Clusters of Excellence

EXC 2020 Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective

Beginning of funding
End of funding

The Cluster of Excellence Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective aims to create a new theoretical and methodological take on literature in a global perspective that moves beyond the categories of nation and period and conceives of literature instead as a transcultural and transtemporal phenomenon in deep time. Based on the insight that literature is a fundamentally performative and intermedial phenomenon, a form of social action taking place in complex networks of human and non-human actors, the Cluster will study how literature becomes global through its temporal entanglements. Introducing the notion of 'temporal communities', the Cluster will investigate the ways in which literature reaches out through space and time and establishes extensive transtemporal networks in which the notion of literature itself is constantly re-constituted as it interacts with other arts and media.

  • Research Area 1, "Competing Communities", will investigate how a perceived literary globality is actually an effect of competing communities. RA 1 will question the totalising implications of previous notions of the 'global' and supplant them with a concept of ever-shifting relations of transtemporal competitive entanglement. It will be especially interested in the criteria for what constitutes a community – what does it take to speak of a community? How small, how large can they be? Can they intersect? Can an actor belong to different communities at the same time? How do communities voice their claims to globality?
  • Research Area 2, "Travelling Matters", will examine the roles mediality and materiality play in shaping literary communities over time. It will explore the mediality and materiality of literature’s transmission, circulation and adaptation, including questions of medial translation and transposition, and examine the role that new technologies play in forging new literary practices. How do media, genres and materialities intersect in shaping literature through the ages? How do literature and its status change as literature encounters and engages with other art forms? How do older practices live on in new media?
  • Research Area 3, "Future Perfect", will explore literature’s ability to construct complex temporalities of its own, shaping temporal communities potentially over long expanses of time. RA 3 will focus on literature’s involvement in imagining as well as participating in diverse, often multiple temporalities. It will study how literary texts imagine their own reception in the future and forge temporal communities for themselves. How do cultural practices such as philology construct temporalities, e.g. by establishing chronologies or freezing textual objects in zones of radical synchronicity? How is literary history constituted through teleological narratives?
  • Research Area 4, "Literary Currencies", addresses the question of how literature is subjected to processes of valuation and re-evaluation as it circulates between cultures, languages, media and markets. RA 4 will focus on canon formation, notions of authorship, the circulation of texts and literary concepts and the economic dimensions of this circulation. An important focus will be on the rise and fall of literary currencies, on the fluctuating prestige enjoyed by literary texts and genres. How do changing notions of literary value shape literature’s temporal communities?
  • Research Area 5, "Building Digital Communities", will contribute to advancing both the critical reflection on and the practical application of visual modelling in the Digital Humanities by taking EXC TC’s notion of temporal communities as a starting point for exploring the translatability of the Cluster’s innovative approach to literary history into a visual digital format. RA 5 will also develop an open access Living Handbook of Temporal Communities that will serve as a point of reference for the Cluster’s research methodology and terminology and provide a platform for the EXC TC community that will emerge both locally and globally.
Source of description: Information from the provider, edited

Fields of research

Digital Humanities, Literary theory, Reader-response criticism, Media studies, World Literature, Literature and other forms of art, Intermediality, Literary genre, Aesthetics
Zeitlichkeit, Gemeinschaft, Community, Materialität, Medialität, Interkulturalität, Kanonisierung


Social media, communication



EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities"


Calls for papers

Temporal Communities in der vormodernen Kleinepik; (Post-)Soviet Cosmopolis: The Soviet Project of World Literature and its Legacies; Der Wert der literarischen Zirkulation; The Red Globe: Writing the World in Eastern European Travel Literature of the Cold War, ZfL Berlin; Performanzen digitaler Autor:innenschaft. Praktiken und Politiken; Latin America and East Central Europe: Comparisons, Bridges, Entanglements


Reading Group »Engagement« / FSGS-Summer School »The Politics of Literature – Literature and Politics«; „Translating In-justice”. Workshop mit Emily Apter (NYU); Save the Date: Grand Opening Cluster of Excellence "Temporal Communities"; Philologie und Zeit; Der Wert der Zirkulation; Wir schauen auf diese Stadt! Literarische Begegnungen mit Berlin um 1989; Imagining the Black Diaspora: On the Circulation and Competition of Literary Picture-Making across the Americas; Stil und Rhetorik. Ein prekäres Paar und seine Geschichten; RESCHEDULED: Stil und Rhetorik: Ein prekäres Paar und seine Geschichten; Die Materialität von Schriftlichkeit – Bibliothek und Forschung im Dialog, Berlin (ab 20.10.2020); Ringvorlesung "Berliner Weltliteraturen. Internationale literarische Beziehungen in Ost und West nach dem Mauerbau"; Worlds of Literature - Competing Notions of the Global; Kollektive Autorschaft: digital/analog; Inherit the World: Strategies of ‘translatio’ in the Soviet Literary Cosmopolis; Berlin, Blicke. Fallbeispiele internationaler literarischer Austauschbeziehungen in der geteilten Stadt | 1970er/80er Jahre ; Worlds of Literature - Competing Notions of the Global, Annual Conference EXC 2020 Temporal Communities; Doing Things with Code. Electronic Literature and Critical Making; Vom Begriff über das Phänomen zur Analyse – zur Operationalisierung in den Computational Literary Studies; Framing Narratives. New Perspectives on Premodern Textual Production in Arabic, FU Berlin; Enter Literature. Formen der Literaturpräsentation in Theorie und Praxis; Echo. Echo. Indigenous Voices, Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin; Material/ität – Zwischenbilanz zur Konjunktur eines Begriffs, EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective”, FU Berlin; The Soviet Project of World Literature and its Legacies, Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin; Materialität von Schriftlichkeit: Kulturtechnik Lesen. Zur Materialität der Rezeption, Online; Archival Echoes: A transdisciplinary workshop in collaboration with the 90x collective, FU Berlin (hybrid); Naturalisation of the Foreign? Literary Translation from a Postcolonial Perspective (FU Berlin/Livestream); Schreiben und Übersetzen mit Akzent (FU Berlin); Nel dolce tempo de la prima etade: Petrarchismo e affetti fra Quattro e Cinquecento; Transtemporal Philologies: Philological Practices in a Cross Cultural Perspective; FSGS Jahrestagung 2022: No Masters! Anarchismus und Literatur; Juicy, Wiry, Wrinkled, Kinked: On Touching Language – Experimental Workshop with Sophie Seita; Final Issues. Endings in Modern Intellectual History

Vacancies, scholarships

6 Stellen als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen am EXC 2020 „Temporal Communities“ / Doktorand*innen an der Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien (TV-L FU E13, 50%, 3 Jahre); 5 Stellen als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen am EXC 2020 „Temporal Communities“ / Doktorand*innen an der Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien (TV-L FU E13, 50%, 3 Jahre); Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Doktorand (m/w/d) im EXC "Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective", FU Berlin; Call for Activities 2023: Aufruf zur Beteiligung am EXC "Temporal Communities" (FU Berlin); Wiss. Mitarbeiter/-in mit 1/2-Teilzeitbeschäftigung befristet auf 3 Jahre (Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien); 6 Stellen für Doktorand*innen (E13 TV-L FU, 50%), EXC 2020/Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule; 6 Stellen als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen am EXC 2020 „Temporal Communities“ / Doktorand*innen an der Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien (TV-L FU E13, 50%, 3 Jahre)


EXC 2020 Temporal Communities. Doing Literature in a Global Perspective: Listen, Read & Watch


Date of publication: 29.01.2019
Last edited: 31.07.2020