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Displaying results 76 to 100 of 166794.

  1. Differences Between Women? Intersecting Voices in a Female Narrative
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: The ‘intersectionality’ approach in feminist theory postulates that differences between women, such as age, ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, etc. do intersect. However, intersectionality starts to get blurred when examined... more


    Abstract: The ‘intersectionality’ approach in feminist theory postulates that differences between women, such as age, ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, etc. do intersect. However, intersectionality starts to get blurred when examined concretely because the list of differences is always endless. There is frequently silence about concrete questions such as: who defines when, where and which of these differences are rendered important in particular conceptions, and which are not? This article examines how categories of difference and identity interplay and intersect by analysing a narrative life-interview with a female migrant to Vienna. It aims to make visible some of her specific identifications and differentiations and how these are located in time and space, by focusing on her self-presentation and the categories of difference such as gender, class and ethnicity that she introduces. Through this the article aims to contribute to discussions of the dynamism of subjectivities and powe


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: Gender; class; difference; ethnicity; identity; intersectionality; life-story; narratives;
  2. Reading Human Sex
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: This article charts the feminist perspectives that have come out of the author’s thinking on the dance performance text Human Sex and how this has informed her own feminism. In doing so, the author argues that a feminist agenda is shifting... more


    Abstract: This article charts the feminist perspectives that have come out of the author’s thinking on the dance performance text Human Sex and how this has informed her own feminism. In doing so, the author argues that a feminist agenda is shifting and dynamic but also reliant upon prior readings and interpretations that provide the point of reference for a departure to other readings and perspectives. Using autobiographical material, the author highlights the importance of considering the personal histories of subject-hood that influence a feminist consciousness and how these are the condition of possibility for making other readings. To demonstrate the shifting character of identity over time, she engages in different readings of Human Sex through the work of feminist theorists Sara Ahmed, Judith Butler and Peggy Phelan


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: feminist identity; figure fetishism; gender performativity; performance and memorialization; politics of reading NOTES;
  3. Walking in Virginia Woolf’s footsteps
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: The past two decades have seen the rise of the walking tour as a tourist practice that stands in uneasy and contradictory relation to commodity culture. Focusing on the guided tour to Virginia Woolf’s London, this article examines what... more


    Abstract: The past two decades have seen the rise of the walking tour as a tourist practice that stands in uneasy and contradictory relation to commodity culture. Focusing on the guided tour to Virginia Woolf’s London, this article examines what happens when we literally go back to Bloomsbury, walking the literary text as we write the urban one. Placing it in a tradition of walking as a cultural, critical and aesthetic practice, this article explores the literary walk as a mapping of the city, a reading of the streets that is also a performance of the text and that, as an embodied experiencing of urban space, is the corollary of the present obsession with heritage and cultural memory


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: cultural memory; experience; flânerie; heritage; lieu de mémoire; London tourism; Virginia Woolf; walking tour;
  4. Rethinking White Supremacy
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: The article addresses the nature of power relations that sustain and disguise white racial hegemony in contemporary ‘western’ society. Following the insights offered by critical race theory (CRT), white supremacy is conceived as a... more


    Abstract: The article addresses the nature of power relations that sustain and disguise white racial hegemony in contemporary ‘western’ society. Following the insights offered by critical race theory (CRT), white supremacy is conceived as a comprehensive condition whereby the interests and perceptions of white subjects are continually placed centre stage and assumed as ‘normal’. These processes are analysed through two very different episodes. The first example relates to a period of public crisis, a moment where ‘what really matters’ is thrown into relief by a set of exceptional circumstances, in this case, the London bombings of July 2005. The second example relates to the routine and unexceptional workings of national assessment mechanisms in the education system and raises the question whether assessments merely record educational inequity or actually produce it. These apparently divergent cases are linked by the centrality of white interests and the mobilization of structural and cultur


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: antiracism; assessment; critical race theory; education; England; policy studies; racism; white privilege; white supremacy; whiteness studies;
  5. From beyond: H. P. Lovecraft and the place of horror
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: The work of the American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft offers a valuable opportunity to study the representation of space in literature, but while Lovecraft's biography provides a useful way of making sense of his horror fictions, it also... more


    Abstract: The work of the American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft offers a valuable opportunity to study the representation of space in literature, but while Lovecraft's biography provides a useful way of making sense of his horror fictions, it also risks obscuring the importance of his represented spaces. Many of these impossible spaces mark a threshold between the known and unknown, and the paper argues that an attention to narrative demonstrates that these thresholds constitute the fulcrum about which his plots move. The work of Mikhail Bakhtin also suggests that Lovecraft's belief that ‘change is the enemy of everything really worth cherishing’ explains why these thresholds are represented as threats rather than progressive engagements with social space


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
  6. Christa Wolf, Carola Stern, Günter de Bruyn und Günter Kunert: zum Porträt einer Generation
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: Einleitend analysiert die Verfasserin die Anfänge der einzelnen autobiographischen Schriften, wodurch ein Einstieg in die individuelle Lebensgeschichte der autobiographischen Subjekte eröffnet wird. Der Grund und der Anlass des Erinnerns... more


    Abstract: Einleitend analysiert die Verfasserin die Anfänge der einzelnen autobiographischen Schriften, wodurch ein Einstieg in die individuelle Lebensgeschichte der autobiographischen Subjekte eröffnet wird. Der Grund und der Anlass des Erinnerns sowie der Reflexion im autobiographischen Schreiben werden dargestellt. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Frage, ob und wie sich das autobiographische Ich durch 'authentische' Erinnerungsarbeit beispielsweise bezüglich eigener Täterschaft, erfahrener Verluste von Familienmitgliedern oder auch generationaler Konflikte konstituiert und stabilisiert, von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Anschließend werden die ausgewählten Autobiographien miteinander verglichen, wobei Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede herausgestellt werden. Die Ebene der individuellen Lebens- und Bildungsgeschichten der autobiographischen Subjekte wird zugunsten der Beschreibung eines kollektiven 'Generationen-Gedächtnisses' verlassen. Die Autorin geht der Frage nach, ob sich in den autobiographi


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Mannheim; K.; SED; Erfahrung; Erinnerung; Biographie; biographische Methode; Schriftsteller; Zwischenkriegszeit; Generation; Familie; Krieg; DDR; Gedächtnis; Familienangehöriger
  7. "Erinnerungswerkstätten": was die zeitgeschichtlich-biographische Forschung und Bildungsarbeit aus der Lektüre von Christa Wolfs 'Kindheitsmuster' gewinnen kann
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: Vor dem Hintergrund der Auseinandersetzung mit Christa Wolffs 'Kindheitsmuster' untersucht der Verfasser den geschichtswissenschaftlichen Wert von autobiographischen Erinnerungen. Er betont, dass das Bedürfnis nach Erzählen bei einer... more


    Abstract: Vor dem Hintergrund der Auseinandersetzung mit Christa Wolffs 'Kindheitsmuster' untersucht der Verfasser den geschichtswissenschaftlichen Wert von autobiographischen Erinnerungen. Er betont, dass das Bedürfnis nach Erzählen bei einer wachsenden Zahl älterer Menschen ausgesprochen groß ist, und plädiert für eine Aufwertung dieser Quelle in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung. Er argumentiert, dass auch die Entwicklungen seit dem Ende der 1980er Jahre aus dieser Sicht intensiver untersucht werden sollen, und zeigt, dass es an der Zeit ist, dies von Betroffenen, die ihr biographische Gepäck mit aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Situationen und auch wissenschaftlichen Diskursen kompatibel machen müssen, nicht nur einfach phrasenhaft und moralisch einzufordern, sondern konkrete Angebote für 'Erinnerungswerkstätten' mit zu kreieren. (ICG2)


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Datengewinnung; Krise; Identitätsbildung; Erkenntnis; Biographie; biographische Methode; Orientierung; Generation; Fremdbild; Interview; Alltag; Lebenswelt; Oral History; Reflexivität
  8. Nationalsozialismus und Krieg in literarischen Autobiographien - 30 Jahre "Kindheitsmuster" von Christa Wolf: Einleitung zum Schwerpunkt

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Literatur; Erfahrung; Frau; Nationalsozialismus; DDR; Biographie; Erinnerung; Schriftsteller
  9. Zugleich anwesend und nicht dabeigewesen? Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Erfahrung von Nationalsozialismus und Krieg in den Autobiographien von Christa Wolf und Eva Zeller
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Literatur; Erfahrung; Frau; Nationalsozialismus; Biographie; Erinnerung; Schriftsteller
  10. Angst und Anekdote: zur Struktur autobiographischer Erinnerungsprozesse in Christa Wolfs "Kindheitsmuster"
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Literatur; Biographie; Erinnerung; Schriftsteller; Lebenslauf; Frau; Wolf; C.
  11. Annäherung an die Generation der Großväter: Stephan Wackwitz' Ein unsichtbares Land und Thomas Medicus' In den Augen meines Großvaters
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Literatur; Biographie; Schriftsteller; deutsche Sprache
  12. Literaturbesprechung: Stefan Zahlmann und Sylka Scholz (Hg.): Scheitern und Biographie: die andere Seite moderner Lebensgestaltung
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
  13. Book Review: The past is not dead: facts, fictions, and enduring racial stereotypes. By Allan Pred. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press 2004. ISBN 0-8166-4405-5, 0-8166-4406-3
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
  14. Book Review: Extinct lands, temporal geographies: Chicana literature and the urgency of space. By Mary Pat Brady. Durham, NY: Duke University Press 2002. ISBN 0-8223-2974-3
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
  15. Kriege der Erinnerung – Deutsche Erinnerungskultur zwischen Literatur und Geschichtswissenschaft anhand Günter Grass’ Novelle "Im Krebsgang"
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830


  16. Satire und Macht. Film, Zeitung, Kabarett in der DDR
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830


  17. How to make a story work: introducing the concept of narrativity into narrative persuasion
    Published: 2006

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800


  18. A nation that dares not speak its name? The English question
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: Review: 1. R. Colls: Identity of England; Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 2002, 409 pp.; ISBN 0–199–24519–3. 2. K. Kumar: The Making of English National Identity; Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 2003, 367 pp.; ISBN 0–521–77736–4. 3. R. Weight:... more


    Abstract: Review: 1. R. Colls: Identity of England; Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 2002, 409 pp.; ISBN 0–199–24519–3. 2. K. Kumar: The Making of English National Identity; Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 2003, 367 pp.; ISBN 0–521–77736–4. 3. R. Weight: Patriots: National Identity in Britain, 1940–2000; London: Macmillan 2002, 866 pp.; ISBN 0–330–49141–5


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
  19. Os processos de formação de palavra na Libras
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre os processos de formação de palavra na LIBRAS. Os parâmetros (configuração de mão, direcionalidade, ponto de articulação movimento, localização, expressões faciais e corporais), que também podem ser... more


    Abstract: Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre os processos de formação de palavra na LIBRAS. Os parâmetros (configuração de mão, direcionalidade, ponto de articulação movimento, localização, expressões faciais e corporais), que também podem ser morfemas, compõem sistemas complexos de desinências que estabelecem tipos de flexão verbais: concordância para gênero, para pessoa do discurso e para locativo, ou são afixos que se justapõem à raiz verbal ou nominal. Portanto, em relação aos seus processos de formação de palavra, a Libras é uma língua flexional, embora tenha também características de língua aglutinante, que podem ser percebidas a partir da formação de sinais pelos processos de composição e incorporação


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 370; 800
    Subjects: Lingüística; Línguas de Sinais; Libras; Formação de palavras
  20. Um pouco mais da história da educação dos surdos, segundo Ferdinand Berthier
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: Este artigo traz trechos da biografia do abade l'Epée, escrita por um professor surdo do Instituto para surdos de Paris, Ferdinand Berthier, em 1840. Apesar de enaltecer a figura do abade, criador da primeira escola para surdos na França,... more


    Abstract: Este artigo traz trechos da biografia do abade l'Epée, escrita por um professor surdo do Instituto para surdos de Paris, Ferdinand Berthier, em 1840. Apesar de enaltecer a figura do abade, criador da primeira escola para surdos na França, Berthier tece críticas ao método de l'Epée, uma vez que, segundo ele, em nome do ensino da escrita correta eram realizadas deformações na linguagem de sinais, modificações que acabavam por torná-la estranha aos próprios surdos. Apesar de escrito há dois séculos o texto de Berthier traz discussões que ainda hoje estão presentes entre os educadores, nas quais o tema central é a língua a que os surdos devem ser expostos no processo educacional. A polêmica língua de sinais versus língua oral apresentava-se, naquela época, como hoje, como o centro das discussões na educação dos surdos


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 370; 800
    Subjects: Educação de surdos; Língua de sinais; Ferdinand Berthier
  21. Um diálogo possível entre arte e ciência: a literatura nas aulas de metodologia de pesquisa
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: O objetivo do presente trabalho é oferecer uma introdução às reflexões sobre verdade e ciência a partir da abordagem de textos literários, promovendo uma interlocução entre arte e ciência, entre literatura e metodologia da pesquisa (em... more


    Abstract: O objetivo do presente trabalho é oferecer uma introdução às reflexões sobre verdade e ciência a partir da abordagem de textos literários, promovendo uma interlocução entre arte e ciência, entre literatura e metodologia da pesquisa (em especial, em educação). Inspirado por uma poesia de Drummond, um conto de Machado de Assis e um romance contemporâneo, de autoria de Lia Neiva, o texto aponta a literatura como forma de se abordarem temas complexos das ciências, como a noção de verdade e realidade, com estudantes de graduação. Introduz, ainda que de modo breve, uma interlocução com produções artísticas variadas – desde imagens com ilusões de ótica até filmes e seriados televisivos – no intuito de tornar as experiências em metodologia de pesquisa mais dinâmicas, mais atraentes e esclarecedoras. Ao final do texto, somos levados a uma reflexão acerca das possibilidades e dos limites da leitura da realidade propiciada por nossas experiências científicas e literárias, bem como de suas int


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 370; 800
    Subjects: Interdisciplinaridade; Metodologia de pesquisa; Literatura; Ciência; Educação superior
  22. "Erinnerte Emotionen" oder "emotionale Erinnerungen": über den Zusammenhang von Emotionen, Erinnerung und Persönlichkeit bei Marcel Proust
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: 'Da die proustsche Recherche sich m.E. nicht ohne Rückgriff auf zwei zentrale psychologische Begriffe - nämlich den der Erinnerung und den der Emotion - verstehen lässt, versuche ich in diesem Aufsatz, auf Grundlage von Prousts großem... more


    Abstract: 'Da die proustsche Recherche sich m.E. nicht ohne Rückgriff auf zwei zentrale psychologische Begriffe - nämlich den der Erinnerung und den der Emotion - verstehen lässt, versuche ich in diesem Aufsatz, auf Grundlage von Prousts großem Hauptwerk, die Zusammenhänge von Erinnerung und Emotion, wie sie von Proust - zumindest implizit - nahe gelegt werden, darzustellen. Dabei führe ich zunächst anhand eines Textbeispiels aus, wie der Schmerz im Rahmen von Verlusterlebnissen als Katalysator von Erinnerungs- und Vergessensprozessen fungieren kann, so dass nach einer Phase intensiver Erinnerung, die sinnlich-konkreten Erinnerungsbilder an emotionaler Bedeutung verlieren. Eine umgekehrte Konstellation ergibt sich, wenn der Erinnerungsgehalt selbst als überwiegend emotional (und nicht als bildlich) zu verstehen ist: Hier wiederholt sich, und zwar teilweise hinter dem Rücken des Protagonisten, eine ursprüngliche emotionale Erfahrung aufgrund einer strukturellen Ähnlichkeitsbeziehung zwischen


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 840
    Subjects: Emotionalität; Erinnerung; Persönlichkeit
  23. Multiculturalismo e linguagem: literatura surda, o caminho contrário ao esquecimento
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: A partir da concepção de diferença lingüística evidenciarei a importância do respeito e conhecimento da literatura produzida por grupos ou comunidades como forma se expressão social e cultural. A exemplo do conto Cinderela que, ao ser... more


    Abstract: A partir da concepção de diferença lingüística evidenciarei a importância do respeito e conhecimento da literatura produzida por grupos ou comunidades como forma se expressão social e cultural. A exemplo do conto Cinderela que, ao ser recontada por surdos adultos, universitários, sobrevive com o título de Cinderela Surda. A literatura produzida por surdos usuários da língua de sinais evidencia sua inserção nos contos acrescentando a história de sua educação e a história do nascimento das comunidades surdas. Paralelo traçado na forma como o príncipe surdo aprende língua de sinais através de um professor ouvinte sinalizador e Cinderela (no caso plebéia) apropria-se da língua no contato com surdos


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 370; 800
    Subjects: Multiculturalismo; Linguagem; Literatura surda; Surdez
  24. Literatura surda: criação e produção de imagens e textos
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: O objetivo deste texto é analisar o uso da literatura como a construção da consciência de mundo, relacionando a interpretação com a realidade. A proposta é investigar a importância do uso da imagem e da linguagem na literatura, analisando a... more


    Abstract: O objetivo deste texto é analisar o uso da literatura como a construção da consciência de mundo, relacionando a interpretação com a realidade. A proposta é investigar a importância do uso da imagem e da linguagem na literatura, analisando a expressão de uma literatura surda


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 370; 800
    Subjects: Image; Surdo; Imagem; Literatura; Língua de sinais brasileira
  25. Efeitos de modalidade de língua: as línguas de sinais
    Published: 2006

    Abstract: As línguas de sinais que são visuais-espaciais oferecem um campo de análise que se refere aos possíveis efeitos que a diferença na modalidade pode implicar para as teorias lingüísticas e para as análises discursivas. Neste artigo, vamos nos... more


    Abstract: As línguas de sinais que são visuais-espaciais oferecem um campo de análise que se refere aos possíveis efeitos que a diferença na modalidade pode implicar para as teorias lingüísticas e para as análises discursivas. Neste artigo, vamos nos deter a discutir os efeitos de modalidade na perspectiva teórica apresentando uma revisão dos estudos clássicos das línguas de sinais, bem como dos estudos que buscam compreender as especificidades dessas línguas


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 370; 800
    Subjects: Línguas de sinais; Efeitos de modalidade; Modalidade visual-espacial