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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 445.
The determinants of real long-term interest rates
17 country pooled-time-series evidence -
Persistent and transitory shocks, learning, and investment dynamics
paper presented at the HWWA Workshop, August 26 - 27, 1999, on "Uncertainty and Factor Demands" -
The puzzle of the Swiss interest rate island
stylized facts and a new interpretation -
Measuring expected inflation and the ex-ante real interest rate in the Euro area using structural vector autoregressions
Interpreting productivity growth in the new economy
some agnostic notes -
Determinants of the expected real long-term interest rates in the G7-countries
Predicting real exchange rates from real interest rate differentials and net foreign asset stocks
evidence for the mark dollar parity -
Public debt, the long term real rate of interest and intergenerational welfare
a computational experiment -
Interpreting productivity growth in the new economy : Some agnostic notes
The celtic tiger faces the factor price frontier
Labour market adjustment in Ireland -
Globalisation, wage adjustment, and unemployment
An empirical analysis based on the factor price frontier -
Determinants of the expected real long-term interest rates in the G7-countries
Measuring Expected Inflation and the Ex-Ante Real Interest Rate in the Euro Area Using Structural Vector Autoregressions
Interpreting productivity growth in the New Economy
some agnostic notes -
The relation between real wage rates and employment
Natural rate doubts
Persistent and transitory shocks, learning, and investment dynamics
paper presented at the HWWA Workshop, August 26 - 27, 1999, on "Uncertainty and Factor Demands" -
A note on alternative measures of real bond rates
The puzzle of the Swiss interest rate island
stylized facts and a new interpretation -
Economic development, financial development and liberalisation
Taiwan, 1960 - 1995 -
The role of short rates and foreign long rates in the determination of long-term interest rates
Inflazione attesa, tassi reali e la struttura per scadenza dei tassi d'interesse
Real interest rates, sovereign risk and optimal debt management
The determinants of real long-term interest rates
17 country pooled-time-series evidence -
Global trends in interest rates