"The 'Flora Capensis' compiled by Jakob and Johann Philipp Breyne and bound in 1724 and here published for the first time, is a collection of water-colour paintings of some flowers of the Cape of Good Hope, rather than a botanical treatise. No...
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt / Zentrale
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"The 'Flora Capensis' compiled by Jakob and Johann Philipp Breyne and bound in 1724 and here published for the first time, is a collection of water-colour paintings of some flowers of the Cape of Good Hope, rather than a botanical treatise. No earlier manuscript with the same title is known to us." (Introduction, p. 11)
"This printing is limited to one thousand copies made up as follows: 25 copies bound in full leather numbered A to Y; 125 copies bound in half leather numbered 1 to 125; 850 copies bound in cloth." (p. [4])