Fellowships, stipends, scholarships etc.

ECRs travel grants: "The Future of World War II France in Academia" workshop (Leicester)

Application deadline
Beginning of scholarship

Early Career Researchers and Academics*** in French Studies and related disciplines (including literary and cultural studies, film and memory studies, history and sociology)  are invited to apply for a travel grant to attend a workshop entitled ‘The Future of World War II France in Academia’ that will take at the University of Leicester on 7-8 June 2022. 

This workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary range of mid-career scholars from the UK, Ireland, France, Germany and the Netherlands, who will discuss current research trajectories, paradigms and challenges relating to the study of France, the Second World War and the Holocaust.

Confirmed speakers include Dr Ludivine Broch; Prof. Maxime Decout; Dr Lindsey Dodd; Dr Thomas Fontaine; Prof. Claire Gorrara; Dr Aurelia Kalisky; Dr Sébastien Ledoux; Dr Daniel Lee; Dr Annelies Schulte Nordholt; Prof. Claire Zalc; Dr Manu Braganca; Dr Fransiska Louwagie.

Two grants – covering travel, accommodation and subsistence – will be made available to ECRs based in the UK or in Ireland who are currently engaged in research pertaining to this or a closely related area of research, in any cognate discipline. Successful applicants will take a full part in the discussions and act as panel chairs and respondents.

How to apply? 

Application deadline: 28 February 2022 

Application process: please send a one-page CV and a 350-word Expression of Interest detailing 1) your research and 2) how you would benefit from attending the workshop, to the workshop organisers: Dr Fransiska Louwagie (FL47@le.ac.uk) and Dr Manu Bragança (manu.braganca@ucd.ie). 

Outcome : all applicants will be notified of the outcome by mid-March. 

***Expressions of Interest are open to applicants falling within the standard definition of AHRC ECR (ECA):  within eight years of the award of their PhD or equivalent professional training, or an individual who is within six years of their first academic appointment. These durations exclude any period of career break, e.g. for family care, health reasons or reasons related to COVID-19 such as homeschooling or increasing teaching load. The ‘first academic appointment’ is defined as the first paid contract of employment, either full-time or part-time, which lists research and/or teaching as the primary functions. The award of PhD is defined at the point of successful PhD viva (https://ahrc.ukri.org/skills/earlycareerresearchers/definitionofeligibility/).

The workshop is sponsored by:  MHRA, IMLR, UCML, SFS, SSFH, University of Leicester (School of Arts and Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies) and University College Dublin.

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

French literature, Literature of the 20th century
Zweiter Weltkrieg, Holocuast, Erinnerung




University of Leicester
Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide
University of Leicester
School of Arts


United Kingdom
Date of publication: 21.02.2022
Last edited: 21.02.2022