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Displaying results 276 to 300 of 4089.
Le Chansonnier des grâces
pour ... -
Nederduitsch letterkundig jaarboekje
voor .. -
Le national
feuille politique et littéraire -
Jenaische allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung vom Jahre ...
Jenaische allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung
[...], Intelligenzblatt der Jenaischen allgemeinen Literaturzeitung -
The Christian examiner and general review
The Lady's book and magazine of belle lettres, fashions, music
The New York review
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
Jahrbuch der Literatur
Rheinisches Odeon
Zeitung für die elegante Welt
Mode, Unterhaltung, Kunst, Theater -
The New York mirror
The United States magazine and democratic review
The American museum of literature and the arts
a monthly magazine -
The Boston quarterly review
The Southern literary messenger
devoted to every department of literature, and fine arts -
The gentleman's magazine
Atkinson's casket or gems of literature, wit and sentiment
The casket, and Philadelphia monthly magazine
embracing every department of literature ; embellished with engravings, the quarterly fashions, and music, arranged for piano-forte, harp, and guitar -
The Token and Atlantic souvenir
a Christmas and New Year's present -
Acta Seminarii Philologici Heidelbergensis
Srpski letopis
Deutsches Theater
Berlinische Nachrichten von Staats- und gelehrten Sachen