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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 47.
Intra-industry trade, endogenous technological change, wage inequality and welfare
Intra-industry trade, endogenous technological change, wage inequality and welfare
Occupational matching and cities
Market power and wage inequality
Occupation growth, skill prices, and wage inequality
Are manufacturing jobs still good jobs?
an exploration of the manufacturing wage premium -
Market power and wage inequality
Wage inequality
how and why it has changed over the decades -
Decline in wage inequality in Brazil
a survey -
International trade and within-sector wage inequality
the case of South Korea -
Oligopsonies over the business cycle
Firm productivity, wages, and sorting
The effect of unfair chances and gender discrimination on labor supply
Automation, robots and wage inequality in Germany
a decomposition analysis -
Redistributive income taxation with directed technical change
Monopolistic competition, optimum product diversity, and international trade
the role of factor endowment and factor intensities -
Occupational choice, human capital and learning
a multi-armed bandit approach -
Job mobility and assortative matching
Firm productivity, wages, and sorting
The structure of financial systems and top incomes in advanced economies
a comparative distributional analysis of the financial wage premium -
Market power and wage inequality
Immunity-driven comparative advantage and its palliative effect on social health and inequality
a theoretical perspective -
Education expansion and income inequality
empirical evidence from China -
Inefficient labor market sorting
Redistributive income taxation with directed technical change