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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 96.
John Capgrave's Abbreuiacion of cronicles
The book of John Mandeville
an edition of the Pynson text -
The defective version of Mandeville's Travels
The life of Saint Katherine of Alexandria
The governance of kings and princes
John Trevisa's middle English translation of the De regimine pricipum of Aegidius Romanus -
Cestopis tzv. Mandevilla
Dialogus inter Militem et Clericum, Richard FitzRalph's Sermon: 'Defensio Curatorum' and Methodius: 'Pe Bygynnyng of pe World and pe Ende of Worldes'
The defective version of Mandeville's travels
Mandeville's travels, volume 1
texts and translations -
The life of Saint Katherine of Alexandria
The life of St. Katharine of Alexandria
Rome 1450
Capgrave's jubilee guide : the solace of pilgrimes -
Rome 1450, Capgrave's jubilee guide
the solace of pilgrimes -
The Egerton version of Mandeville's travels
Sir John Mandevilles Reisebeschreibung
nach der Stuttgarter Papierhandschrift Cod. HB V 86 -
Itinerarium orientale
Mandeville's Reisebeschreibung in mittelniederdeutscher Übersetzung : mit Einleitung, Varianten und Glossar -
The life of Saint Katherine
Itinerarius a terra anglie in partes ierosolimitanas et in ulteriores transmarinas
The life of Saint Katherine of Alexandria
Johannes Von Moneuilla/ Ritter
The travels of Sir John Mandeville
The Bodley version of Mandeville's Travels
from Bodleian MS. E Musaeo 116 with parallel extracts from the Latin text of British Museum Ms. Royal 13 E. IX -
Von der erfarün[g] des strengen Ritter[s] johannes von montauille