Non-university research organisations

Azerbaijan Comparative Literature Association (AzCLA)

The Azerbaijan Comparative Literature Association (AzCLA) aims to study the various aspects of world literature, literary criticism and culture, including history, philosophy, religion, sociology, and so on, exploring local and international theories in this direction, and implementing various projects related to literature and culture. The main purpose of the Association is to promote the literature and culture of Azerbaijan both abroad and beyond, to study the samples of world culture. The Association implements this goal by involving both local and diverse international structures and academics.
The Association is open to scholars in the humanities, literary critics, scholars in cultural studies and individuals who have a broad range of scientific interests. Likewise, academic institutions, chairs, societies can be a collective member of the AzCLA.

Source of description: Information from the provider, edited

Fields of research

Comparative Literature; Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft





Association internationale de littérature comparée (AILC) / International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA)
Date of publication: 12.12.2018
Last edited: 19.06.2019