Craving some feel-good fiction? Curl up with "Doctor Marigold," a heartwarming tale from the pen of beloved author Charles Dickens. The story follows the tragedies and triumphs of a street vendor who loses a child and then adopts a young deaf girl...
Craving some feel-good fiction? Curl up with "Doctor Marigold," a heartwarming tale from the pen of beloved author Charles Dickens. The story follows the tragedies and triumphs of a street vendor who loses a child and then adopts a young deaf girl and raises her to adulthood. The story is both a masterpiece of social realism and a reminder of the inherent potential inside every person.
Title from PDF title page (viewed Feb. 9, 2011). - "First published in 1865"--P. 2
Craving some feel-good fiction? Curl up with "Doctor Marigold," a heartwarming tale from the pen of beloved author Charles Dickens. The story follows the tragedies and triumphs of a street vendor who loses a child and then adopts a young deaf girl and raises her to adulthood. The story is both a masterpiece of social realism and a reminder of the inherent potential inside every person
Doctor Marigold
Floating Press, [Auckland]
Craving some feel-good fiction? Curl up with "Doctor Marigold," a heartwarming tale from the pen of beloved author Charles Dickens. The story follows the tragedies and triumphs of a street vendor who loses a child and then adopts a young deaf girl...
Universitätsbibliothek der Eberhard Karls Universität
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Craving some feel-good fiction? Curl up with "Doctor Marigold," a heartwarming tale from the pen of beloved author Charles Dickens. The story follows the tragedies and triumphs of a street vendor who loses a child and then adopts a young deaf girl and raises her to adulthood. The story is both a masterpiece of social realism and a reminder of the inherent potential inside every person