"Following the Second World War, the world had to confront the unmournable specters of those who had been erased socially and historically. Cinematic Cryptonymies: The Absent Body in Postwar Film explores how cinema addressed these missing bodies...
"Following the Second World War, the world had to confront the unmournable specters of those who had been erased socially and historically. Cinematic Cryptonymies: The Absent Body in Postwar Film explores how cinema addressed these missing bodies through an in-depth analysis of key filmmakers from the immediate postwar moment through the present."--Back cover
Introduction: a cryptic history of the cinema -- The crypt-image and the taboo body in the films of Georges Franju -- Mario Bava, the phantom-image, and transgenerational debt -- Anasemic montage and the cinematic interval in Jean-Luc Godard's late cinema -- Re-visions: Naomi Uman and cinematic decryption -- Conclusion: the body under erasure