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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 7348.
Wachstum, Krisen, Handlungsspielräume der Wirtschaftspolitik
Studien zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte des 19. und 20 Jahrhunderts -
Machteliten und Wirtschaftskonjunkturen
Studien zur neueren deutschen Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte -
Wachstum und Konjunktur
Grundlagen der Erklärung und Steuerung des Wachstumsprozesses -
Stability analysis of an extended KMG growth dynamics
Wage responsiveness of formal and informal labor markets to economic downturns
the case of Ecuador -
The link between default and recovery rates
effects on the procyclicality of regulatory capital ratios -
Innovations induce asymmetric employment movements
The levels and cyclical behaviour of mark-ups across countries and market structures
Do business-related services really lag behind manufacturing industries in the business cycle?
Verhalten aufwärts
die Lage der Weltwirtschaft und der deutschen Wirtschaft am Jahresbeginn 1997 -
Einfluß der Wirtschaftsentwicklung auf den Energieverbrauch
Credit risk measurement and procyclicality
Sudden stops in capital inflows and the design of exchange rate regimes
A survey of cyclical effects in credit risk measurement models
The institutional memory hypothesis and the procyclicality of bank lending behaviour
Collective wage agreements and the adjustment of workers and hours in German service firms
Tarifverträge und Beschäftigungspolitik in Dienstleistungsunternehmen
Business fixed investment
evidence of a financial accelerator in Europe -
Are the effects of monetary policy in the Euro area greater in recessions than in booms?
Finanzpolitik stützt Konjunktur
dieser Report ist Teil des Schwerpunktes "Wachstum und Konjunktur in Europa"/ [Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA)]. Günter Weinert ... -
Business cycle asymmetries in stock returns
evidence from higher order moments and conditional densities -
A Minskian analysis of financial crisis in developing countries
Measuring the impact of the depression on the radical vote in the Weimar Republic
a spatio-temporal approach -
Long-term growth and short-term economic instability
Credit risk and business cycle over different regimes