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Displaying results 1 to 24 of 24.
Organizational learning: Where do we stand? Where do we want to go?
Internet... the final frontier: an ethnographic account ; exploring the cultural space of the net from the inside
The legal framework for corpoate governance
explaining the development of contract law in Germany and the United States -
Redistributing the cake? Ethnicisation processes in the Berlin food sector
Why and how do national monopolies go "global"? International competition, supranational regionalism and the transnational reorgaization of postal and logistics companies in Europe
Delegation versus authority
Die Freiheit arbeiten zu dürfen: akademische Laufbahn und legitime Lebenspraxis
Auf verschlungenen Pfaden zum High-Tech-Produkt:: das Digitalfunkkonsortium - eine strategische Allianz und ihre Folgen
Organizational reforms and gender: feminization of middle management in Finnish and German banking
Mission impossible? Neue Wege zu Interdisziplinarität
Empfehlungen für Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftspolitik und Praxis -
Hermeneutische Polizeiforschung
Technologie, Interaktion und Organisation: die Workplace Studies
The legal framework for corporate governance: explaining the development of contract law in Germany and the United States
Profitable horizontal mergers without cost advantages: the role of internal organization, information, and market structure
Benchmarking labour market performance and labour market policies: theoretical foundations and applications
Vom Überfluss zur Knappheit: Die arabischen Golfstaaten unter Druck
Mission Impossible? Neue Wege zu Interdisziplinarität: Empfehlungen für Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftspolitik und Praxis
Profitable horizontal mergers without cost advantages
the role of internal organization, information, and market structure -
Why and how do national monopolies go "global"?
international competition, supranational regionalism and transnational reorganization of postal and logistics companies in Europe -
Arbeits- und Leistungsbedingungen im IT-Bereich
Fachtagung am 7. März 2002 in Bonn im Rahmen des BMBF-Projekts: Dienst-Leistung(s)-Arbeit ; Tagungsdokumentation -
Delegation versus authority
Organizational reforms and gender
feminization of middle management in Finnish and German banking -
Transformation der Logistik
Benchmarking labour market performance and labour market policies
theoretical foundations and applications