Conferences, Congresses

Re-Imagining Home and Belonging

Registration deadline

School of Advanced Study • University of London

Thursday, 4 and Friday, 5 June 2020

At the University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

>>> Booking opens 1 March 2020

From 'Where are you from?' to 'Where shall we go together?'
Re-imagining Home and Belonging in 21st-Century Women's Writing


Thursday, 4 June 2020
10.00-10.15 Welcome
10.15-11.45 Panel One: Displacement and Home
Dominique Carlini Versini (Durham University): Impossible Homes in Nathacha Appanah’s Tropiques de la violence [Tropics of violence]; Karolin Machtans (Connecticut College): ‘Each time we uprooted we had the option of crafting ourselves anew’: Reimagining Home and Belonging in Dina Nayeri’s The Ungrateful Refugee (2019) and Shida Bazyar’s Nachts ist es leise in Teheran [Nights are quiet in Teheran] (2016); Gladys A. Zanafy (University of Antananarivo): Building Homes and Patching Up Identities to Belong: Reading Women Protagonists’ Life Choices in the Short Stories of Adichie and Lahiri
11.45-12.15 Coffee
12.15-13.15 Curatorial Introduction to Conference Exhibition, including film screening
Ricarda Vidal (King’s College London) and Manuela Perteghella (Open University): Home on the Move – Poetry, Migration, Translation
13.15-14.15 Lunch (in Senate House)
14.15-15.45 Panel Two: Trauma, Loss, Nostalgia
Chekwube A. Anyaegbunam (Goethe University Frankfurt): Home and Belonging in Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor’s The Dragonfly Sea; Katie Brown (University of Exeter): Home as Limbo in Venezuela: A Study of the Play Ni que nos vayamos nospodemos ir; Zhila Gholami (Griffith University): Intergenerational Transmission of Traumas of Statelessness and Not Belonging in Lale Khadivi’s Trilogy
15.45-16.15 Tea
16.15-17.45 Panel Three: Longing for a Different Home
Rebecca Braun (Lancaster University): Really Existing Utopias: Trends in 21st-Century German-Language Writing by Women; Claudia Gremler (Aston University): Visions of Scandinavia as an ‘alternative Heimat’ [alternative home] in 21st-Century German-Language Women’s Writing; Ulrike Zitzlsperger (University of Exeter): Down and Out in Berlin
17.45-18.30 Wine Reception
18.30-20.00 Reading and Discussion with
Author, Playwright and Curator Sasha Marianna Salzmann

Friday, 5 June 2020
9.30-11.00 Panel Four: Making Alternative Homes
Alexandra Ludewig (University of Western Australia): Home Making as Women’s Work. Three Contemporary Narratives from German-speaking Authors; Linda Shortt (University of Warwick): ‘The Opposite of Homelessness’: Homemaking and Wilful Dislocation in Esther Kinsky’s Am Fluß [By the River] (2015); Anissa Talahite-Moodley (Royal Holloway, University of London): Home and Belonging in the Literature by Algerian-Canadian Women Writers
11.00-11.30 Coffee
11.30-12.30 Keynote Lecture
Bilgin Ayata (University of Basle): Deheimatize Belonging: Resisting the Politics of Home and Homeland
12.30-14.00 Lunch (own arrangements)
14.00-15.00 Panel 5: Queering Home
Annette Bühler-Dietrich (University of Stuttgart): Beyond Home and Heterosexuality: Léonora Miano’s Crépuscule du tourment [Twilight of Torment]; Francesco Albé (University of Cambridge): Queering the ‘Home’: (Con)fusion of Identity Narratives in Sasha Marianna Salzmann’s Ausser Sich (2017)
15.00-15.30 Tea
15.30-16.30 Panel 6: Performing Home: Word, Sound, Image
Gisela Holfter (University of Limerick): Questions of Home and Belonging in Poetry and other Media; Tünde Varga (Hungarian University of Fine Arts): Cultural Imagination: From Representing the Indigenous Everyday to Art Practice
16.30 Discussion: Outcomes and Future Research Directions
17.00 Conference Ends

Conference Organisers: Maria Roca Lizarazu (University of Birmingham) and Godela Weiss-Sussex (Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London)

This event is organised under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing at the IMLR,  and is sponsored by
the University of London John Coffin Trust, the AHRC Open World Research Initiative (OWRI) and the Leverhulme Trust

Advance registration required • Fees below include refreshments as indicated on the programme
Both days: £35 (standard rate) | £30 (Friends of Germanic Studies/Friends of Italian at the IMLR) | £25 (students)
One day: £25 (standard rate) | £20 (Friends of Germanic Studies/Friends of Italian at the IMLR) | £15 (students)
Register by 22 May 2020 at
A limited number of bursaries are available for Early Career Researchers. Please email to apply.

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Gender Studies/Queer Studies, Literature and cultural studies, Themes, motifs, thematology, Literature of the 21st century
Home ; Heimat




University of London (UL)
Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR)


Calls for papers

From ‘Where are you from?’ to ‘Where shall we go together?’ Re-imagining Home and Belonging in 21st-Century Women’s Writing
Date of publication: 02.03.2020
Last edited: 02.03.2020