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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 73.
De laudibus sanctae Crucis opus
I problemi della bellezza, di tutti gli affetti humani
[Lieder auf Flugblättern u.s.w.
Fabvlæ Æsopicæ Plvres Qvingentis Et Aliæ Qvædam Narrationes
cum historia vitæ fortunæq[ue] Æsopi -
Drey schöne Geistliche Lieder
Das Erste, Hertzlich lieb hab ich dich O HErr. ... -
Lampas, Sive Fax Artium Liberalium, Hoc Est, Thesaurus Criticus, In Quo Infinitis Locis Theologorum, Iurisconsultorum, Medicorum, Philosophorum, Oratorum, Historicorum, Poetarum, Grammaticorum, scripta supplentur, corriguntur, illustrantur, notantur, Tomus ...
Cum Indice ... -
The tragedie of King Richard the third
Conteining his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence: the pittifull murther of his innocent nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath bin lately acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Newly augmented, by William Shake-speare -
An Æthiopian historie: fyrst written in Greeke by Heliodorus, and translated into English, by T.V. No lesse witty then pleasant: being newly corrected and augmented, with diuers new additions by the same author. Whereunto is also annexed the argument of euery booke in the beginning of the same, for the better vnderstanding of the storie
Urdū-i humāyūn
Rūznāma-i millatī
rūznāma-i millatī sunnīya-i Īrān -
[Bewaldete Berglandschaft mit einer Brücke und einer Kapelle]
[Felsige Landschaft in Böhmen]
[Felsige Landschaft mit der Stigmatisation des Heiligen Franziskus]
[Die zwei Sibyllen]
[Der Raub der Sabinerinnen]
[Das Letzte Abendmahl]
[Die Auferweckung des Lazarus]
[Loth und seine Töchter]
[Der Fall Trojas und die Flucht des Aeneas]
[Herkules und Kerberos]
[Badende Nymphen]
[Christus heilt die Aussätzigen]
S. Thomas Aqvinas
39v >Tullius erexit Romanae isignia (sic) linguae, rethoricas Latio dum sonat ore tubas<
Analysis Grammatica & familiaris expositio Trium Priorum Isocratis Orationum Ante Aliquot annos