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  1. Television aesthetics and style
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Publisher); Peacock, Steven (Publisher)
    Published: 2013
    Publisher:  Bloomsbury, London

    Universitätsbibliothek Bayreuth
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    Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
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    Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, Bibliothek
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    Universitätsbibliothek Passau
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    Source: Union catalogues
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Publisher); Peacock, Steven (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Book
    ISBN: 9781441179920; 9781441157515
    RVK Categories: AP 33700
    Subjects: Ästhetik; Television broadcasting; Television; Stil; Ästhetik; Fernsehsendung
    Scope: xvi, 331 Seiten

    Includes bibliographical references and index

  2. Television aesthetics and style
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Publisher); Peacock, Steven (Publisher)
    Published: 2013
    Publisher:  Bloomsbury, London

    Freie Universität Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek
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    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek, Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum
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    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Unter den Linden
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    Universität der Künste Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek
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    Source: Philologische Bibliothek, FU Berlin; Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Publisher); Peacock, Steven (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Book
    ISBN: 9781441179920; 9781441157515
    RVK Categories: AP 33700
    Subjects: Ästhetik; Television broadcasting; Television; Stil; Ästhetik; Fernsehsendung
    Scope: xvi, 331 Seiten

    Includes bibliographical references and index

  3. Television aesthetics and style
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Hrsg.)
    Published: 2013
    Publisher:  Bloomsbury, London [u.a.]

    Although Film Studies has successfully (re)turned attention to matters of style and interpretation, its sibling discipline has left the territory uncharted - until now. The question of how television operates on a stylistic level has been critically... more

    Universität Frankfurt, Elektronische Ressourcen
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    Although Film Studies has successfully (re)turned attention to matters of style and interpretation, its sibling discipline has left the territory uncharted - until now. The question of how television operates on a stylistic level has been critically underexplored, despite being fundamental to our viewing experience. This significant new work redresses a vital gap in Television Studies by engaging with the stylistic dynamics of TV; exploring the aesthetic properties and values of both the medium and particular types of output (specific programmes); and raising important questions about the way we judge television as both cultural artifact and art form. "Television Aesthetics and Style" provides a unique and vital intervention in the field, raising key questions about television's artistic properties and possibilities. Through a series of case-studies by internationally renowned scholars, the collection takes a radical step forward in understanding TV's stylistic achievements.


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    Source: Union catalogues
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Hrsg.)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9781441157515; 9781623569037 (Sekundärausgabe)
    RVK Categories: AP 33700
    DDC Categories: 791
    Subjects: Fernsehsendung; Ästhetik; Stil
    Scope: XVI, 331 S.


  4. Television aesthetics and style
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Hrsg.)
    Published: 2013
    Publisher:  Bloomsbury, New York, NY [u.a.]

    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Potsdamer Straße
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    Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
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    Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
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    Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky
    A 2013/6455
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    Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky
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    Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) / Leibniz-Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften und Universitätsbibliothek
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    Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig
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    Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Medien- und Informationszentrum, Universitätsbibliothek
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    Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
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    Universitätsbibliothek Rostock
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    Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
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    Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Hrsg.)
    Language: English
    Media type: Book
    Format: Print
    ISBN: 9781441157515; 9781441179920
    RVK Categories: AP 33700 ; AP 37520
    Edition: 1. publ.
    Subjects: Television broadcasting; Television; Fernsehsendung; Ästhetik
    Scope: XVI, 331 S.

    Includes bibliographical references and index

    Jason Jacobs and Steven PeacockConceptual Debates. Television Aesthetics: Stylistic Analysis and Beyond / Sarah Cardwell: Introduction

    Jason Jacobs and Steven Peacock: Introduction

    Jason Mittell: The Qualities of Complexity: Vast versus Dense Seriality in Contemporary Television

    Brett Mills: What Does it Mean to Call Television "Cinematic"?

    Deborah L. Jaramillo: Rescuing Television from "The Cinematic": The Perils of Dismissing Television Style

    Alex Clayton: Aesthetics and Style of Television Comedy. Why Comedy is at Home on Television

    Sergio Dias Branco: Situating Comedy: Inhabitation and Duration in Classical American Sitcoms

    Timotheus Vermuelen and James Whitfield: Arrested Developments: Towards an Aesthetic of the Contemporary US Sitcom

    James Walters: Better or Differently: Style and Repetition in the Trip

    James Zborowski: The Presentation of Detail and the Organization of Time in The Royle Family

    Holly Randell-Moon and Arthur J. Randell: The Man From ISIS: Archer and the Animated Aesthetics of Adult Cartoons

    George Toles: Critical Analyses of Television Drama. Don Draper and the Promises of Life

    William Rothman: Justifying Justified

    Janet McCabe: HBO Aesthetics, Quality TV and Boardwalk Empire

    Faye Woods: - Storytelling in Song: Television Music, Narrative and Allusion in the O.C.

    Lucy Fife Donaldson: Camera and Performer: Energetic Engagement with The Shield

    Elliott Logan: Flashforwards in Breaking Bad: Openness, Closure and Possibility

    Beth Johnson: The Fantastic Style of Shameless

    Frances Bonner: Non-Fiction and History. "Let's Just Watch it for a Few Minutes": This is Your Life in 1958 ; / Charles Barr ; Gaudy Nights: Dance and Reality Television's Display of Talent

    Linus Andersson: Television Sublime: The Experimental Television of Lithuanian CAC TV

    Nick Hall: Closer to the Action: Post-War American Television and the Zoom Shot

    Ieuan Franklin: Think-Tape: The Aesthetics of Montage in the Post-War TV Documentary

    Cormac Deane.: What FUIs Can Do: The Promises of Computing in Contemporary TV Series

    Sarah Cardwell: Conceptual Debates. Television Aesthetics: Stylistic Analysis and Beyond

    Jason Mittell: The Qualities of Complexity: Vast versus Dense Seriality in Contemporary Television

    Brett Mills: What Does it Mean to Call Television "Cinematic"?

    Deborah L. Jaramillo: Rescuing Television from "The Cinematic": The Perils of Dismissing Television Style

    Alex Clayton: Aesthetics and Style of Television Comedy. Why Comedy is at Home on Television

    Sergio Dias Branco: Situating Comedy: Inhabitation and Duration in Classical American Sitcoms

    Timotheus Vermuelen and James Whitfield: Arrested Developments: Towards an Aesthetic of the Contemporary US Sitcom

    James Walters: Better or Differently: Style and Repetition in the Trip

    James Zborowski: The Presentation of Detail and the Organization of Time in The Royle Family

    Holly Randell-Moon and Arthur J. Randell: The Man From ISIS: Archer and the Animated Aesthetics of Adult Cartoons

    George Toles: Critical Analyses of Television Drama. Don Draper and the Promises of Life

    William Rothman: Justifying Justified

    Janet McCabe: HBO Aesthetics, Quality TV and Boardwalk Empire

    Faye Woods: - Storytelling in Song: Television Music, Narrative and Allusion in the O.C.

    Lucy Fife Donaldson: Camera and Performer: Energetic Engagement with The Shield

    Elliott Logan: Flashforwards in Breaking Bad: Openness, Closure and Possibility

    Beth Johnson: The Fantastic Style of Shameless

    Frances Bonner: Non-Fiction and History. "Let's Just Watch it for a Few Minutes": This is Your Life in 1958 ; / Charles Barr ; Gaudy Nights: Dance and Reality Television's Display of Talent

    Linus Andersson: Television Sublime: The Experimental Television of Lithuanian CAC TV

    Nick Hall: Closer to the Action: Post-War American Television and the Zoom Shot

    Ieuan Franklin: Think-Tape: The Aesthetics of Montage in the Post-War TV Documentary

    Cormac Deane.: What FUIs Can Do: The Promises of Computing in Contemporary TV Series

  5. Television aesthetics and style
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Publisher); Peacock, Steven (Publisher)
    Published: 2013
    Publisher:  Bloomsbury, London [u.a.]

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    Source: Union catalogues
    Contributor: Jacobs, Jason (Publisher); Peacock, Steven (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Book
    Format: Print
    ISBN: 9781441179920; 9781441157515; 9781623569037; 9781623562496
    RVK Categories: AP 33700
    Edition: 1. publ.
    Subjects: Television--Aesthetics.; Television broadcasting.
    Scope: XVI, 331 S., 23 cm
