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Displaying results 176 to 200 of 2070.
Príspevok k štýlu štúrovskej prózy
štýl prózy Jána Kalinčiaka -
Cicero's style
a synopsis ; followed by selected analytic studies -
Fiction et diction
Writing prose
techniques and purposes -
The eloquent "I"
style and self in seventeenth-century prose -
Du style classique
Pascal, Voltaire, Bossuet, Diderot, La Bruyère, J.-J. Rousseau, Mme De Sévigné, Mme Du Deffand -
Stylistique et poétique françaises
Emerveillement et lucidité poétiques
Baudelaire, Apollinaire, Eluard, Cocteau, Saint-John Perse, Char -
Persuasione e grandezza
il dibattito antico intorno alla retorica e l'origine delle classificazioni stilistiche -
Jane Austen, or, The secret of style
Emerson's romantic style
A dictionary of stylistics
In search of style
essays in French literary stylistics -
Talis oratio - qualis vita
zu Theorie und Praxis mimetischer Verfahren in der griechisch-römischen Literaturkritik -
Die Chronologie der Novellen Heinrich von Kleists
Literaturnoe proizvedenie
teorija chudožestvennoj celostnosti -
Ludic proof
Greek mathematics and the Alexandrian aesthetic -
Polyphony in fiction
a stylistic analysis of Middlemarch, Nostromo, and Herzog -
approches du roman épistolaire -
Shakespeare and the idea of late writing
authorship in the proximity of death -
De la séduction littéraire
The rhetoric of English India
Plato and the art of philosophical writing
Stil - ein sprachliches und soziales Phänomen
Beiträge zur Stilistik