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Medieval jewellery in Europe 1100 - 1500
Heksenbloed en drakengoud
Desert Jewels
North African jewelry and photography from the Xavier Guerrand-Hermès Collection ; [exhibition] -
Le rose che non colsi
il linguaggio dei fiori e i suoi riflessi nel gioiello dal XVII al XX secolo -
Ed io sono una rosa!
interpretazioni a confronto nella gioielleria europea dal XIX al XXI secolo -
Medieval jewellery in Europe, 1100 - 1500
Hair'em scare'em
Brilliant effects
a cultural history of gem stones and jewellery -
Brilliant effects
a cultural history of gem stones and jewellery -
Hair'em scare'em
Medieval jewellery in Europe
1100 - 1500 -
Mirovoj almaznyj rynok i Rossija
lekcija, pročitannaja na Meždunarodnoj škole-seminare "Sistemnoe modelirovanie socialʹno-ėkonomičeskich processov" im. akad. S. S. Šatalina, Voronež, 2 oktjabrja 2008 g. -
Gaining competitive advantage through the protection of geographical indications
an analysis of the tea, sapphires and cinnamon industries of Sri Lanka -
Der Gürtel
Funktion und Symbolik eines Kleidungsstücks in Antike und Mittelalter -
Branchen special
Bericht Nr. 92, Einzelhandel mit Uhren und Schmuckwaren