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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 1985.
The body imaged
the human form and visual culture since the Renaissance -
Zur politischen Macht Kultureller Territorien
On the political power of cultural territories -
The Ritual of Interpretation
The Fine Arts as Literature in Ruskin, Rossetti, and Pater -
Musical Iconography
A Manual for Cataloguing Musical Subjects in Western Art before 1800 -
The visual mind II
Quixotic frescoes
Cervantes and Italian Renaissance art -
The look of things
poetry and vision around 1900 -
Images of Beckett
Geschmack, Kunst und Konsum
Kulturpolitik als Wirtschaftspolitik in Frankreich und Württemberg (1805-1845) -
Beauty and art, 1750-2000
International futurism in arts and literature
Masculinities - Maskulinitäten
Mythos, Realität, Repräsentation, Rollendruck -
Poetik der Form
eine Begriffs- und Problemgeschichte -
perceptions of nature ; [... publ. on the occasion of the Exhibition Windflower, Perceptions of Nature held in the Kröller-Müller Museum from 9 October 2011 - 15 January 2012] -
The rise of Surrealism
Cubism, Dada, and the pursuit of the marvelous -
Arte e alchimia
Deconstruction and the visual arts
art, media, architecture -
The rhinoceros from Dürer to Stubbs
1515 - 1799 -
Berlin - Moskva, Moskau - Berlin
1950 - 2000 ; Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, 28. September 2003 bis 5. Januar 2004 ; Staatliche Tretjakow-Galerie, Moskau, 21. März bis 5. Juli 2004 – [1], Chronik -
<<Der>> nackte Mensch in der Kunst aller Zeiten
<<The>> railroad in American art
representations of technological change -
Nasal motifs in Maya iconography
a methodological approach to the study of ancient Maya art -
Traum & Trauma
Werke aus der Sammlung Dakis Joannou, Athen ; [Ausstellung, Kunsthalle Wien, Halle 2 / MUMOK, Hofstallung, 29. Juni - 4. Oktober 2007] = Dream & trauma : works from the Dakis Joannou collection, Athens -
antike Götter im Wandel von Glaube und Kunst -
Musical Iconography
A Manual for Cataloguing Musical Subjects in Western Art before 1800