"The Nutcracker" is a beloved Christmas story featuring Godpapa Drosselmeier, the brave Nutcracker, and the evil Mouse-King. "The Golden Pot" is widely considered Hoffmann's finest story. Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Note -- Table of...
"The Nutcracker" is a beloved Christmas story featuring Godpapa Drosselmeier, the brave Nutcracker, and the evil Mouse-King. "The Golden Pot" is widely considered Hoffmann's finest story. Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Note -- Table of Contents -- The Golden Pot -- FIRST VIGIL -- SECOND VIGIL -- THIRD VIGIL -- FOURTH VIGIL -- FIFTH VIGIL -- SIXTH VIGIL -- SEVENTH VIGIL -- EIGHTH VIGIL -- NINTH VIGIL -- TENTH VIGIL -- ELEVENTH VIGIL -- TWELFTH VIGIL -- The Nutcracker -- CHRISTMAS EVE -- THE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS -- MARIE'S PET AND PROTÉGÉ -- WONDERFUL EVENTS -- THE BATTLE -- THE INVALID -- UNCLE AND NEPHEW -- VICTORY -- TOYLAND -- THE METROPOLIS -- CONCLUSION.