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  1. The Rhetorical Fabric of the Traditional Arabic <i>Qasida</i> in Its Formative Stages
    A Comparative Study of the Rhetoric in Two Traditional Poems by 'Alqama l-Fahl and Bashshar b. Burd
  2. The rhetorical fabric of the traditional Arabic "qaṣīda" in its formative stages
    a comparative study of the rhetoric in two traditional poems by ʿAlqama l-Faḥl and Bashshār b. Burd
    Published: 2015
    Publisher:  Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden

  3. Das Bild der Liebe im Werk des Dichters Gamil ibn Ma'mar
    Eine Studie zur 'udritischen Lyrik in der arabischen Literatur des späten 7. Jahrhunderts