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  1. The anatomy of influence
    literature as a way of life
    Published: © 2011
    Publisher:  Yale University Press, New Haven [Conn.]

    Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden / Hochschulbibliothek Amberg
    Unlimited inter-library loan, copies and loan
    Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, Hochschulbibliothek, Standort Weiden
    Unlimited inter-library loan, copies and loan
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    Source: Union catalogues
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9780300179903; 0300179901; 1283279886; 9781283279888; 9780300167603; 0300167601
    Subjects: LITERARY CRITICISM / Semiotics & Theory; Authors and readers; Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.); Literature / Appreciation; Literature / Philosophy; Literatuurkritiek; Beïnvloeding; Bellettrie; Literature / Philosophy; Authors; Reading; Literature / Influence; Literatur; Literaturkritik; Philosophie; Literature; Literature; Authors and readers; Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.); Literaturbeziehungen; Intertextualität; Literatur; Einfluss; Literaturtheorie
    Other subjects: Bloom, Harold; Bloom, Harold; Bloom, Harold; Bloom, Harold
    Scope: x, 357 pages

    Includes bibliographical references and index

    The point of view for my work as a critic. Literary love ; Sublime strangeness ; The influence of a mind on itself -- Shakespeare, the founder. Shakespeare's people ; The rival poet : King Lear ; Shakespeare's ellipsis : The tempest ; Possession in many modes : the sonnets ; Hamlet and the art of knowing ; Milton's Hamlet ; Joyce -- Dante -- Shakespeare -- Milton ; Dr. Johnson and critical influence -- The skeptical sublime. Anxieties of Epicurean influence : Dryden, Pater, Milton, Shelley, Tennyson, Whitman, Swinburne, Stevens ; Leopardi's Lucretian swerve ; Shelley's heirs : Browning and Yeats ; Whose condition of fire? : Merrill and Yeats -- Whitman and the death of Europe in the evening land. Emerson and a poetry yet to be written ; Whitman's tally ; Death and the poet : Whitmanian ebbings ; Notes toward a supreme fiction of the romantic self ; Near the quick : Lawrence and Whitman ; Hand of fire : Hart Crane's magnificence ; Whitman's prodigals : Ashbery, Ammons, Merwin, Strand, Charles Wright

    Bloom leads readers through the labyrinthine paths which link the writers and critics who have informed and inspired him for so many years

  2. The anatomy of influence
    literature as a way of life
    Published: 2011
    Publisher:  Yale University Press, New Haven [Conn.] ; EBSCO Industries, Inc., Birmingham, AL, USA

    Bloom leads readers through the labyrinthine paths which link the writers and critics who have informed and inspired him for so many years. more

    Bibliothek der Hochschule Mainz, Untergeschoss
    No inter-library loan


    Bloom leads readers through the labyrinthine paths which link the writers and critics who have informed and inspired him for so many years.


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    Source: Union catalogues
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9780300179903; 0300179901; 1283279886; 9781283279888
    Subjects: Literaturtheorie; Intertextualität; Literatur; Literaturbeziehungen; Einfluss
    Scope: 1 Online-Ressource (x, 357 pages)

    Includes bibliographical references and index

  3. The anatomy of influence
    literature as a way of life
    Published: ©2011
    Publisher:  Yale University Press, New Haven [Conn.]

    Bloom leads readers through the labyrinthine paths which link the writers and critics who have informed and inspired him for so many years more

    Aggregator (lizenzpflichtig)
    Hochschule Aalen, Bibliothek
    E-Book EBSCO
    No inter-library loan
    Hochschule Esslingen, Bibliothek
    E-Book Ebsco
    No inter-library loan
    Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
    No inter-library loan
    Universitätsbibliothek der Eberhard Karls Universität
    No inter-library loan


    Bloom leads readers through the labyrinthine paths which link the writers and critics who have informed and inspired him for so many years


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