Various (summer schools etc.)

Un-Doing Structures – in Theory and Praxis * Un-Doin Structures - in Theorie und Praxis

Registration deadline

Erstes Treffen der

UN-DOING STRUCTURES in Theorie und Praxis

der FG DeKolonial 

Politische Interventionen – intervenierende Theorien...

am 16. Mai 2023, 16.00-17.30h
via Zoom

„It is no more than a convenient starting point from which the real work, the hard work, might begin. As for that work, it is nothing less than the reintegration of all those people and cultures, once confined and reduced to peripheral status […]”
(Said, “The Politics of Knowledge”, [2001] 2012: 379.)


“This we hope, is one way, of protecting the stories from sinking into permanent invisibility. Someone will find them. Some will care” 
(Tayler, Presente!, 2020:4)

Was be.deuten ‚Strukturen‘? Was bedeutet es, wenn ‚wir‘ ‚Strukturen‘ benennen?

Wie können ‚Strukturen‘ vor dem Hintergrund welcher historischer Geschehen und Kontexte besprochen werden?

Von wem werden diese besprochen (– werden sie besprochen?)
Welche strukturellen Besprechungen werden (wo?) wahrgenommen (von wem?), welche nicht?

Auf welche Weisen können langfristige Veränderungen von Strukturen

nachhaltiges, offenes, kritisches Denken und Handeln ermöglichen?

Wer und was wird in den Strukturen besprochen? (Wer und was nicht?)

Diesen Fragen nachgehend, wollen wir im ersten Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe erörtern, wie dem Vorhaben und dem Nachdenken über

Un-Doing Structures – in Theorie und Praxis

am besten Gestalt gegeben werden kann und wo wir (von dort aus, wo wir stehen) damit beginnen können.

Dazu gehört auch, dekoloniale Kämpfe und Theorien miteinander in Verknüpfung zu sehen, um sie in einen Dialog miteinander zu bringen, um
normalisierende und kategorisierende Diskussionen über dekoloniale Ansätze und akademische Monologe zu unterbrechen, in denen romantisierte "Enklaven des Kampfes" für und um akademische Forschungsblicke errichtet werden.

Eine Beschreibung der AG kann hier eingesehen werden
Zum Anmelden bitte hier Klicken

First Meeting of the WorkingGroup 

Un-Doing Structures – in Theory and Practice

as a further supplementary offering of the FG DeKolonial e.V.

Political interventions - intervening theories...

16 May 2023, 16-17.30h
via Zoom

„It is no more than a convenient starting point from which the real work, the hard work, might begin. As for that work, it is nothing less than the reintegration of all those people and cultures, once confined and reduced to peripheral status […]”
(Said, The Politics of Knowledge, [2001] 2012: 379.)


“This we hope, is one way, of protecting the stories from sinking into permanent invisibility. Someone will find them. Some will care”
(Tayler, Presente!, 2020:4)

What do 'structures' mean? What does it mean when 'we' name 'structures'?

How can 'structures' be discussed against the background of which historical events and contexts?

By whom are they discussed (- are they discussed?)?

Which structural discussions are heard (where?) (by whom?), which are not?

In which ways can long-term changes of structures enable

sustainable, open, critical thought and praxis?

Who and what is discussed in the structures? (Who and what is not?)

Along these questions, in the first meeting of the working group, we want to discuss how the scheme of and thinking about

Un-Doing Structures - in theory and practice

can best be given shape and where we can start (from where we stand).

This will also involve attention to the links in-between decolonial struggles and theories to bring them into dialogue with each other, and to interrupt normalizing and categorizing discussions of decolonial approaches and academized monologues of speaking about romanticized ‘enclaves of struggle’ for and around academic ‘study and reasearch’.

Please find a description of the WG here
Please register for the event here
Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Postcolonial studies, Narratology, Interdisciplinarity, Literature and cultural studies, Literature and philosophy
Postcolonial, Decolonial, Anticolonial Approaches




FG DeKolonial


Submitted by: Diana Mariam Popal
Date of publication: 18.04.2023
Last edited: 18.04.2023