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Displaying results 1 to 18 of 18.
Choice of benchmark when forecasting long-term stock returns
Stock returns and expected business conditions: half a century of direct evidence
Keynotes from the International Conference on Explanation and Prediction in Linguistics (CEP): formalist and functionalist approaches
Heidelberg, February 13th and 14th, 2019 -
Warum Musik wählen? Eine mehrebenenanalytische Studie zur Vorhersage der Wahlbereitschaft zum Fach Musik durch die Motivation der Schüler*innen und die individuelle Förderung von Musiklehrkräften im Musikunterricht
Why choose music? A multilevel path analysis predicting students' choice of music electives due to their motivation and music teachers' individualized instruction -
How to assess country risk
the vulnerability exercise approach using machine learning -
Jane Austen, early and late
How to assess country risk
the vulnerability exercise approach using machine learning -
AI, skill, and productivity
the case of taxi drivers -
Identifying politically connected firms
a machine learning approach -
Jane Austen, early and late
Improving educational outcomes
analyses of intervention and public opinion = Verbesserung von Bildungsergebnissen : Analysen von Interventionen und öffentlicher Meinung -
Jane Austen, early and late
Impact of soft information in loan pricing on default prediction using machine learning
Behavioral preferences and beliefs in asset pricing
Covariates and causal effects
the problem of context -
A new hedonic regression for real estate prices applied to the Singapore residential market
Pitfalls and possibilities in predictive regression
Evaluating conditional forecasts from vector autoregressions