


    »Houses, Secrets, and the Closet« investigates the literary production of masculinities and their relation to secrets and sexualities in 18th and 19th century fiction. It focusses on close readings of Gothic fiction, Sensation Novels, and tales by Horace Walpole, Ann Radcliffe, William Godwin, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Wilkie Collins, and Henry James. The study approaches these texts through the lens of domestic space, gender, knowledge, and power. This approach serves to investigate the cultural roots of the »closet« – the male homosexual secret – which reveals a more general notion of male secrecy in modern society. The study thus contributes to a better understanding of the cultural history of masculinities and sexualities.


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