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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 247.
Die suedaromunische Mundart von Turia (Pindos) : Syntax, Lexik, Ethnolinguistik, Texte
Ėtnosociolingvistika "Perestrojki" v SSSR
antologija zapečatlennogo vremeni -
Ėtničeskij jazyk
opyt funkcional'noj differenciacii; na materiale sopostavitel'nogo izučenija slavjanskich jazykov -
Making Signs, Translanguaging Ethnographies
Exploring Urban, Rural and Educational Spaces -
The Routledge handbook of language and culture
Linguistische Anthropologie
eine Rekonstruktion -
Approaches to language and culture
Langues, littératures et identités culturelles
[colloque international ...à l'Université de Douala, (Cameroun) du 7 au 9 novembre 2008] -
Rivers and mountains
a historical, applied anthropological and linguistical study of the Zaza people of Turkey including an introduction to applied cultural anthropology -
Sprachinsel Taiwan
eine empirisch explorativ-interpretative Studie zu subjektiven Spracheinstellungen und lebensweltlicher Mehrsprachigkeit bei Studierenden in Taibei -
Gender-Forschung in der Slawistik
Beiträge der Konferenz "Gender - Sprache - Kommunikation - Kultur", 28. April bis 1. Mai 2001, Institut für Slawistik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena -
Metaphors of coronavirus
invisible enemy or zombie apocalypse? -
Kategorija rodstva v jazyke i kul'ture
Aktualʹnye ėtnojazykovye i ėtnokulʹturnye problemy sovremennosti
Kniga I -
From conceptual metaphor theory to cognitive ethnolinguistics
patterns of imagery in language -
Rapporto tra lingua e identità
il ruolo del francese nella Littérature-monde -
Languages of tribal and indigenous peoples of India
the ethnic space -
Archaeology and language
the puzzle of Indo-European origins -
Convention, translation, and understanding
philosophical problems in the comparative study of culture -
Literacy development in a multilingual context
cross-cultural perspectives -
Beyond textuality
asceticism and violence in anthropological interpretation -
Domašnij skot v pover'jach i magin vostočnych slavjan
ėtnografičeskie i ėtnolingvističeskie očerki -
Ethnography, linguistics, narrative inequality
toward an understanding of voice -
Das Leben der Sprachen
vom menschlichen Sprechen und Gespräch -
Verbal art across cultures
the aesthetics and proto-aesthetics of communication