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Et ha-kol ʿasah yafeh be-ʿito
ha-muśag "yafeh", shimushav u-shegiruto be-khitve ha-Miḳra = He hath made every thing "beautiful" in his time : the term 'beautiful', its uses and frequency in Biblical literature -
Et ha-kol ʿasah yafeh be-ʿito
ha-muśag "yafeh", shimushav u-shegiruto be-khitve ha-Miḳra = He hath made every thing "beautiful" in his time : the term 'beautiful', its uses and frequency in Biblical literature -
Et ha-kol ʿasah yafeh be-ʿito
ha-muśag "yafeh", shimushav u-shegiruto be-khitve ha-Miḳra = He hath made every thing "beautiful" in his time : the term 'beautiful', its uses and frequency in Biblical literature