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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 258863.

  1. Ancora su Hölderlin e gli scrittori di lingua italiana (da Giosue Carducci a Fabio Pusterla)
    Published: 2014
    Publisher:  Università degli Studi di Milano

    Other ; A discussion of the long-term “Hölderlinism” of Italian poets, starting from Vigolo’s essay on Hölderlin and the music (1966), moving back to Carducci’s translations, with a critical edition of his version of Hölderlin’s Achill (1874, see the... more


    Other ; A discussion of the long-term “Hölderlinism” of Italian poets, starting from Vigolo’s essay on Hölderlin and the music (1966), moving back to Carducci’s translations, with a critical edition of his version of Hölderlin’s Achill (1874, see the leaf reproduced in the appendix), and concluding with a look at later Italian poets up to Pusterla (2004).


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850; 830
    Subjects: Romanian & related literatures


  2. Giorgio Vigolo – Quali musiche suonò Hölderlin? (28 aprile 1966)
    Published: 2014
    Publisher:  Università degli Studi di Milano

    Other ; Giorgio Vigolo’s lecture Quali musiche suonò Hölderlin? (Which Pieces of Music Did Hölderlin Play?), which the Italian poet held in Rome on April 28th 1966, here edited for the first time, with notes, by Giovanna Cordibella. more


    Other ; Giorgio Vigolo’s lecture Quali musiche suonò Hölderlin? (Which Pieces of Music Did Hölderlin Play?), which the Italian poet held in Rome on April 28th 1966, here edited for the first time, with notes, by Giovanna Cordibella.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850; 830; 780
    Subjects: Romanian & related literatures


  3. Per salutare Giorgio Orelli
    Published: 2013
    Publisher:  Sellerio

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850; 450
    Subjects: Romanian & related literatures; Romanian & related languages


  4. La genesi del pensiero d' Albert Camus
    Published: 1963
    Publisher:  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    Abstract ; Im I. Band der Tagebücher von Albert Camus findet sich das ideelle Konzept seiner Schreibweise: die Konfrontation des menschlichen Bewusstseins mit der Natur oder mit der Geschichte, die keine Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Warum oder Wozu... more


    Abstract ; Im I. Band der Tagebücher von Albert Camus findet sich das ideelle Konzept seiner Schreibweise: die Konfrontation des menschlichen Bewusstseins mit der Natur oder mit der Geschichte, die keine Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Warum oder Wozu geben. Die Erfahrung des Schweigens der Welt führt zu einer individuellen vitalistischen Antwort, der "Revolte". Aus der Perspektive des Künstlers oder Schriftstellers ist die "Revolte" Ausdruck seiner Verachtung des normalen oder so genannten 'bürgerlichen' Lebens. Nach dem Ende des 2. Weltkrieges fassten französische Intellektuelle die Konfrontation zwischen den USA und der UdSSR als eine Fortsetzung und Variation der ideologischen Konfrontation zwischen Faschismus und Stalinismus auf. Unter dem Eindruck dieser Diskussion hat Camus die "Revolte" als individuelles Aufbegehren gegen jede Form des politischen Zwangs beschrieben.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 840
    Subjects: Albert Camus; Friedrich Nietzsche; André Malraux; André Gide; Henry de Montherlant
  5. Geografie di orme nascoste. Paesaggi dell'esilio nelle opere di Gëzim Hajdari
  6. Avventure del pensiero
    Published: 2019

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 801
    Subjects: Musil; Pirandello; Svevo; Modernismo; Romantheorie; Komparatistik; Essayismus


  7. La cultura poetica di Benedetto Varchi
    Published: 2019

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 851; 855
    Subjects: Benedetto Varchi; Petrarca; Neoplatonismus; Aristotelische Poetik


  8. La Dote. La moglie. Gl'incantesimi. La stiava

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 857
  9. La fine del mondo nel ›De rerum natura‹ di Lucrezio
  10. La responsabilità del poeta: Paul Éluard fra unanimismo e comunismo (1945-1952)
    Published: 2020

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 840
    Subjects: Éluard; Paul; Les sentiers et les routes de la poésie; Poèmes politiques; Poésie ininterrompue; Romains; Jules; Une leçon de morale


  11. Scotellaro in Germania
    Published: 2009

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850
    Subjects: Basilicata; È fatto giorno; L’uva puttanella; Ricezione; Scotellaro; Rocco; Questione del Mezzogiorno


  12. Uno sguardo italiano su un'Eneide tedesca: le ricerche di Olga Gogala di Leesthal su Heinrich von Veldeke
    Published: 2010

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 860
    Subjects: Eneide; Gogala di Leesthal; Olga; Henning; Rudolf; Letteratura medievale; Mediazione fra le culture; Veldeke; Heinrich von


  13. Il personaggio d'Annunzio in Germania, Austria e nella Svizzera tedesca: lo smascheramento di un megalomane sessista
    Published: 2020

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: D'Annunzio; Gabriele; Erotismo ossessivo; Gender Studies; Immagine maschile; Mentalità del fascismo; Ricezione nei paesi di lingua tedesca


  14. ALIQUOT – Un atlante digitale interattivo online per lo studio e la visualizzazione delle varianti della lingua italiana di uso quotidiano
    Published: 2021

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850


  15. Tracce d’impegno sociale nella poesia di Cesare Pavese, dagli inizi fino alla morte
    Published: 2020

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850
    Subjects: Antifascismo; Fumatori di carta; Impegno sociale; Lavorare stanca; Pavese; Cesare; Poesia


  16. La svolta verso il mito nella prosa pavesiana della seconda metà degli anni Trenta

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850
    Subjects: Del mito; del simbolo e d’altro; Frazer; James George; Mito; Pavese; Cesare; Problemi esistenziali; Racconti


  17. Prefazione
    Published: 2020

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850
    Subjects: Bourdieu; Pierre; Capitale simbolico; Gramsci; Antonio; Intellettuali italiani; Novecento; secondo; Zola; Émile


  18. Fernanda Pivano, una intellettuale come profeta dell' America
    Published: 2020

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850
    Subjects: Beat generation; Intellettuale; Letteratura americana; Pavese; Cesare; Pivano; Fernanda; Traduttrice


  19. Ovidio fra Parma e Berlino
    Published: 2013

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 870


  20. Il neorealismo di Beppe Fenoglio in La malora (1954)

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850
    Subjects: Fenoglio; Beppe; La malora; Langhe; Le; Neorealismo; Pavese; Cesare; Verga; Giovanni


  21. Narrare la Resistenza attraverso gli occhi di un adolescente: un paragone tra Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno di Italo Calvino e La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana di Umberto Eco
    Published: 2020

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850
    Subjects: Calvino; Italo; Eco; Umberto; Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno; La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana; Protagonista adolescente; Resistenza


  22. "La nobiltà ed eccellenza delle donne di Lucrezia Marinella": un esempio di polemica dei sessi nel contesto veneziano del Rinascimento
  23. Inspice maius opus: Ovidio a proposito delle sue "Metamorfosi"
    Published: 2017

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 870


  24. Le fonti scritte su Dionigi I di Siracusa
    Published: 2018

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 880


  25. Et amen. No? Sul carattere testuale dell’idioletto poliglotta della figura di Salvatore nel romanzo Il nome della rosa di Umberto Eco
    Published: 2018

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Italian
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 850
    Subjects: Salvatore; Eco; Umberto : Il nome della rosa; linguistic character
